For n >= 2, a(n) = the n-th positive integer such that a(n) (base n) has a block of exactly n consecutive zeros.
Comments from Alexander Adamchuk, Nov 12 2006 (Start)
(2n+1)^2 divides a(2n). a(2n)/(2n+1)^2 = {1,1,41,5713,1657009,826446281,633095889817,691413758034721,...} = A081215(2n).
p divides a(p-1) for prime p. a(p-1)/p = {1,3,205,39991,9090909091,8230246567621,...} = A081209(p-1) = A076951(p-1).
p^2 divides a(p-1) for an odd prime p. a(p-1)/p^2 = {1,41,5713,826446281,633095889817,1021273028302258913,1961870762757168078553, 14199269001914612973017444081,...} = A081215(p-1).
Prime p divides a((p-3)/2) for p = {13,17,19,23,37,41,43,47,61,67,71,89, 109,113,137,139,157,163,167,181,191,...}.
Prime p divides a((p-5)/4) for p = {29,41,61,89,229,241,281,349,421,509,601,641,661,701,709,769,809,821,881,...} = A107218(n) Primes of the form 4x^2+25y^2.
Prime p divides a((p-7)/6) for p = {79,109,127,151,313,421,541,601,613,751,757,787,...}.
Prime p divides a((p-9)/8) for p = {41,337,401,521,569,577,601,857,929,937,953,977,...} A subset of A007519(n) Primes of form 8n+1.
Prime p divides a((p-11)/10) for p = {41,181,331,601,761,1021,1151,1231,1801,...}.
Prime p divides a((p-13)/12) for p = {313,337,433,1621,1873,1993,2161,2677,2833,...}. (End)
G. C. Greubel, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..385
a(n) = A007778(n) + 1.
a(n) = A110567(n) for n > 1. - Georg Fischer, Oct 20 2018
Examples illustrating the Comment:
a(2) = 9 because the first positive integer (base 2) with a block of 2 consecutive zeros is 100 (base 2) = 4, and the 2nd is 1001 (base 2) = 9 = 1 + 2^3.
a(3) = 82 because the first positive integer (base 3) with a block of 3 consecutive zeros is 1000 (base 3) = 81, the 2nd is 2000 (base 3) = 54 and the 3rd is 10001 (base 3) = 82 = 1 + 3^4.
a(4) = 1025 because the first positive integer (base 4) with a block of 4 consecutive zeros is 10000 (base 4) = 256, the 2nd is 20000 (base 4) = 512, the 3rd is 30000 (base 4) = 768 and the 4th 100001 (base 4) = 1025 = 1 + 4^5. and the 2nd is 1001 (base 2) = 9 = 1 + 2^3.
Table[n^(n+1)+1, {n, 0, 30}] (* Harvey P. Dale, Oct 30 2015 *)
(PARI) for(n=0, 25, print1(1 + n^(n+1), ", ")) \\ G. C. Greubel, Aug 31 2017
(Magma) [n^(n+1) + 1: n in [0..25]]; // G. C. Greubel, Oct 16 2017
Jonathan Vos Post, Sep 12 2005
Entry revised by N. J. A. Sloane, Oct 20 2018 at the suggestion of Georg Fischer.