2019, Issue s1
- 19s0101 Capital -The Highest Stage of Methodological Revolution
by Serdal BAHÇE - 19s0102 Karl Marx and "Invisible Hand"
by Heinz D. KURZ - 19s0103 Comparisons Based on the Critique of Political Economy: Commodity, Wealth and Development
by Recep Koray YILMAZ - 19s0104 Value is as Value Does: Twixt Knowledge and the World Economy
by Ben Fine, Heesang Jeon, Gong H. Gimm - 19s0105 Unsustainable Capitalism: Marx and Polanyi Contributions
by Simone GHEZZI, Enzo MINGIONE - 19s0106 Marx, Engels and Taxes
by Zeynep AĞDEMİR - 19s0107 Marx and Economic Crisis Theories: A Comparative Analysis In The Context Of 2007 Global Financial Crisis
by Ersan BOCUTOĞLU - 19s0108 A Materialistic Analysis of the Contemporary Art Market
by Kerem GÜMAN
2019, Issue 2
- 190201 The Analysis of Vertical Specialization in Turkish Foreign Trade through Input-Output Model
by Nihat DAĞISTAN - 190202 The Volatility Structure of Cryptocurrencies: The Comparison of GARCH Models
by İbrahim Korkmaz KAHRAMAN, Habib KÜÇÜKŞAHİN, Emin ÇAĞLAK - 190203 Gender Sensitive Taxation: A Comparative Analysis Specific to Country Examples
by Cahide GÖĞÜSDERE - 190204 Economic Citizenship: Is It Worthy Investment?
by Mustafa Şeref AKIN - 190205 Discussing the Near Future of Producer Cooperative’s in Turkey while the Sugar Mill’s Privatizing: The Case of the Union of Beet Growers Cooperatives (Pankobirlik)
by Özal ÇİÇEK, Osman Kürşat ACAR - 190206 Food Regime Theory and the Transformation of Turkey’s Agricultural System
by Tolga ÇELİK - 190207 Physiocracy and Taxes: A Historical Social Analysis
by Zeynep AĞDEMİR - 190208 Factors Affecting Income Distribution in High-Income Countries
by Fatmanur GÜDER
2019, Issue 1
- 190101 Sovereign Wealth Funds, the New Actors of Global Economy
by Kerem KERKEZ - 190102 The Coherence between Sovereign Wealth Funds and Fiscal and Monetary Policies: the Norwegian Case (2001-2017)
by Eszter WIRTH - 190103 Turkey’s Economic Power Potential: Turkiye Wealth Fund Practice As an ‘Economic Diplomacy’ Instrument
by Tahsin YAMAK, Emre SAYGIN - 190104 Sovereign Wealth Funds: Continuation and Proliferation of a State of Exception
by Yavuz YAYLA - 190105 An Assessment on Sovereign Wealth Funds in the Context of Turkiye Wealth Fund
by Ahmet Arif EREN, Yunus ODABAŞ - 190106 China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and New South Asia Geopolitics
by Kerem GÖKTEN - 190107 A Comparison of the Construction Contract of Flat for Land with Similar Contracts
by Engin BAHADIR - 190108 Determinants of Economic Growth: The Case of Turkey Under Structural Breaks
by Fındık Özlem ALPER - 190109 A Different Perspective Analysis of the Effects of Economic Growth and External Debt on the Current Account
by Emrah TÜRK - 190110 An Application on The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility Occurring Recently in Turkey on The Foreign Trade: Cointegration and Causality Analysis
by Gökhan KARTAL - 190111 The Status of Concordat and Public Receivables Under the Law No 7101
by Selçuk BUYRUKOĞLU - 190112 Green Growth in Turkey: A Statistical Comparison with OECD Indicators
by Hacı Ahmet KARADAŞ, Hacı Bayram IŞIK - 190113 German Social Welfare Approach through Reference to Three Periods of History: Cameralism, Weimar Welfare State and Ordoliberalism
by Reyhan KARABABA
2018, Issue 4
- 180401 Remittances and Poverty Reduction in Somalia
by Erol BULUT, Abdiqadar Abdignani MOHAMED - 180402 Problematic of Distribution in Economics Literature
by Aslı Ceren SARAL - 180403 The Longest Decade of the Empire’s Treasury: 1853-1856 Crimean War and Ottoman State Finances
by Cem AKIN - 180404 Feminist Economics and Its Critics from a Historical Perspective
by Hülya DERYA - 180405 The Status of Women in the Turkey’s Development Process within the Context of Development Plans
by Esin ASLANPAY ÖZDEMİR, Asuman ALTAY - 180406 Evaluation of Endogeneity of Money Supply under Inflation Targeting Implementation in Turkey
by Baki DEMİREL - 180407 An Alternative Instrument Negative Interest for Economic Growth: An ARDL Analysis Approach
by Ayşe Ergin ÜNAL, Okyay UÇAN - 180408 An Evaluation on Imprisonment of Tax Evasion
by Recep KAHRAMAN, Emre ATSAN - 180409 Events in Turkey and the Brics Countries in Technology and Human Capital Economy: Panel Data Analysis
by Ali ŞEN, Ceren PEHLİVAN - 180410 Classification of Organizations’ Level of Glass Ceiling Within the Frame of Contingencies: A Comparative Example from Education and Health Sectors
by Numan AKSOY
2018, Issue 3
- 180301 The Relations Between Unemployment and Entrepreneurship in Turkey: Schumpeter or Refugee Effect?
