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Grants:Simple/Applications/Wikimedia Eesti/2018/H2

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Application or grant stage: grant application approved
Applicant or grantee: Wikimedia Eesti
Amount requested: 25,450.74 EUR including contingency (~US$30,500 including contingency)
Amount granted: 25,450.74 EUR including contingency (~US$30,500 including contingency)
Funding period: 1 July 2018 to 31 December 2018
Application created: 1 May 2018
Recommended application date: 1 May 2018
Midpoint report due: 15 October 2018
Final report due: 30 January 2019





Link to these documents, for the upcoming funding period, only if you have them.

  1. Link to your organization's staffing plan, for the upcoming funding period. Google Drive
  2. Link to your annual plan, for the upcoming funding period. Google Drive
  3. Link to your strategic plan, which includes the upcoming funding period. Google Drive (Strategic plan for 2016-2018. New strategic plan is currently in development.)

Please add your grants metrics to this sheet. Note that requirements for shared metrics have changed for grants starting 1 January 2017 or later. Please visit this worksheet to view global metrics targets and progress.



Please describe any changes to your programs for the upcoming funding period, including the addition of new programs or any programs you are no longer doing. Include your rationale for any major changes to your programs here.

Please use the templates provided to add information about each program you are planning for the upcoming funding period.

Local Activities

The goal of local programmatic activities is to improve the quantity and quality of Wikimedia content on the local level, which mainly involves supporting and expanding the local community producing Wikimedia content.

Theory of change

Ensuring the expansion of the organization’s education programme in a manner supportive of the creation of networks; the creation of sustainable partnerships based on the OpenGLAM network in the GLAM sector; the support, motivation and expansion of the existing community; and the promotion of open culture in Estonia through public activities, facilitates the growth of the efficiency and impact of the organization’s programmatic activities on the local level, which in turn will create good preconditions for the improvement of the organization’s public visibility and the quantitative and qualitative growth of the community and Wikimedia projects, resulting in the development of Wikimedia Eesti, the local and international community of Wikimedia projects, as well as the general awareness of open knowledge and open culture.

In order to achieve the goal Wikimedia Eesti will implement following measures:

1. Expanding the education programme in a manner supportive of a network of educational institutions, teaching staff, and students;

2. Creating sustainable partnerships in the GLAM sector, which will involve assuming the leading position in shaping the OpenGLAM network in Estonia;

3. Supporting, motivating and expanding the existing community in the form of various community events and competitions;

4. Promotion of open culture in Estonia in the form of public events, meetings, publishing opinion pieces, and active policy formation.

Education program
Objectives for the program for the year 2018 are:

1. The high school e-course continues with outside funding if outside funding can be found.

Green tickY2. Opportunities are sought for expanding the education program into adult education.

3. Opportunities are sought for expanding education program activities to Wikisource and Wikiquote.

Green tickY4. Continued cooperation with University of Tartu on the Miljon+ program for promoting the use of Wikipedia in education.


Summary of education program activities

Our social network within various universities significantly expanded in 2017 and we would like to continue this trend in 2018. Our endorsement by the University of Tartu facilitates introducing Wikipedia to students and lecturers. While up until now University of Tartu has been spearheading the Miljon+ project, we plan to gradually increase our contribution to match their efforts and accelerate the project's completion.

Several outreach programs for Wikipedia and its sister projects also fall into the field of education. For instance, photography, where science photo competition is carried out to bring scientist closer to Wikipedia or first rephotography competition is planned to find innovative ways on how to approach people interested in learning about local history. But developing Wikisource and Wikiquote is also something to strive for.

For feedback on the high school e-course, we are looking for sources of funding other than WMF. 80 students registered to the e-course in 2017. While we consider the introduction of Wikipedia to high school students important, we can't simply rely on volunteers, as giving individual feedback at least four times over the course of the studies is both time and energy consuming. We are attempting to find additional funding opportunities for the upcoming year in collaboration with the Ministry of education and science.

As a part of our commitment to knowledge equity, one of the key values of the new strategic direction of the Wikimedia movement, we are also seeking to expand the scope of our associations (teacher and librarian training, looking into opportunities for involving the elderly).

