- p0037 European Governance, or Governmentality? Reflections on the EU‘s System of Government
by Chris Shore - p0036 Does ERASMUS Student Mobility promote a EuropeanIdentity?
by Emmanuel Sigalas - p0035 Suicide Missions: the ‘political opportunity structure’ and constraints of constituency
by Aoibhín de Búrca
- p0034 We the People and the Others: The Co-founding of Democratic States
by Hans Agné - p0033 The Constitutionalisation of a Compound Democracy: Comparing the European Union with the American Experience
by Sergio Fabbrini - p0032 Gender and European Integration
by Birgit Locher & Elisabeth Prügl
- p0031 The New Institutionalisms and European Integration
by Mark A. Pollack - p0030 The Function of a European Basic Law: a Question of Legitimacy
by Tor-Inge Harbo - p0006 Equality, Authority, and the Locus of International Order
by Silviya Lechner
- p0028 The Problem of Legitimacy in the European Polity. Is Democratization the Answer?
by Claus Offe & Ulrich K. Preuss - p0025 Constructivist Approaches in International Relations Theory: Puzzles and Promises
by Antje Wiener - p0021 A New Kind of Europe? Democratic Integration in the European Union
by James Tully - p0016 Minority Rights and Charles Tilly’s Stateness
by Franke Wilmer - p0011 Hard and Soft Law in the European Union: The case of Social policy and the Open Method of Coordination
by Luca Barani - p0005 Explaining visa, asylum and immigration policy Treaty revision: insights from a revised neofunctionalist framework
by Arne Niemann
- p0024 The Neofunctionalists Were (almost) Right: Politicization and European Integration
by Lisbet Hooghe & Gary Marks - p0020 Beyond Territoriality: The Case of Transnational Human Rights Litigation
by Peer Zumbansen - p0015 Communication Networks, Hegemony, and Communicative Action
by James Tully - p0010 Sovereignty Reloaded? A Constructivist Perspective on European Research
by Tanja E. Aalberts - p0004 Redefining Sovereignty via International Constitutional Moments?
by Andreas Fischer-Lescano
- p0019 Democracy and the European Constitution: Majority Voting and Small Member States
by Johannes Pollak - p0014 The Division of Powers between the European Court of Justice and National Courts
by Gareth Davies - p0009 Contested Norms in the Process of EU Enlargement: Non-Discrimination and Minority Rights
by Antje Wiener & Guido Schwellnus - p0003 Finding Place for Freedom, Security and Justice: The European Un-ion’s Claim to Territorial Unity
by Hans Lindahl
- p0027 The Normality of Constitutional Politics: an Analysis of the Drafting of the EU Charta of Fundamental Rights
by Richard Bellamy & Justus Schoenlau - p0023 Removing conceptual blinders: Under what conditions does the ‘democratic deficit’ affect institutional design decisions?
by Berthold Rittberger - p0018 Limits of European Citizenship: European Integration and Domestic Immigration Policies
by Maarten P. Vink - p0013 Sovereignty Lost, Sovereignty Regained? Some Reflections on the Bundesverfassungsgericht’s Bananas Judgment
by Miriam Aziz - p0008 European Identity in International Society — A Constructivist Analysis of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
by Marika Lerch - p0002 Improving EU Constitutional Politics? A Preliminary Assessment of the Convention
by Carlos Closa
- p0029 Is constitutional finality feasible or desirable? On the cases for European constitutionalism and a European Constitution
by Stephen Weatherill - p0026 Pathos and Patina: The Failure and Promise of Constitutionalism in the European Imagination
by Ulrich Haltern - p0022 Education, Multiculturalism and the EU Charter of Rights
by Chloë Wallace & Jo Shaw - p0017 Drafting a European Constitution – Challenges and Opportunities
by Andreas Føllesdal - p0012 Europe in the Republican Imagination
by Dimitris N. Chryssochoou - p0007 Comparative Federalism meets the European Union
by Tanja A. Boerzel & Madeleine O. Hosli - p0001 Norm Evolution in EC Environmental Law
by Yoichiro Usui