Number of primes whose binary order (A029837) is n+1, i.e., those with ceiling(log_2(p)) = n+1. [corrected by Jon E. Schoenfield, May 13 2018]
First differences of A007053. This sequence illustrates how far the Bertrand postulate is oversatisfied.
This sequence appears complete such that any nonnegative number can be written as a sum of distinct terms of this sequence. The sequence has been checked for completeness up to the gap between 2^46 and 2^47. Assuming that after 2^46 the formula x/log(x) is a good approximation to primepi(x), it can be proved that 2*a(n) > a(n+1) for all n >= 46, which is a sufficient condition for completeness. [Frank M Jackson, Feb 02 2012]
Ray Chandler, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..91 (using data from A007053; n = 0..74 by T. D. Noe, n = 75..85 by Gord Palameta, n = 86..89 by David Baugh)
Paul D. Beale, A new class of scalable parallel pseudorandom number generators based on Pohlig-Hellman exponentiation ciphers, arXiv:1411.2484 [physics.comp-ph], 2014-2015.
Paul D. Beale and Jetanat Datephanyawat, Class of scalable parallel and vectorizable pseudorandom number generators based on non-cryptographic RSA exponentiation ciphers, arXiv:1811.11629 [cs.CR], 2018.
Seung-Hoon Lee, Mario Gerla, Hugo Krawczyk, Kang-Won Lee, and Elizabeth A. Quaglia, Performance Evaluation of Secure Network Coding using Homomorphic Signature, 2011 International Symposium on Networking Coding.
a(n) = primepi(2^(n+1)) - primepi(2^n).
a(n) = A095005(n)+A095006(n) = A095007(n) + A095008(n) = A095013(n) + A095014(n) = A095015(n) + A095016(n) (for n > 1) = A095021(n) + A095022(n) + A095023(n) + A095024(n) = A095019(n) + A095054(n) = A095020(n) + A095055(n) = A095060(n) + A095061(n) = A095063(n) + A095064(n) = A095094(n) + A095095(n).
The 7 primes for which A029837(p)=6 are 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61.
t = Table[PrimePi[2^n], {n, 0, 20}]; Rest@t - Most@t (* Robert G. Wilson v, Mar 20 2006 *)
(PARI) a(n) = primepi(1<<(n+1))-primepi(1<<n)
(Magma) [1, 1] cat [#PrimesInInterval(2^n, 2^(n+1)): n in [2..29]]; // Vincenzo Librandi, Nov 18 2014
More terms from Labos Elemer, May 13 2004
Entries checked by Robert G. Wilson v, Mar 20 2006