Assigned to: Education program coordinator Project manager

GLAM program
Objectives for the program for the year 2018 are:

Green tickY1. An at least three-month Wikipedian in Residence pilot program will take place in 2018. Opportunities are sought for a locally-funded pilot Wikipedian in Residence program

Green tickY2. At least two new cooperation projects are started with museums.

3. At least one new project with Finno-ugric communities of Wikimedia will be initiated.


Summary of GLAM activities

In 2017, we actively begun introducing Wikipedia to museums, which has led to larger scale collaborations with several of them. We have come to a point where many museums are prepared to upload materials to Wikipedia. They are, however, severely limited in terms of human resources. Therefore, it is imperative that we improve our capability to receive the materials the museums are prepared to contribute. For this reason, we have created the position of GLAM coordinator (although the coordinator is busy organizing the Digital Humanities Conference until the end of November 2017) we are proposing a project coordinator position to facilitate this cooperation, and experimental plans have been made to place a Wikipedian in Residence near the various museums.

The GLAM-coordinator also takes an active role in communicating with both Finno-Ugric and other chapters or user groups of Wikimedia. There has been some thoughts of doing co-operation with the Erzan user group and as well with Wikimedia Norge. Under the Miljon+ project, the GLAM-coordinator is in charge of interns and volunteers who want to cooperate with Vikipeedia and Wikimedia Eesti, as well as actively encouraging local student organizations to take part of Miljon+ project.

Assigned to: GLAM coordinator Project manager (GLAM work); board (Finno-ugric work)

Community program
Objectives for the program for the year 2018 are:

Green tickY1. Community meet-ups (both for members of the organization and the general Wiki community) take place every other week. Community meet-ups are conducted regularly in Tartu, and local volunteers are sought to expand them to other Estonian cities. Additionally, the possibility of starting specialist community meet ups (photographers, data enthusiasts, etc.) is investigated.

Green tickY2. On the birthday of the Estonian Wikipedia, the Friend of Wikipedia award is given to the person who has done the most to promote the Wikipedian cause over the past year.

Green tickY3. Awards are handed out to recognize the best editors and photo contributors.

Green tickY5. At least 4 local level competitions are organized in 2018.

Green tickY6. At least 1 competition will be linked to the Miljon+ program.

7. Tool creation hackathons and other events for technology-savvy users are held at least once every three months. Opportunities are sought to participate in existing hackathons and other open data events with Wikimedia data (esp. Wikidata). The possibility of holding tool creation events (e.g. for Wikidata importers for Estonian open data) is investigated.

8. At least two organizations representing different social groups cooperate with us to contribute to Wikimedia projects.


Community events

The community is the backbone of all Wikimedia projects, meaning that supporting their sense of community and creating additional motivation is extremely important. Wikimedia Eesti finds that community events play an key role in this, as real-world meetups and discussions are an important supplement to on-Wiki discussions and are central to the creation and maintenance of sense of community. They also provide an opportunity for immediate discussion, which could also be a significant precondition for the success of projects and improving the general atmosphere.

Wikimedia Eesti will support monthly community meetings in Tallinn and Tartu, some of which are held between the members of the organization and others arranged for the community in general. We will continue organizing summer days and end of the year events, but the community will also be provided support for organizing local events.

Starting from late 2016, Wikimedia Estonia has been giving out a small Wikipedian of the Month award based on a community vote. To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Estonian Wikipedia, we also gave out a Friend of Wikipedia award; we are planning to turn this into an annual tradition. As a recognition of our burgeoning community of photographers, we are also launching an annual award for the best photographer.

Assigned to: GLAM coordinator Staff, board & volunteers

Local competitions

To energize the activities of the community related to Wikimedia projects and engage new participants, various competitions will be carried out in Wikipedia as well as on Commons. WMEE continues with our most long standing local competition - the translation bee Tõlketalgud in cooperation with European Commission in Estonia, and we will provide a prize for the best newcomer. Sadly, the European Commission in Estonia decided not to continue our traditional translation bee Tõlketalgud. In 2018, we also plan to restart the Wikipedia category in the nature photo competition held by the Eesti Loodus magazine; awards in this category were last handed out in 2012 & 2013. We also plan to add a competitive element to the education program and award the best contributions of high school and university students. But this is directly linked to the Miljon+ project and not to our budget.

