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Working Papers

Copenhagen Business School, Department of Economics

Top 25 Working Papers by File Downloads 2024-11

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Rank Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
 2024 11  3 months  12 months  Total  2024 11  3 months  12 months  Total
1 Tail Risk Connectedness in the Australian National Electricity Markets: The Impact of Rare Events
Son Duy Pham, Hung Xuan Do, Rabindra Nepal and Tooraj Jamasb
6 9 13 13 11 14 17 17
2 Experience Rates of Low-Carbon Domestic Heating Technologies in the United Kingdom
Renaldi Renaldi, Richard Hall, Tooraj Jamasb and Anthony P. Roskilly
2 2 3 18 2 2 3 50
3 Incentive Regulation of Electricity and Gas Networks in the UK: From RIIO-1 to RIIO-2
Tooraj Jamasb
1 2 9 72 1 4 23 157
3 Optimal Management of Evolving Hierarchies
Jens Hougaard, Juan Moreno-Ternero and Lars Peter Østerdal
1 1 1 40 1 1 1 144
3 Renewable Integration and Power System Operation: The Role of Market Conditions
Daniel Davi-Arderius, Tooraj Jamasb and Juan Rosellon
1 1 7 7 3 4 12 12
3 Energy Network Innovation for Green Transition: Economic Issues and Regulatory Options
Tooraj Jamasb, Manuel Llorca, Leonardo Meeus and Tim Schittekatte
1 1 8 66 2 4 24 118
3 Energy Sector Digitalisation, Green Transition and Regulatory Trade-offs
Manuel Llorca, Golnoush Soroush, Emanuele Giovannetti, Tooraj Jamasb and Daniel Davi-Arderius
1 1 6 6 1 1 13 13
3 Transportation and Quality of Life: Evidence from Denmark
Jesper Hybel and Ismir Mulalic
1 1 4 49 1 2 9 88
3 Productivity and quality-adjusted life years: QALYs, PALYs and beyond
Kristian S. Hansen, Juan Moreno-Ternero and Lars P. Østerdal
1 1 19 33 1 1 23 35
3 Measuring a Paradox: Zero-negative Electricity Prices
Daniel Davi-Arderius and Tooraj Jamasb
1 15 15 15 1 7 7 7
11 Worker Reallocation, Firm Innovation, and Chinese Import Competition
Grace Gu, Samreen Malik, Dario Pozzoli and Vera Rocha
0 2 5 38 1 5 21 111
11 Kortsigtede økonomiske virkninger for Nanortalik ved en kommunesammenlægning
Lars Lund
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 31
11 Investorbeskyttelse og virksomhedsovertagelser i Danmark
Morten Bennedsen and Kasper Nielsen
0 0 0 9 0 0 0 55
11 Samfundsøkonomisk kalkulationsrente, tidspræferencer, fordelingshensyn og fremtidige generationer
Svend Marker-Larsen
0 0 0 15 0 1 2 115
11 Multi-Objective Auctions for Utility-Scale Solar-Battery Systems: The Case of ASEAN and East Asia
Natsuko Toba, Tooraj Jamasb, Luiz Maurer and Anupama Sen
0 0 0 51 0 0 1 16
11 Does Geopolitical Risk Accelerate Climate Vulnerability? New Evidence from the European Green Deal
Kangyin Dong, Senmiao Yang, Jianda Wang, Rabindra Nepal and Tooraj Jamasb
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Trine Filges and Birthe Larsen
0 0 0 137 0 0 0 589
Søren Nielsen, Pascalis Raimondos and Guttorm Schjederup (Guttorm Schjelderup)
0 0 0 304 0 0 0 1,180
11 Gone with the Wind: The Welfare Effect of Desert Locust Outbreaks
Myriam Marending and Stefano Tripodi
0 0 2 24 2 2 12 56
11 Taxes and Decision Rights in Multinationals
Søren Nielsen, Pascalis Raimondos and Guttorm Schjelderup
0 0 0 20 0 0 0 64
11 The structural and productivity effects of infrastructure provision in developed and developing countries
Luis Orea, Inmaculada Álvarez and Luis Servén
0 0 2 14 0 1 6 16
11 Inside the Family Firm
Morten Bennedsen, Kasper Nielsen, Francisco Pérez-González and Daniel Wolfenzon
0 0 0 140 0 0 1 431
11 Konjunkturanalyse for Bornholm, 1987 til 1996
Lars Lund
0 0 0 13 0 0 2 201
11 Udenlandsk arbejdskraft i Danmark
Nikolaj Malchow-Møller, Jakob Munch and Jan Skaksen
0 0 0 37 0 0 1 117
11 A Three-period Samuelson-Diamond Growth
Niels Blomgren-Hansen
0 0 0 173 0 0 1 553

Statistics updated 2024-12-04