Displaying 1-10 of 17 results found.
a(n) = 2^n*tetranacci(n) or (2^n)* A001648(n).
2, 12, 56, 240, 832, 3264, 12672, 48896, 187904, 724992, 2795520, 10776576, 41541632, 160153600, 617414656, 2380201984, 9175957504, 35374497792, 136373075968, 525735034880, 2026773676032, 7813464064000, 30121872326656, 116123550875648, 447670682386432
a(n) = Trace of matrix [({2,2,2,2},{2,0,0,0},{0,2,0,0},{0,0,2,0})^n].
a(n) = 2^n * Trace of matrix [({1,1,1,1},{1,0,0,0},{0,1,0,0},{0,0,1,0})^n].
a(n) = 2*a(n-1) + 4*a(n-2) + 8*a(n-3) + 16*a(n-4).
G.f.: -2*x*(32*x^3+12*x^2+4*x+1) / (16*x^4+8*x^3+4*x^2+2*x-1). (End)
Table[Tr[MatrixPower[2*{{1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}}, x]], {x, 1, 20}]
LinearRecurrence[{2, 4, 8, 16}, {2, 12, 56, 240}, 50] (* G. C. Greubel, Dec 19 2017 *)
(PARI) x='x+O('x^30); Vec(-2*x*(32*x^3+12*x^2+4*x+1)/(16*x^4 +8*x^3 +4*x^2 +2*x -1)) \\ G. C. Greubel, Dec 19 2017
(Magma) I:=[2, 12, 56, 240]; [n le 4 select I[n] else 2*Self(n-1) + 4*Self(n-2) + 8*Self(n-3) + 16*Self(n-4): n in [1..30]]; // G. C. Greubel, Dec 19 2017
a(n) = 3^n*tetranacci(n) or (2^n)* A001648(n).
3, 27, 189, 1215, 6318, 37179, 216513, 1253151, 7223661, 41806692, 241805655, 1398221271, 8084811933, 46753521975, 270362105694, 1563413859999, 9040715391141, 52279683047127, 302316992442837, 1748203962973380, 10109314209860523, 58458991419115875
a(n) = Trace of matrix [({3,3,3,3},{3,0,0,0},{0,3,0,0},{0,0,3,0})^n].
a(n) = 3^n * Trace of matrix [({1,1,1,1},{1,0,0,0},{0,1,0,0},{0,0,1,0})^n].
a(n) = 3*a(n-1) + 9*a(n-2) + 27*a(n-3) + 81*a(n-4).
G.f.: -3*x*(108*x^3+27*x^2+6*x+1)/(81*x^4+27*x^3+9*x^2+3*x-1). (End)
Table[Tr[MatrixPower[3*{{1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}}, x]], {x, 1, 20}]
LinearRecurrence[{3, 9, 27, 81}, {3, 27, 189, 1215}, 50] (* G. C. Greubel, Dec 19 2017 *)
(PARI) x='x+O('x^30); Vec(-3*x*(108*x^3 +27*x^2 +6*x +1)/(81*x^4 +27*x^3 +9*x^2 +3*x -1)) \\ G. C. Greubel, Dec 19 2017
(Magma) I:=[3, 27, 189, 1215]; [n le 4 select I[n] else 3*Self(n-1) + 9*Self(n-2) + 27*Self(n-3) + 81*Self(n-4): n in [1..30]]; // G. C. Greubel, Dec 19 2017
a(n) = a(n-1) + a(n-2) + a(n-3), a(0)=3, a(1)=1, a(2)=3.