by Şükrü APAYDIN - 180302 The Interaction between Oil Price and Financial Stress: Evidence from the U.S. Data
by Onur POLAT - 180303 Mind Games in International Strategic Economy: Exchange Wars and Stratagems
by Fatih YÜCEL - 180304 Performance Measurement of Pension Investment Funds in Turkey: Comparing Performance of Traditional and Islamic Pension Investment Funds
by Mustafa UYSAL, Zafer ADALI - 180305 Crypto Money Bitcoin: Price Estimation with ARIMA and Artificial Neural Networks
by Eyyüp Ensari ŞAHİN - 180306 The Assessment of Economic Relations over Energy Sector Between After Independence of Caspian Region Countries and Turkey
by Erdem Utku EKE, Emre ATSAN - 180307 Turkish Household Electricity Consumption Structure: Electrical Appliances and Energy Efficiency
by Işıl Şirin SELÇUK - 180308 Subcontracting as a New Employment Form in Turkey (2000-2016)
by Mehmet ARI, Fevzi ENGİN - 180309 The Consequences of Crisis After 80’s to Turkey’s Economy
by Zübeyir TURAN - 180310 Speaking Economists are Debating Turkey's Problems
2018, Issue 2
- 180201 Economic Nationalism and Developmentalism
by Luiz Carlos BRESSER-PEREIRA - 180202 The New Generation (Late Neoclassical) Theories in Economics, the Transformation of the State and the Reflection to the Development Paradigm
by Uğur ESER - 180203 From Developmental and Industrialization to Neoliberal Premature Deindustrialization
by B. Ali EŞİYOK - 180204 The Political Economy of the Transformation of the Russian State from 1990s to 2000s: Towards A Neo-Authoritarian Regulative State Model
by Emek YILDIRIM - 180205 The Late Capitalist Development in the Context of Internationalization of Capital: A Theoretical Framework
by Koray R. YILMAZ, Demet ÖZMEN YILMAZ - 180206 Subtleties in the Standoff
by Amelia CORREA, Romar CORREA
2018, Issue 1
- 180101 Marksist Emperyalizm Teorileri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme
by Yeliz SARIÖZ GÖKTEN - 180102 Türkiye’de Asgari Ücretin Vergi Dışı Bırakılmasının Tüketim Harcamaları Üzerine Etkisi
by Özal ÇİÇEK - 180103 Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Serbestleştirici Politikaların Ekonomik Kalkınma Üzerindeki Etkileri
by Z. Eray ESER, Banu TANRIÖVER - 180104 Jevons Paradoksu: Enerji Etkinliği ve Rebound Etkisi Üzerine Ekonometrik Bir Analiz
by Merter AKINCI, Haktan SEVİNÇ, Ömer YILMAZ - 180105 Linear and Non-Linear Causality Tests of Stock Price and Real Exchange Rate Interactions in Turkey
by Gözde YILDIRIM, Zafer ADALI - 180106 The Relationship Between Young Populations, Life Expectancy at Birth, Number Of Doctors and Health Expenditure in Turkey: An Econometric Application
by Tuğay GÜNEL - 180107 Borsa İstanbul 100 Endeksi ile Tüketici Güven Endeksleri Arasındaki Nedensellik İlişkisi: Türkiye Örneği
by İsmail CANÖZ - 180108 Mali Kural Kavramı ve Politika Çerçevesi
