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User:Olivier Gérard

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Olivier P. R. GERARD

Feel free to contact me through this wiki (Talk page, email-relay) about anything here.

Current actions

French translation of main, information and help pages

in progress here

User:Olivier_Gérard/Main_Page_fr User:Olivier_Gérard/Welcome_fr

Waiting for the stabilization of the original english pages.

Anti-Chinese TEST.

Features Wishlist


Main topics:

  • Combinatorics, keen on permutations, words and integer partitions.
  • Non classical algebras (non-associative systems, quasigroups, near rings and fields,

semigroups, matrices of continuous rank, ...)

  • Special functions and their relations to combinatorics and quantum mechanics
  • Rational generating functions and series expansions

Other contributions

  • Co-founder and administrator of the SeqFan (Sequence Fanatics) Mailing List [1].
  • French versions of some pages and of some sequences
  • Automatization of sequence formatting (with Eric Weisstein)
  • Automatization of sequence transforms
  • Batches of grid, scales and references sequences
  • Mathematica parts of superseeker
  • A few Mathematica code for sequences

You can write to me in

  • French, English, German

Themes (In Progress)



Set Partitions


Integer Partitions


Thematic table of a few sequences

Theme Sample Sequences OEIS Link
Non group-theoretic structure of Bi-algebras Number of nondecreasing sequences which are differences of two permutations of 1,2,...,n. A019589
Special Functions An hypergeometric interpretation of a simple binomial sum A137644
Combinatorics of hierarchical structures Hierarchical partitions of a set of n elements into two second level classes A000558

Restricted words

ternary words A001333, A028859, A001906, A088305, A033303, A000225, A095263, A003945, A006356, A002478, A214260, A001911, A000217

triangle of restricted ternary words by total length A137278