(Formerly M2625 N1040)
3, 1, 3, 7, 11, 21, 39, 71, 131, 241, 443, 815, 1499, 2757, 5071, 9327, 17155, 31553, 58035, 106743, 196331, 361109, 664183, 1221623, 2246915, 4132721, 7601259, 13980895, 25714875, 47297029, 86992799, 160004703, 294294531, 541292033, 995591267, 1831177831
For n >= 3, a(n) is the number of cyclic sequences consisting of n zeros and ones that do not contain three consecutive ones provided the positions of the zeros and ones are fixed on a circle. This is proved in Charalambides (1991) and Zhang and Hadjicostas (2015). For example, a(3)=7 because only the sequences 110, 101, 011, 001, 010, 100 and 000 avoid three consecutive ones. (For n=1,2 the statement is still true provided we allow the sequence to wrap around itself on a circle.) - Petros Hadjicostas, Dec 16 2016
For n >= 3, also the number of dominating sets on the n-cycle graph C_n. - Eric W. Weisstein, Mar 30 2017
For n >= 3, also the number of minimal dominating sets and maximal irredundant sets on the n-sun graph. - Eric W. Weisstein, Jul 28 and Aug 17 2017
For n >= 3, also the number of minimal edge covers in the n-web graph. - Eric W. Weisstein, Aug 03 2017
For n >= 1, also the number of ways to tile a bracelet of length n with squares, dominoes, and trominoes. - Ruijia Li and Greg Dresden, Sep 14 2019
If n is prime, then a(n)-1 is a multiple of n ; a counterexample for the converse is given by n = 182. - Robert FERREOL, Apr 03 2024
Miklos Bona, editor, Handbook of Enumerative Combinatorics, CRC Press, 2015, page 500.
G. Everest, A. van der Poorten, I. Shparlinski and T. Ward, Recurrence Sequences, Amer. Math. Soc., 2003; see esp. p. 255.
N. J. A. Sloane, A Handbook of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1973 (includes this sequence).
N. J. A. Sloane and Simon Plouffe, The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1995 (includes this sequence).
Curtis Cooper, Steven Miller, Peter J. C. Moses, Murat Sahin, and Thotsaporn Thanatipanonda, On Identities Of Ruggles, Horadam, Howard, and Young, Preprint, 2016.
Curtis Cooper, Steven Miller, Peter J. C. Moses, Murat Sahin, and Thotsaporn Thanatipanonda, On identities of Ruggles, Hradam, Howard, and Young, The Fibonacci Quarterly, 55.5 (2017), 42-65.
A. Ilic, S. Klavzar, and Y. Rho, Generalized Lucas Cubes, Appl. An. Disc. Math. 6 (2012) 82-94, proposition 11 for the sequence starting 1, 2, 4, 7, 11,...
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Sun Graph
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Web Graph
A. V. Zarelua, On Matrix Analogs of Fermat's Little Theorem, Mathematical Notes, vol. 79, no. 6, 2006, pp. 783-796. Translated from Matematicheskie Zametki, vol. 79, no. 6, 2006, pp. 840-855.
Binet's formula: a(n) = r1^n + r2^n + r3^n, where r1, r2, r3 are the roots of the characteristic polynomial 1 + x + x^2 - x^3, see A058265.
a(n) = n*Sum_{k=1..n} (Sum_{j=n-3*k..k} binomial(j, n-3*k+2*j)* binomial(k,j))/k), n > 0, a(0)=3. - Vladimir Kruchinin, Feb 24 2011
a(n) = a(n-1) + a(n-2) + a(n-3), a(0)=3, a(1)=1, a(2)=3. - Harvey P. Dale, Feb 01 2015
Sum_{k=0..n} k*a(k) = (n*a(n+3) - a(n+2) - (n+1)*a(n+1) + 4)/2. - Yichen Wang, Aug 30 2020
a(n) = Trace(M^n), where M = [0, 0, 1; 1, 0, 1; 0, 1, 1] is the companion matrix to the monic polynomial x^3 - x^2 - x - 1. It follows that the sequence satisfies the Gauss congruences: a(n*p^r) == a(n*p^(r-1)) (mod p^r) for positive integers n and r and all primes p. See Zarelua. - Peter Bala, Dec 29 2022
G.f. = 3 + x + 3*x^2 + 7*x^3 + 11*x^4 + 21*x^5 + 39*x^6 + 71*x^7 + 131*x^8 + ...
