\\ (For a more intelligent way to generate the terms, check Altug Alkan's PARI-code for A273324).
For a(0) = 0, and for n >= 1, a(n) = A273324(n)^2 - 1.
For n >= 1, a(n) = (A273324(n)^2 - 1.
In the terms of tree defined by edge relation A255131(child) = parent, ("the least squares beanstalk"), these numbers are nodes with four children (maximum possible), which also implies that they must be all included in the infinite trunk of that tree, A276573.
Indexing starts from zero, because a(0)=0 is a special case in this sequence, as it is only number which is its own child in the least squares beanstalk tree.
The definition implies that after 0 these are also all numbers n such that (A002828(1+n) = 1), (A002828(2+n) = 2), (A002828(3+n) = 3) and (A002828(4+n) = 4).
In the terms of tree defined by edge relation A255131(child) = parent, ("the least squares beanstalk"), these numbers are the nodes with four children (maximum possible).
Either of the above facts implies that this is a subsequence of A276573.
Indexing starts from zero, because a(0)=0 is a special case in this sequence, as it is only number which is its own child in the least squares beanstalk tree.
Antti Karttunen, <a href="/A278491/b278491.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..10000</a>