Assigned to: GLAM coordinator Staff & volunteers

Community expansion

Wikimedia Estonia will seek to expand the circle of volunteers both on and off-Wiki through cooperation with other organizations. We will help these organizations curate contributions to Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects in their field. This kind of cooperation will help us involve new social and age groups in the movement, including seniors. The target groups for this activity will be determined in the course of meetings with various stakeholders, as well as the public opinion survey carried out by University of Tartu researchers (see the Development and growth section in the annual plan document).

Building tools for allies and partners to organize and exchange free knowledge beyond Wikimedia is a key part of the Wikimedia movement strategy. To promote cooperation with external partners in this field - mainly the burgeoning startup community in Estonia -, tool creation and open data hackathons will be organized we will try to participate in hackathons and open data events to expand our community of technology-savvy users and we will try to make the tech community more aware of the possibilities of Wikimedia data.

Assigned to: communication manager Staff & board

Public activities
Objectives for the program for the year 2018 are:

Green tickY1. The Friend of Wikipedia award is presented at a public event.

Green tickY2. At least 2 minor public events are held in 2018 to promote Wikimedia and people related to the organization.

Green tickY3. In 2018, Wikimedia Eesti is represented in at least 5 meetings or consultations with representatives of stakeholders or policymakers.

Green tickY4. In 2018, at least 3 articles covering our activities are published in national media.

5. At least once per month, the Wikimedia Eesti blog publishes pieces for the general public which are shared in social media.

6. Wikimedia Eesti is active on social media, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


Public events

As Wikimedia Eesti seeks to support the development and growth of open knowledge and Wikimedia projects in Estonia, the chapter must also focus on events targeting the general public providing people the opportunity to meet in person with people related to Wikimedia and ensuring greater public interest in the activities and efforts of Wikimedia. One of such events will be presenting the annual Friend of Wikipedia award on the anniversary of the Estonian Wikipedia; we are also looking for an opportunity to hold a seminar on European data rights involving Dimitar Dimitrov from the EU policy working group.

Assigned to: communication manager Board

Meetings with stakeholders

Over the past few years, Wikimedia Eesti has actively campaigned for the adoption of Freedom of Panorama in Estonia, which has involved meetings with a variety of stakeholders and policymakers. These meetings have enabled Wikimedia Eesti to familiarize the stakeholders with the principles of open culture and they have proven extremely useful. Contact with these groups has to be continuously maintained.

In light of the above, Wikimedia Eesti will continue discussions with various stakeholders in 2018 and, when appropriate, contribute to different development plans, action plans and development of new legislation. Further promotion of the Public Domain Manifesto translated by us and signed by a number of cultural heritage institutions in 2017 will provide a good ground for communication and finding common interests with groups who might otherwise perceive us as their opponents (e.g. authors’ organizations).

Assigned to: communication manager, reporting specialist Board

Media activities

Various media activities are an important method for generating public attention; to ensure better coordination of such activities, Wikimedia Eesti will prepare a media plan in 2018, which will form the basis for systematic activities ensuring better coverage of Wikimedia Eesti and Wikimedia projects in media. This, in turn, will facilitate the realization of Wikimedia Eesti’s mission at the local level. We will also increase our activity on social media, engaging people on Twitter and Instagram in addition to our popular Facebook account.

Assigned to: communication manager Board

International Activities

The goal of international programmatic activities is to create networks of Wikimedia and external partners on the regional and global level, facilitating sharing experience and shared learning, but also the realization of more extensive joint projects increasing the quantity and quality of Wikimedia content.

Theory of change

Ensuring the organization’s active involvement on the international level through sharing experience and learnings; participation in joint projects and conferences; and the development of international cooperation, supports the development and growth of the organization itself, but also the increase in the value of the organization’s competences, experience and learnings through sharing local knowledge and experience with the international community and external partners, resulting in the development of Wikimedia Eesti, the local and international community of Wikimedia projects, as well as the general awareness of open knowledge and open culture.