A001644:=-(1+2*z+3*z**2)/(z**3+z**2+z-1); # Simon Plouffe in his 1992 dissertation; gives sequence except for the initial 3
option remember;
if n <= 2 then
1+2*modp(n+1, 2)
end if;
end proc:
a[x_]:= a[x] = a[x-1] +a[x-2] +a[x-3]; a[0] = 3; a[1] = 1; a[2] = 3; Array[a, 40, 0]
a[n_]:= n*Sum[Sum[Binomial[j, n-3*k+2*j]*Binomial[k, j], {j, n-3*k, k}]/k, {k, n}]; a[0] = 3; Array[a, 40, 0] (* Robert G. Wilson v, Feb 24 2011 *)
Table[RootSum[-1 - # - #^2 + #^3 &, #^n &], {n, 0, 40}] (* Eric W. Weisstein, Mar 30 2017 *)
(PARI) {a(n) = if( n<0, polsym(1 - x - x^2 - x^3, -n)[-n+1], polsym(1 + x + x^2 - x^3, n)[n+1])}; /* Michael Somos, Nov 02 2002 */
(PARI) my(x='x+O('x^40)); Vec((3-2*x-x^2)/(1-x-x^2-x^3)) \\ Altug Alkan, Apr 19 2018
a001644 n = a001644_list !! n
a001644_list = 3 : 1 : 3 : zipWith3 (((+) .) . (+))
a001644_list (tail a001644_list) (drop 2 a001644_list)
(Magma) I:=[3, 1, 3]; [n le 3 select I[n] else Self(n-1)+Self(n-2)+ Self(n-3): n in [1..40]]; // Vincenzo Librandi, Aug 04 2017
(GAP) a:=[3, 1, 3];; for n in [4..40] do a[n]:=a[n-1]+a[n-2]+a[n-3]; od; a; # Muniru A Asiru, Dec 18 2018
(SageMath) ((3-2*x-x^2)/(1-x-x^2-x^3)).series(x, 40).coefficients(x, sparse=False) # G. C. Greubel, Mar 22 2019
Edited by Mario Catalani (mario.catalani(AT)unito.it), Jul 17 2002
Deleted certain dangerous or potentially dangerous links. - N. J. A. Sloane, Jan 30 2021
Tetranacci numbers with different initial conditions: a(n) = a(n-1) + a(n-2) + a(n-3) + a(n-4) starting with a(0)=4, a(1)=1, a(2)=3, a(3)=7.
4, 1, 3, 7, 15, 26, 51, 99, 191, 367, 708, 1365, 2631, 5071, 9775, 18842, 36319, 70007, 134943, 260111, 501380, 966441, 1862875, 3590807, 6921503, 13341626, 25716811, 49570747, 95550687, 184179871, 355018116, 684319421, 1319068095, 2542585503
These tetranacci numbers follow the same pattern as Lucas and generalized tribonacci( A001644) numbers: Binet's formula is a(n) = r1^n + r2^n + r3^n + r4^n, with r1, r2, r3, r4 roots of the characteristic polynomial.
For n >= 4, a(n) is the number of cyclic sequences consisting of n zeros and ones that do not contain four consecutive ones provided the positions of the zeros and ones are fixed on a circle. This is proved in Charalambides (1991) and Zhang and Hadjicostas (2015). For example, a(4)=15 because only the sequences 1110, 1101, 1011, 0111, 0011, 0101, 1001, 1010, 0110, 1100, 0001, 0010, 0100, 1000, 0000 avoid four consecutive ones on a circle. (For n=1,2,3 the statement is still true provided we allow the sequence to wrap around itself on a circle. For example, a(2)=3 because only the sequences 00, 01, 10 avoid four consecutive ones when wrapped around on a circle.) - Petros Hadjicostas, Dec 18 2016
A. V. Zarelua, On Matrix Analogs of Fermat's Little Theorem, Mathematical Notes, vol. 79, no. 6, 2006, pp. 783-796. Translated from Matematicheskie Zametki, vol. 79, no. 6, 2006, pp. 840-855.
