Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- WP3M10 Risk, uncertainty and the Guide to the Draft Basin Plan
by John Quiggin - WP2M10 Water Policy After the Drought
by John Quiggin - WP1M10 Climate Change, Irrigation and Pests: Examining Heliothis in the Murray Darling Basin
by David Adamson
- WP3M09 Climate change, mitigation and adaptation: the case of the Murray–Darling Basin in Australia
by John Quiggin & David Adamson & Sarah Chambers & Peggy Schrobback - WP2M09 Turning Water into Carbon: Carbon sequestration vs. water flow in the Murray-Darling Basin
by Peggy Schrobback & David Adamson & John Quiggin - WP1M09 Targeting Environmental Water from Irrigators in the Murray Darling Basin
by Sarah Chambers & David Adamson
- WP3M08 Opportunity costs of restoring environmental flows to the Snowy River
by Liam Wagner & John Quiggin & David Adamson - WP2M08 Managing the Murray Darling Basin: some implications for climate change policy
by John Quiggin - WP1M08 Options for salinity mitigation in the Murray-Darling Basin
by Peggy Schrobback & David Adamson & John Quiggin
- WP3M07 Re-examining economic options for import risk assessments
by David Adamson & David Cook - WP2M07 Climate change and climate uncertainty in the Murray-Darling Basin
by David Adamson & Thilak Mallawaarachchi & John Quiggin
- WP8M06 Conservation policies, environmental valuation and the optimal size of jurisdictions
by Giovanni B. Concu - WP7M06 Choosing the best forage species for a dairy farm: The Whole-farm approach
by Mark Neal & James Neal & Bill Fulkerson - WP5M06 Water use and salinity in the MurrayÐDarling Basin: a state-contingent model
by David Adamson & Thilak Mallawaarachchi & John Quiggin - WP4M06 Agricultural Intensification, Irrigation and the Environment in South Asia: Issues and Policy Options
by Mohammad Alauddin & John Quiggin - WP3M06 Urban water supply in Australia: the option of diverting water from irrigation
by John Quiggin - WP2M06 State-contingent modelling of the Murray Darling Basin: implications for the design of property rights
by David Adamson & Thilak Mallawaarachchi & John Quiggin - WP1M06 'One size fits all'? Ð The relationship between the value of genetic traits and the farm system
by Mark Neal & Bill Fulkerson
- WP8M05 The potential cost to New Zealand dairy farmers from the introduction of nitrate-based stocking rate restrictions
by Mark Neal - WP7M05 Investigating distance effects on environmental values: A choice modelling approach
by Giovanni B. Concu - WP6M05 Are non-use values distance-independent? Identifying the market area using a choice modelling experiment
by Giovanni B. Concu - WP5M05 Accommodating Indigenous Cultural Heritage Values in Resource Assessment: Cape York Peninsula and the MurrayÐDarling Basin, Australia
by Tyron Venn & John Quiggin - WPM05_4 Risk and water management in the Murray-Darling Basin
by John Quiggin - WPM05_3 The precautionary principle in environmental policy and the theory of choice under uncertainty
by John Quiggin - WPM05_2 Commercial Forestry: An Economic Development Opportunity Consistent with the Property Rights of Wik People to Natural Resources
by Tyron Venn - WPM05_1 Modelling basin level allocation of water in the Murray Darling Basin in a world of uncertainty
by David Adamson & Thilak Mallawaarachchi & John Quiggin
- WPM04_7 A Wik Forestry Industry on Cape York Peninsula: Visions and Realities
by Tyron Venn - WPM04_6 Designing, Developing and Testing Financial Models for Non-industrial Private Forestry
by Steve Harrison & John Herbohn & Nick Emtage & Tyron Venn - WPM04_5 Portable Sawmilling Costs for Landholders in Western Queensland
by Tyron Venn & Robbie McGavin & William W. Leggate - WPM04_4 Optimal Timber Utilisation Strategies for Wik People on Cape York Peninsula
by Tyron Venn - WPM04_1 Discounting and policy options for sustainable management of the Murray-Darling River System
by John Quiggin
- WPM03_1 Drought policy: A state-contingent view
by John Quiggin & Robert G. Chambers
- WP9M06 Fiddling while carbon burns: why climate policy needs pervasive emission pricing as well as technology promotion
by Jack Pezzey & Frank Jotzo & John Quiggin - WP6M06 The Metagovernance of Markets: The Politics of Water Management in Australia
by Stephen Bell & John Quiggin - WP1M07 Choice Modelling and laboratory experiments for non-market valuation: a framework
by Giovanni B. Concu - WPM07_4 Willingness To Pay And Willingness To Accept For Changes In Native Vegetation Cover
by Giovanni B. Concu - WPM04_2 Water Rights for Variable Supplies Creation_Date: 2004-02 Revision_Date: 2005-05
by John Quiggin & John Freebairn - WPM03_1 Sustainable Management of the Great Artesian Basin: an analysis based on Environmental Economics and Law
by John Quiggin & Poh-Ling Tan