In order to achieve the goal Wikimedia Eesti will implement following measures:

1. Sharing experience and learnings gained in working with small Wikimedia projects and small communities on the international level;

2. Representation and active participation in major Wikimedia meetings and conferences;

3. Development of cooperation with Finno-Ugric communities and Nordic and Baltic partners;

4. Participation in policymaking at the EU level and support of activities related to the Wikimedia movement.

International activities
Objectives for the program for the year 2018 are:

Green tickY1. The Science Photo competition takes place in late 2017-early 2018.

2. A rephotography competition takes place in September 2018.

Green tickY3. A photo expedition involving photographers from all Baltic countries takes place.

Green tickY4. In 2018, Wikimedia Eesti is represented at the CEE Meeting in Lviv, the WMCon in Berlin, the first meeting of Nordic Wikimedians, and other meetings, giving talks and actively participating in the discussions.

Green tickY5. Wikimedia Eesti participates in discussions related to European policymaking and attempts to cover major developments on the local level.

6. Wikimedia Eesti organizes a funding drive to financially support the work of FKAGEU. Opportunities are sought to financially support the work of FKAGEU.

Green tickY7. In 2018, Wikimedia Eesti is represented with at least one person at an international meeting on policymaking.

Green tickY8. Wikimedia Eesti will publish at least 1 story or learning pattern on local experience in policymaking and/or communication with stakeholders.


International events

WMEE will once again take part in the WMCEE Spring article writing competition.

Science photo competition will take place at the end of 2017, but all the awarding events would be in 2018 (national winners in January and international in March). Therefore, a lot of expenses are also to be made in 2018.

In cooperation with Ajapaik (a crowdsourcing geotagging and rephotography site) and Estonian National Heritage Board, we are planning to hold a rephotography competition of cultural monuments. It should take place in September and is planned to involve participants from other Nordic countries. It will also include some public walks (“expeditions”) around bigger cities in Estonia to talk about local history and take (re)photos.

There is also one international event in the plan, that should cover all the Baltic states. A bigger photography expedition around Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania near the track of planned railway connection. Rail Baltic, a company preparing to build it, would help to fund this event. It would also be linked to the rephotography part, but this time so that we are taking photos of something that would change a lot in the future so that few years into the future it would be possible to provide a comparison on how has the landscape changed.

Assigned to: education program coordinator, GLAM coordinator Staff, board & volunteers

International meetings

We plan to send at least two people to CEE meeting and two to WMCon in Berlin. In 2018 the first meeting of Nordic Wikimedians would likely take place and so we hope to send five people there. There is also a plan to send one person to Wikimedia hackathon (as a competition prize) and we set money aside to visit two more conferences.

Assigned to: reporting specialist Board

Support of European policy activities

European Wikimedia chapters have jointly decided to support the work of FKAGEU; Wikimedia Eesti will also contribute to this. Our support will include both financial and time resources through availability for timely exchange of information, consultations, and local-level support activities. This will provide Wikimedia Eesti with good access to information impacting our general and public activities on the local level. To provide financial support to FKAGEU, we will hold a funding drive among local Internet startups; in return, we will invite Dimi to speak to them about the situation of data rights in Brussels.

Assigned to: communication manager Board

Sharing experience

Wikimedia Eesti has been actively engaged in local policymaking, gaining knowledge and experience that could also be beneficial to the international community. Wikimedia Eesti has also participated in the Big Fat Brussels meetings where we have gained additional knowledge but also shared our local experience.

In 2018, Wikimedia Eesti seeks to focus more on international activities. In light of this, we will also participate in any potential 2018 meeting focusing on policymaking, and share our local experience on the international level in different forms.

Assigned to: reporting specialist Board

Staff and contractors


Please describe any changes to your staffing plan for the upcoming funding period. These should include increases in staff or contractor hours, new staff positions, or staff positions you are removing. Include your rationale for any staffing changes here.

For each new staff or contractor position, please use the template provided to add information about each new staff or contractor you are planning for the upcoming funding period (or to describe significant increases in hours or changes in job descriptions for existing staff). You are not required to provide this information for existing staff where no changes are required.