G.f.: (4 - 3*x - 2*x^2 - x^3)/(1 - x - x^2 - x^3 - x^4).
a(n) = 2*a(n-1) - a(n-5), with a(0)=4, a(1)=1, a(2)=3, a(3)=7, a(4)=15. - Vincenzo Librandi, Dec 20 2010
a(n) = Trace(M^n), where M is the 4 X 4 matrix [0, 0, 0, 1; 1, 0, 0, 1; 0, 1, 0, 1; 0, 0, 1, 1], the companion matrix to the monic polynomial x^4 - x^3 - x^2 - x - 1. It follows that the sequence satisfies the Gauss congruences: a(n*p^r) == a(n*p^(r-1)) (mod p^r) for positive integers n and r and all primes p. See Zarelua. - Peter Bala, Dec 31 2022
a[0]=4; a[1]=1; a[2]=3; a[3]=7; a[4]=15; a[n_]:= 2*a[n-1] -a[n-5]; Array[a, 34, 0]
CoefficientList[Series[(4-3x-2x^2-x^3)/(1-x-x^2-x^3-x^4), {x, 0, 40}], x]
LinearRecurrence[{1, 1, 1, 1}, {4, 1, 3, 7}, 40] (* Harvey P. Dale, Jun 01 2015 *)
(PARI) Vec((4-3*x-2*x^2-x^3)/(1-x-x^2-x^3-x^4) + O(x^40)) \\ Michel Marcus, Jan 29 2016
(Magma) I:=[4, 1, 3, 7]; [n le 4 select I[n] else Self(n-1) +Self(n-2) +Self(n-3) +Self(n-4): n in [1..40]]; // G. C. Greubel, Feb 19 2019
(Sage) ((4-3*x-2*x^2-x^3)/(1-x-x^2-x^3-x^4)).series(x, 40).coefficients(x, sparse=False) # G. C. Greubel, Feb 19 2019
(GAP) a:=[4, 1, 3, 7];; for n in [5..40] do a[n]:=a[n-1]+a[n-2]+a[n-3] +a[n-4]; od; a; # G. C. Greubel, Feb 19 2019
Mario Catalani (mario.catalani(AT)unito.it), Aug 12 2002
A Fielder sequence: a(n) = a(n-1) + a(n-3) + a(n-4), n >= 4.
(Formerly M3351 N1348)
4, 1, 1, 4, 9, 11, 16, 29, 49, 76, 121, 199, 324, 521, 841, 1364, 2209, 3571, 5776, 9349, 15129, 24476, 39601, 64079, 103684, 167761, 271441, 439204, 710649, 1149851, 1860496, 3010349, 4870849, 7881196, 12752041, 20633239, 33385284, 54018521, 87403801
For n > 1, a(n) is the number of ways of choosing a subset of vertices of an n-cycle so that every vertex of the n-cycle is adjacent to one of the chosen vertices. (Note that this is not the same as the number of dominating sets of the n-cycle, which is given by A001644.) - Joel B. Lewis, Sep 12 2010
For n >= 3, a(n) is also the number of total dominating sets in the n-cycle graph. - Eric W. Weisstein, Apr 10 2018
For n > 0, a(n) is the number of ways to tile a strip of length n with squares, trominos, and quadrominos where the inital tile (of length 1, 3, or 4) can take on 1, 3, or 4 colors respectively. - Greg Dresden and Yuan Shen, Aug 10 2024
N. J. A. Sloane, A Handbook of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1973 (includes this sequence).
N. J. A. Sloane and Simon Plouffe, The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1995 (includes this sequence).
