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Top 25 Chapters by File Downloads 2024-11

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Rank Chapter File Downloads Abstract Views
 2024 11  3 months  12 months  Total  2024 11  3 months  12 months  Total
1 Predicting financial distress of companies: revisiting the Z-Score and ZETA® models
Edward Altman
38 83 175 1,126 88 184 500 4,008
2 The domestic determinants of tax mixes
Achim Kemmerling and Zbigniew Truchlewski
30 33 36 52 34 37 45 71
3 What do people want? Explaining voter tax preferences
Sarah Berens and Margarita Gelepithis
23 24 43 73 25 26 54 98
4 A theory of organizational readiness for change
Bryan J. Weiner
22 55 134 422 56 171 503 1,708
5 Characteristics and Typology of Last-mile Logistics from an Innovation Perspective in an Urban Context
Roel Gevaers, Eddy Van de Voorde and Thierry Vanelslander
20 44 154 1,294 44 94 322 2,606
6 Social exchange theory, employment relations and human resource management
Christine Cross and Tony Dundon
14 23 93 320 38 94 380 1,182
7 Epic fail and cautious success - Berlin Brandenburg Airport and New York LaGuardia Terminal B
John D. Landis
12 18 40 50 18 30 68 96
7 Regional economic resilience: evolution and evaluation
Ronald Martin and Peter Sunley
12 31 143 535 21 59 255 951
9 The Urgenda case in the Netherlands: creating a revolution through the courts
Marjan Minnesma
11 11 16 37 13 15 28 77
9 Challenges in establishing digital Islamic banks in Malaysia
Siti Nuraisyah Binti Mohammed Sulaiman and Aishath Muneeza
11 35 69 69 30 94 178 178
11 Populism as a political strategy
Kurt Weyland
10 21 21 21 23 47 51 51
11 Green and Competitive: Ending the Stalemate
Michael E. Porter and Claas van der Linde
10 15 37 56 25 57 128 183
11 Cultural Districts
Walter Santagata
10 10 11 41 14 14 17 80
14 What is a Mega Sporting Event?
Wolfgang Maennig and Andrew Zimbalist
9 22 85 310 47 133 510 1,949
14 David Hume: Of Money (1752)
9 25 82 309 17 65 227 950
14 The impact of artificial intelligence on strategic leadership
David M. Huber and Oliver Alexy
9 16 16 16 19 39 39 39
14 Global value chains and uneven development: a disarticulations perspective
Marion Werner and Jennifer Bair
9 17 55 192 13 30 112 446
14 Urban regeneration meets sustainability - HafenCity, Hamburg
John D. Landis
9 18 36 55 22 53 107 165
14 Environmental upgrading in global value chains
Valentina De Marchi, Eleonora Di Maria, Aarti Krishnan, Stefano Ponte and Stephanie Barrientos
9 21 61 231 15 42 150 530
20 Purchase intention and purchase decision
8 19 75 82 25 72 282 339
20 Regulation and Regulatory Governance
David Levi-Faur
8 16 58 387 18 47 157 910
20 Reducing growth to achieve environmental sustainability: the role of work hours
Kyle Knight, Eugene A. Rosa and Juliet B. Schor
8 13 50 496 20 43 181 2,267
23 General purpose technologies
Cliff Bekar and Erin Haswell
7 7 10 131 7 7 15 216
23 A case of hubris - Songdo International Business District
John D. Landis
7 20 35 42 32 70 139 173
23 Dependency theory: strengths, weaknesses, and its relevance today
Ingrid Harvold Kvangraven
7 22 49 67 25 79 159 220

Statistics updated 2024-12-04