The executive assistant's position was transformed into that of a GLAM coordinator. This was related to a) increased administrative efficiency freeing up staff time and b) increased GLAM work load. 2) Two temporary part-time positions were created for replacing our ED during her maternity leave. The ED's administrative responsibilities are shared between the GLAM coordinator and the new part-time reporting specialist. Her communication duties are taken up by the new part-time communication manager. See the old staffing plan for more details.

In 2018 we have greatly strengthened the board and reduced the staff, based on WMF feedback. Some of the significant costs in 2018 are also linked to terminating the contacts with previous EDs and several staff members. In the 2nd half of 2018, we plan to have only two paid positions, which we consider necessary to continue our projects and increase the participation of volunteers in them: a 0.75 project manager position and a 0.25 volunteer coordinator position, adding to the equivalent of one full-time staff position.

Budget and resource plan


Link to a detailed budget for the upcoming funding period. This budget should include all of your organizations expenses. Please specify which expenses will be covered from your APG.


Midpoint report


This is a brief report on the grantee's progress during the midpoint reporting period: 1 July - 1 October 2018.

Program story


Please link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements during the reporting period.

"Estonian Wikipedians: On Copyright, Without the Filter of Demagogia" (article in Estonian, published in the largest online portal in the country, shared over 400 times)



Please add text or a link to a page with details on your program progress. This should including reporting against each of the SMART objectives form your proposal.

During these three months we welcomed our new employees and put them to work in both expanding our volunteer capacity and continuing work on our long-term projects and our planned competitions. In order to make their work more clear to us in the board, to the workers themselves, and to the community at large we have started experimenting with using Phabricator as a way to keep track of all our activities, following the lead of Wikimedia Sverige. We're hoping to be able to show our results there by the time of the final report for H2.

Education program

Wikipedia meets NLP workshop

GLAM program

One of the images added to Wikimedia Commons as part of our GLAM program
  • We continued our efforts to add as much information as possible about the painting collections of Estonian museums to Wikidata. As part of this, we have contacted and started collaborations with multiple art museums around the country, including both national and regional art museums and even some general museums with small art collections. During these three months we have added 9320 new Wikidata items for paintings (with 460262 total edits adding, referencing and improving data), and uploaded the first 12 artwork images to Commons, from the Tartu Art Museum collection.
  • Our talks with the Estonian National History Museum were fruitful and we will be working on a project to upload several thousand images from their geology collection to Commons. We have uploaded an example of how we expect the uploads to look like, and we plan to work on an automated import after the midpoint.

Community program

Summer Days group photo
Estonian Wikipedia's 16th anniversary
  • Community meet-ups in Tartu have happened every month. We have successfully expanded our events to Tallinn as well, with regular meetings taking place monthly at the University of Tallinn, led by a local volunteer who has agreed to keep organizing them in the future. We have also formed a specialist group of volunteers related to graphic design, and are still looking into organizing other topical groups.
  • We celebrated our annual Summer Days in July, with 23 wikipedians meeting in the Estonian countryside near Otepää for a two-day event with both social activities and presentations about our current projects. We used the chance to survey the attending wikipedians and find out more about what they would want us to concentrate on, for example in the field of GLAM cooperation. The awards for the Estonian section of the Central and Eastern European Spring article competition were also given during this event.
  • We celebrated the Estonian Wikipedia's 16th anniversary in Tallinn with 14 people, both chapter members and local wikipedians (see image). We decided to give out the Friend of Wikipedia award later in the year instead.
  • The fourth edition of the Digihariduse_konkurss, a competition for economy-related Wikipedia articles organized by the University of Tartu, started in September (and will last until December). We also worked in organizing other competitions, which will take place in Q4.

Public activities

  • We have held talks with the Government Office, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Culture and the European Commission Representation in Estonia about possible cooperation. We've also had talks with two political parties who are preparing the copyright legislation sections of their programs for the 2019 elections.
  • The darkening of the Estonian Wikipedia (July 4-5) in protest against the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market led to coverage across all the Estonian media, including a segment in the evening news program of the main public television channel. Wikimedia Eesti was also quite involved in public discussion of the situation during the entire summer and in the days before the second European vote.
  • We organized one event in Tartu and one in Tallinn specifically to present our projects to interested members of the public and try to find new volunteers.

