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[OSM-talk] OpenLinkMap will be shut down

Alexander Matheisen AlexanderMatheisen at ish.de
Mon Jan 11 22:05:38 UTC 2016

Hi everybody,

some of you may know and use the project OpenLinkMap. For those who do
not know it, just have a look at the wiki page 
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenLinkMap or try it at 

Now the bad news: On January 27, the project will be shut down. Due to
technical reasons I disabled the data update some days ago, but the
website will be accessible until January 27. There are the following
reasons for my decision to stop the project:

My focus switched to my other project OpenRailwayMap, so I have not
enough time any more to develop the OpenLinkMap. The design is not up
to date, the website is not responsive and the code is not very
elegant, but I have not time to correct all the design mistakes.

The final decision to stop the project right now was the situation that
the domain expires on January 27. For a while I had the plan to stop
the project in the feature, but now I do not want to spend money again
to renew the domain for one or two years.

The source code can be found in a repository on Github: 
https://github.com/rurseekatze/OpenLinkMap. You are free to take the
code and continue the project on your own server. The domain
openlinkmap.org will be available again soon, and there is no problem
for me if someone would like to register it to continue the project
under this name.

I hope that you understand my decision. It is just a hobby project
which takes a lot of my spare time and is mainly paid by my own money.

Users who currently embed OpenLinkMap into their own websites using
iframes should consider to remove that code from their websites.

Thanks to all the people who supported this project by donations, code
or their feedback!

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