G.f.: (1-x)*(4+x+x^2)/((1+x^2)*(1-x-x^2)).
a(n) = L(n) + i^n + (-i)^n, a(2n) = L(n)^2, a(2n+1) = L(2n+1) where L() is Lucas sequence A000032.
a(n) = Trace(M^n), where M = [0, 0, 0, 1; 1, 0, 0, 1; 0, 1, 0, 0; 0, 0, 1, 1] is the companion matrix to the monic polynomial x^4 - x^3 - x - 1. . It follows that the sequence satisfies the Gauss congruences: a(n*p^r) == a(n*p^(r-1)) (mod p^r) for positive integers n and r and all primes p. See Zarelua. - Peter Bala, Jan 08 2023
A001638:=-(z+1)*(4*z**2-z+1)/(z**2+z-1)/(z**2+1); # conjectured by Simon Plouffe in his 1992 dissertation; gives sequence except for the initial 4
LinearRecurrence[{1, 0, 1, 1}, {4, 1, 1, 4}, 50] (* T. D. Noe, Aug 09 2012 *)
CoefficientList[Series[(-4 + 3 x + x^3)/(-1 + x + x^3 + x^4), {x, 0, 20}], x] (* Eric W. Weisstein, Apr 10 2018 *)
(PARI) a(n)=if(n<0, 0, fibonacci(n+1)+fibonacci(n-1)+simplify(I^n+(-I)^n))
(PARI) a(n)=if(n<0, 0, polsym((1+x-x^2)*(1+x^2), n)[n+1])
(Magma) I:=[4, 1, 1, 4]; [n le 4 select I[n] else Self(n-1) + Self(n-3) + Self(n-4): n in [1..30]]; // G. C. Greubel, Jan 09 2018
Array L(k,n) read by antidiagonals: k-step Lucas numbers.
1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 4, 1, 1, 3, 7, 7, 1, 1, 3, 7, 11, 11, 1, 1, 3, 7, 15, 21, 18, 1, 1, 3, 7, 15, 26, 39, 29, 1, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 51, 71, 47, 1, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 57, 99, 131, 76, 1, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 113, 191, 241, 123, 1
L(k,n) = L(k,n-1) + L(k,n-2) + ... + L(k,n-k); L(k,n) = -1 for n < 0, and L(k,0) = k.
G.f. for row k: x*(dB(k,x)/dx)/(1-B(k,x)), where B(k,x) = x + x^2 + ... + x^k. - Petros Hadjicostas, Jan 24 2019
Table begins:
1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 | 1 3 4 7 11 18 29 47 76 123
3 | 1 3 7 11 21 39 71 131 241 443
4 | 1 3 7 15 26 51 99 191 367 708
5 | 1 3 7 15 31 57 113 223 439 863
6 | 1 3 7 15 31 63 120 239 475 943
7 | 1 3 7 15 31 63 127 247 493 983
8 | 1 3 7 15 31 63 127 255 502 1003
9 | 1 3 7 15 31 63 127 255 511 1013
def L(k, n):
if n < 0:
return -1
a = [-1]*(k-1) + [k] # [-1, -1, ..., -1, k]
for i in range(1, n+1):
a[:] = a[1:] + [sum(a)]
return a[-1]
[L(k, n) for d in (1..12) for k, n in zip((d..1, step=-1), (1..d))] # Freddy Barrera, Jan 10 2019
n-step Lucas number analog of A092921 Array F(k, n) read by antidiagonals: k-generalized Fibonacci numbers (and see related A048887, A048888). L(1, n) = "1-step Lucas numbers" = A000012. L(2, n) = 2-step Lucas numbers = A000204. L(3, n) = 3-step Lucas numbers = A001644. L(4, n) = 4-step Lucas numbers = A001648 Tetranacci numbers A073817 without the leading term 4. L(5, n) = 5-step Lucas numbers = A074048 Pentanacci numbers with initial conditions a(0)=5, a(1)=1, a(2)=3, a(3)=7, a(4)=15. L(6, n) = 6-step Lucas numbers = A074584 Esanacci ("6-anacci") numbers. L(7, n) = 7-step Lucas numbers = A104621 Heptanacci-Lucas numbers. L(8, n) = 8-step Lucas numbers = A105754. L(9, n) = 9-step Lucas numbers = A105755. See A000295, A125129 for comments on partial sums of diagonals.