International activities

Participants in the Rail Baltica photo expedition
  • We collaborated with the Wikimedians of Latvia to also darken the Latvian Wikipedia during early July.
  • A photo expedition following part of the planned course of Rail Baltica took place in the end of August. Wikipedians from Estonia and Latvia were present (we were unable to convince Lithuanians to participate). The resulting images will be uploaded during Q4.
  • The rephotography competition had to be postponed, as our collaborators in Ajapaik are behind schedule in their plan to enable their app to upload images to Commons. Wikimedia Suomi used the technique as part of their Wiki Loves Monuments competition this year, which seems promising for future rephotography usage in Estonia as well.
  • We assembled the list of 1000 vital articles about Estonia, and will work during Q4 to convince other Nordic countries to assemble similar lists. The aim is to reduce the cultural gap between the Nordic countries and improve the coverage of each other's cultures in our Wikipedias.



Please report your organization's total spending during the reporting period, or link to a financial document showing your total spending.

10147,10 Euros

Final report


This is the final report for your grant, describing your outcomes from the period *.

Program story


Please link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements during the reporting period.

"What do Wikipedians Want? Manifesto on Internet Freedom for the Estonian Political Parties", where we specifically wrote down our ideas about internet freedom and got them published on the biggest news portal in the country in an attempt to influence policymaking at the national level. We've had contacts with different parties after this, meaning they at least took notice.

Learning story


Please link to one learning story that shows how your organization documents lessons learned and adapts its programs accordingly.

How not to organize a conference, about our experience with the Digital Humanities Conference in 2017.



Please add text or a link to a page with details on your program results. You should report on each of the objectives you included in your Simple APG application.

We managed to hit every metrics goal except for the one for number of pictures uploaded and in use (Metrics). For the latter, we're reasonably confident we managed to acquire the rights to enough pictures to upload, but between the OTRS issues with one of our competitions (mentioned below) and a delay in our image uploading while we figure out a more efficient way to upload large quantities of images, the actual upload and reuse is lagging behind. We're expecting to improve this in 2019.

Education program

Wikipedia meets NLP workshop
  • We helped organize a Wikipedia meets Natural Language Processing workshop on September 27th as a part of the Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective Conference in Tartu. 35 people took part. Some images from the event.
  • We kept expanding the tasks related to Wikipedia article writing in Estonian universities, and started looking into possibilities of expanding the program into vocational education institutions and high schools (which led to at least one partnership we're already in talks for during 2019, and will hopefully lead to more during the year). We've reached a point where the university-level program is mostly being led by the universities themselves, and WMEE is becoming mostly an advisory group that helps when needed. We feel this level of adoption is in itself high praise for the program and hope to be able to eventually replicate something similar at other levels of the education pyramid.

GLAM program

Photography exhibition about the best images from Estonian Science Photo Competition in Tallinn TV Tower
  • We continued our efforts to add as much information as possible about the painting collections of Estonian museums to Wikidata. As part of this, we have contacted and started collaborations with multiple art museums around the country, including both national and regional art museums and even some general museums with small art collections. For example in Q3 we added 9320 new Wikidata items for paintings (with 460262 total edits adding, referencing and improving data). We even got some artwork images from a contemporary artist.
  • Our talks with the Estonian National History Museum were fruitful and we will be working on a project to upload several thousand images from their geology collection to Commons. We have uploaded an example of how we expect the uploads to look like, and we plan to work on an automated import.
  • Besides importing information to Wikidata and to Wikimedia Commons, we are running our own (real-world) photography exhibition as well, exhibiting images from the Science Photo Competition around Estonia.

Some examples of uploaded content:

