Except for Apart from missing 2, this sequence also gives all numbers k such that the binary expansion of A156552(k) is a prefix of that of A156552(sigma(k)), that is, for k > 1, numbers k for which sigma(k) is a descendant of k in A005940-tree. This follows because of the two transitions x -> A005843(x) (doubling) and x -> A003961(x) (prime shift) used to generate descendants in A005940-tree, using A003961 at any step of the process will ruin the chances of encountering sigma(k) anywhere further down that subtree.
From Antti Karttunen, Sep 11 2021: (Start)
Above proof more formally: For any n > 2, A003961(n) > sigma(n), and any child x under A003961(n) [the left child of n] certainly is also greater than sigma(n), because sigma(A003961(n)) > sigma(n), and sigma(2^k * n) > sigma(n). Also sigma(A003961(2^k * n)) = 3^k * sigma(A003961(n)) > sigma(n). Thus the only way sigma(n) could be a descendant of n in the Doudna tree is for sigma(n) to be located in the rightmost branch under n, where all the terms are obtained by doubling their parent.
Any odd perfect number x (if such numbers exist) should be included in this sequence, and 2*x should be a term of A347392.
From Antti Karttunen, Sep 11 2021: (Start)
Any odd perfect number Above proof more formally: For any n > 2, A003961(n) > sigma(n), and any child x under A003961(n) [the left child of n] certainly is also greater than sigma(n), because sigma(A003961(n)) > sigma(if such numbers existn) should be included in this sequence, , and sigma(2^k * n) > sigma(n). Also sigma(A003961(2^k * n)) = 3^k *x should sigma(A003961(n)) > sigma(n). Thus the only way sigma(n) could be a term descendant of A347392n in the Doudna tree is for sigma(n) to be located in the rightmost branch under n, where all the terms are obtained by doubling their parent. - _Antti Karttunen_, Sep 04 2021
Any odd perfect number x (if such numbers exist) should be included in this sequence, and 2*x should be a term of A347392.