Content Partnerships Hub
Content Partnerships Hub
Improving the Wikimedia movement’s work with content partners
The Content Partnerships Hub aims to improve the Wikimedia movement’s work with content partners by providing new services, missing infrastructure and support coordination efforts. Exactly what this work will entail will be decided in an inclusive way together with the stakeholders in the Wikimedia movement.
Currently, the hub is experimenting through rapid testing, evaluation and adaptation on how hands-on support can be provided to volunteers and affiliates; how networks, knowledge gathering and capacity building can be improved and developed; how new opportunities with international content partners can be co-created and executed on; and how technical and knowledge barriers can be removed to bring large amounts of high value content online over time.
The initiative is based on the Wikimedia 2030 Movement Strategy Recommendations. In close collaboration with volunteers and Wikimedia organisations from across the world, we want to experiment on what a thematic hub within the Wikimedia movement could look like, and what the tasks could include.
Stay up to date
editYou can read monthly updates from the Content Partnerships Hub in the This Month in GLAM newsletter. Older reports can be found in the archive.
Let's work together
Understanding your needs
To understand how the Hub best can serve the movement volunteers and staff across the world who are working with content partnerships are invited to share their perspective. Get in touch! |
The Helpdesk provides hands-on support to Wikimedia organisations and volunteers (especially emerging communities) working on content partnership. Ask us a question! | ||
Capacity building
Building a stronger movement through developing and collating resources to support Wikimedia communities especially ones that are new and still forming. An inter-affiliate exchange program is being developed. Share your knowledge! |
Work with international organisations
Supporting global coordination and cooperation in content partnerships with international organisations like the UN which have enormous amounts of high impact content and expertise. Join the conversation! | ||
Software development
Through better tools we can work more efficiently with content partners. The hub will support existing tools with developer time to solve long term problems and help with maintenance. Share your thoughts, experiences and expertise! |
Strategic data uploads
Developing collaborations and lowering the threshold to share important data on Wikidata. The Wikimedia movement is building a global database of built cultural heritage and a database about GLAM institutions across the world and the Hub is coordinating the efforts. Join us and help add more data! |