Community program

Summer Days group photo
Estonian Wikipedia's 16th anniversary
Wikipedia Christmas party in Tartu
One of Vaido Otsar's high quality photos, of a concert in Tallinn
  • Community meet-ups in Tartu have happened every month. We have successfully expanded our events to Tallinn as well, with regular meetings taking place monthly at the University of Tallinn, led by a local volunteer who has agreed to keep organizing them in the future. We have also formed a specialist group of volunteers related to graphic design, and are still looking into organizing other topical groups.
  • We celebrated our annual Summer Days in July, with 23 wikipedians meeting in the Estonian countryside near Otepää for a two-day event with both social activities and presentations about our current projects. We used the chance to survey the attending wikipedians and find out more about what they would want us to concentrate on, for example in the field of GLAM cooperation. The awards for the Estonian section of the Central and Eastern European Spring article competition were also given during this event.
  • We celebrated the Estonian Wikipedia's 16th anniversary in Tallinn with 14 people, both chapter members and local wikipedians.
  • We celebrated the Estonian Wikipedia Christmas parties in both Tallinn and Tartu, with 9 and 11 attendees respectively.
  • The fourth edition of the Digihariduse konkurss, a competition for economy-related Wikipedia articles organized by the University of Tartu, took place during this period. Additionally, Lõimumisteemaline artiklikonkurss, a competition on articles related to social integration organized with the Government Office of Estonia, started in November, and Eesti notariaat 25, a competition about legal topics organized as part of Miljon+ and in cooperation with the Chamber of Notaries of Estonia, started in September. International cooperation with Wikimedians of Latvia led to the Eesti-Läti 100 competition, which ran on both the Estonian and Latvian Wikipedias and encouraged both sets of users to write about both countries to celebrate their 100 years of independence.
  • Two photography actions took place. In the first, HELP9, 81 new images of Estonian nature were added to Commons. For the other, as part of a competition organized by magazine Eesti Loodus, participants were allowed to mark whether their pictures for the competition should also be made available on Wikipedia under a CC SA-BY 4.0 license. Over a thousand photos were submitted, and around half of them were licensed appropriately. They will be made available as soon as they go through the OTRS process (where they are being delayed since some OTRS contributors think we should write a letter to every participant to get them to confirm their permission again).
  • The Best Photographer award for 2018 went to Vaido Otsar, and the result was covered by a national level newspaper.
  • We started creating our technology park to be able to both record promotional materials and document things and people as part of Wikimedia actions.

Public activities

Friend of Wikipedia 2018 Ulvar Käärt
  • We awarded the Friend of Wikipedia award to Ulvar Käärt, editor-in-chief of the Horisont popular science magazine.
  • We have held talks with the Government Office, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Culture and the European Commission Representation in Estonia about possible cooperation (the Government Office talks already led to a co-organized article competition). We've also had talks with several political parties who are preparing the copyright legislation sections of their programs for the 2019 elections, and the program of one of the parties includes creating Wikipedian-in-Residence positions in museums.
  • The darkening of the Estonian Wikipedia (July 4-5) in protest against the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market led to coverage across all the Estonian media, including a segment in the evening news program of the main public television channel. Wikimedia Eesti was also quite involved in public discussion of the situation during the entire summer and in the days before the second European vote.
  • We organized one event in Tartu and one in Tallinn specifically to present our projects to interested members of the public and try to find new volunteers.

International activities

Participants in the Rail Baltica photo expedition
  • We collaborated with the Wikimedians of Latvia, both to organize our Estonian-Latvian article competition and to darken the Latvian Wikipedia during early July.
  • A photo expedition following part of the planned course of Rail Baltica took place in the end of August. Wikipedians from Estonia and Latvia were present (we were unable to convince Lithuanians to participate).
  • The rephotography competition had to be postponed, as our collaborators in Ajapaik are behind schedule in their plan to enable their app to upload images to Commons. Wikimedia Suomi used the technique as part of their Wiki Loves Monuments competition this year, which seems promising for future rephotography usage in Estonia as well. The competition has been rescheduled for 2019.
  • We assembled the list of 1000 vital articles about Estonia, and we worked during Q4 to convince other Nordic countries to assemble similar lists. The aim is to reduce the cultural gap between the Nordic countries and improve the coverage of each other's cultures in our Wikipedias. In the future, if this project works out, we plan to expand the idea further to cover other countries as well.
  • We participated in multiple international meetings, including a strong representation at the Nordic Wikimedians meeting, the second edition which should take place in Estonia in 2019.



Please link to a detailed financial report for your spending during the grant period. This should be in the same format as your detailed budget from your Simple APG application.

Spending of Wikimedia Eesti, 01 January - 31 December 2018

Please include the total amount of Simple APG funds you spent during the grant period.

41,078.28 € (of which 21,272.17 € during H2)