Cf. A000012, A000032, A000204, A001644, A001648, A048887, A048888, A074048, A074584, A092921, A104621, A105754, A105755, A125129.
4-step Fibonacci sequence starting with 1,0,1,0.
1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 3, 6, 11, 22, 42, 81, 156, 301, 580, 1118, 2155, 4154, 8007, 15434, 29750, 57345, 110536, 213065, 410696, 791642, 1525939, 2941342, 5669619, 10928542, 21065442, 40604945, 78268548, 150867477, 290806412, 560547382, 1080489819
a(n+4) = a(n)+a(n+1)+a(n+2)+a(n+3).
(J) NB. see A251655 for the program and apply it to 1, 0, 1, 0.
Other 4-step Fibonacci sequences are A000078, A000288, A001630, A001631, A001648, A073817, A100532, A251654, A251655, A251703, A251704, A251705.
4-step Fibonacci sequence starting with 1,1,0,0.
1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 38, 73, 141, 272, 524, 1010, 1947, 3753, 7234, 13944, 26878, 51809, 99865, 192496, 371048, 715218, 1378627, 2657389, 5122282, 9873516, 19031814, 36685001, 70712613, 136302944, 262732372, 506432930, 976180859
a(n+4) = a(n) + a(n+1) + a(n+2) + a(n+3).
(J) NB. see A251655 for the program and apply it to 1, 1, 0, 0.
Other 4-step Fibonacci sequences are A000078, A000288, A001630, A001631, A001648, A073817, A100532, A251654, A251655, A251656, A251704, A251705.
4-step Fibonacci sequence starting with 0, 1, 1, 0.
0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 4, 7, 13, 26, 50, 96, 185, 357, 688, 1326, 2556, 4927, 9497, 18306, 35286, 68016, 131105, 252713, 487120, 938954, 1809892, 3488679, 6724645, 12962170, 24985386, 48160880, 92833081, 178941517, 344920864, 664856342, 1281551804
a(n+4) = a(n) + a(n+1) + a(n+2) + a(n+3).
(J) NB. see A251655 for the program and apply it to 0, 1, 1, 0.
Other 4-step Fibonacci sequences are A000078, A000288, A001630, A001631, A001648, A073817, A100532, A251655, A251656, A251672, A251703, A251704, A251705.
4-step Fibonacci sequence starting with 0, 1, 1, 1.
0, 1, 1, 1, 3, 6, 11, 21, 41, 79, 152, 293, 565, 1089, 2099, 4046, 7799, 15033, 28977, 55855, 107664, 207529, 400025, 771073, 1486291, 2864918, 5522307, 10644589, 20518105, 39549919, 76234920, 146947533, 283250477, 545982849, 1052415779, 2028596638
a(n+4) = a(n) + a(n+1) + a(n+2) + a(n+3).
(J) (see www.jsoftware.com) First construct the generating matrix
[M=: (#.@}: + {:)\"1&.|: <:/~i.4
1 1 1 1
1 2 2 2
2 3 4 4
4 6 7 8
Given that matrix, one can produce the first 4*250 numbers with
, M(+/ . *)^:(i.250) 0 1 1 1x
Other 4-step Fibonacci sequences are A000078, A000288, A001630, A001631, A001648, A073817, A100532, A251654, A251656, A251672, A251703, A251704, A251705.
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