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Working Papers

California Institute of Technology, Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences

Top 25 Working Papers by File Downloads 2024-11

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Rank Working Paper File Downloads Abstract Views
 2024 11  3 months  12 months  Total  2024 11  3 months  12 months  Total
1 A Note on Taxation, Development and Representative Government
Robert Bates and Da-Hsiang Donald. Lien
2 2 4 539 2 3 5 1,042
1 Endogenous Games and Mechanisms: Side Payments Among Players
Simon Wilkie and Matthew Jackson
2 2 2 106 2 2 4 356
1 Experience-Weighted Attraction Learning in Games: A Unifying Approach
Colin Camerer and Teck Ho
2 5 12 814 2 6 22 2,818
1 A Game-Theoretic Interpretation of Sun Tzu's the Art of War
Emerson M.S. Niou and Peter C. Ordeshook
2 2 2 193 3 3 4 745
1 Iterated Dominance and Iterated Best-Response in Experimental P-Beauty Contests
Teck Ho, Keith Weigelt and Colin Camerer
2 2 5 96 3 3 9 653
1 Information Aggregation Mechanisms: Concept, Design and Implementation for a Sales Forecasting Problem
Charles Plott and Kay-Yut Chen
2 2 7 826 6 8 21 2,376
7 Market Failure
John Ledyard
1 2 6 193 3 4 11 416
7 Extended Maritime Jurisdiction and Its Impact on South Asia
Manjula R. Shyam
1 1 1 3 1 1 1 51
7 Experimental Estimates of the Impact of Wage Subsidies
Jeffrey A. Dubin and Douglas. Rivers
1 1 3 28 1 1 4 91
7 Revenue Generating Properties of Sealed-Bid Auctions: An Experimental Analysis of One-Price and Discriminative Processes
Gary J. Miller and Charles Plott
1 1 2 68 1 1 2 178
7 The Commercialization of Agriculture and the Rise of Rural Political Protest in Black Africa
Robert Bates
1 1 2 52 1 1 2 230
7 Forced information disclosure and the fallacy of transparency in markets
Timothy Cason and Charles Plott
1 1 1 74 1 1 3 254
7 Uncertain Innovation and the Persistence of Monopoly
Jennifer Reinganum
1 1 1 247 3 5 12 615
7 An Evolutionary Perspective on Goal Seeking and Escalation of Commitment
Aviad Heifetz and Hamo Hamo
1 1 1 235 1 1 1 1,122
7 Price Controls and the Behavior of Auction Markets: An Experimental Examination
R. Isaac and Charles Plott
1 1 1 89 1 1 1 241
7 Prospect Theory in the Wild: Evidence From the Field
Colin Camerer
1 3 17 3,051 6 11 50 5,256
7 Federalism and Central Bank Autonomy: The Politics of German Monetary Policy, 1957-1992
Susanne Lohmann
1 1 1 46 1 1 1 381
7 The Paradox of Not Voting: A Decision Theoretic Analysis
John A. Ferejohn and Morris P. Fiorina
1 1 3 277 1 1 4 720
7 A Mathematical Proof of Duverger's Law
Thomas Palfrey
1 2 6 816 6 8 17 2,104
7 Public Goods: A Survey of Experimental Research
John Ledyard
1 2 3 208 1 5 9 617
7 Electoral Margins, Constituency Influence, and Policy Moderation: A Critical Assessment
Morris P. Fiorina
1 1 1 74 1 1 1 235
7 The effect of voter identification laws on turnout
R. Michael Alvarez, Delia Bailey and Jonathan Katz
1 2 6 152 3 5 12 378
7 Rational Individual Behavior in Markets and Social Choice Processes
Charles Plott
1 2 7 436 1 2 9 921
7 A Comparative Analysis of Direct Democracy, Two Candidate Elections, and Three Candidate Elections in an Experimental Environment
Charles Plott
1 1 1 82 1 1 1 217
7 The Holdout Game: An Experimental Study of an Infinitely Repeated Game with Two-Sided Incomplete Information
Richard D. McKelvey and Thomas Palfrey
1 2 2 46 1 3 3 174

Statistics updated 2024-12-04