by N. Hande SEVGİ - 180109 Yükseköğretimdeki Politikalarına Dair Bir Yazın Taraması ve Analiz İçin Bir Anahtar Kavram Olarak Politika Transferi
2017, Issue 3
- 170301 Doğu Karadeniz’de Çay Tarımında Çalışan Gürcü İşçilerin Çalışma Koşulları Üzerine Gözlemler
by Fevzi ENGİN - 170301 Doğu Karadeniz’de Çay Tarımında Çalışan Gürcü İşçilerin Çalışma Koşulları Üzerine Gözlemler
by Fevzi ENGİN - 170302 Exchange Rate Volatility and Trade Flows
by Ali Eren ALPER - 170302 Exchange Rate Volatility and Trade Flows
by Ali Eren ALPER - 170303 Türkiye’deki Mevduat Bankalarının Fiyat-Kazanç Oranını Etkileyen Değişkenlerin Mars Yöntemi İle Belirlenmesi
by Serhat YÜKSEL, İsmail CANÖZ, Zafer ADALI - 170303 Türkiye’deki Mevduat Bankalarının Fiyat-Kazanç Oranını Etkileyen Değişkenlerin Mars Yöntemi İle Belirlenmesi
by Serhat YÜKSEL, İsmail CANÖZ, Zafer ADALI - 170304 Does FDI Affect Social Protests Level?: Panel Granger Causality Test
by Deniz GÜVERCİN - 170304 Does FDI Affect Social Protests Level?: Panel Granger Causality Test
by Deniz GÜVERCİN - 170305 Dramın Boyutlarının Ölçümü: Terörizmin Sosyo-Ekonomik Belirleyicilerinin Coğrafi Ağırlıklı Regresyon Analizi
by Merter AKINCI, Gönül YÜCE AKINCI, Ömer YILMAZ - 170305 Dramın Boyutlarının Ölçümü: Terörizmin Sosyo-Ekonomik Belirleyicilerinin Coğrafi Ağırlıklı Regresyon Analizi
by Merter AKINCI, Gönül YÜCE AKINCI, Ömer YILMAZ - 170306 Post-Truth Döneminde Epikuros’ta Mutluluk ve Dostluk Kavramlarını Yeniden Düşünmek
by Yavuz YILDIRIM - 170306 Post-Truth Döneminde Epikuros’ta Mutluluk ve Dostluk Kavramlarını Yeniden Düşünmek
by Yavuz YILDIRIM - 170307 Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynağı Olarak Biyokütle Üretiminin Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Durumu
by Sıtkıcan SARAÇOĞLU - 170307 Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynağı Olarak Biyokütle Üretiminin Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Durumu
by Sıtkıcan SARAÇOĞLU - 170308 Art! In What Sense?
by Burçak İSMET ÖZSOY - 170308 Art! In What Sense?
by Burçak İSMET ÖZSOY - 170309 Normalization of Monetary Policy After Global Crisis: What is Normalization?
by N. Hande SEVGİ
2017, Issue 2
- 170201 Hükümet Programları Üzerinden Türkiye’nin Mekânsal Stratejilerinin İzini Sürmek
by Saadet AYDIN - 170201 Hükümet Programları Üzerinden Türkiye’nin Mekânsal Stratejilerinin İzini Sürmek
by Saadet AYDIN - 170202 FAVAR (Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregression) Modeli Literatür Taraması
by Bige KÜÇÜKEFE, Dündar Murat DEMİRÖZ - 170202 FAVAR (Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregression) Modeli Literatür Taraması
by Bige KÜÇÜKEFE, Dündar Murat DEMİRÖZ - 170203 Yabancılaşma: Bir Özgürleşme Sorunu
by O. İnan ŞENSES - 170203 Yabancılaşma: Bir Özgürleşme Sorunu
by O. İnan ŞENSES - 170204 TR5 (Batı Anadolu) Bölgesinin İnovasyon Performans Kapasitesi Üzerine Bir Uygulama
by Zeynep KARAÇOR, Erhan DUMAN - 170204 TR5 (Batı Anadolu) Bölgesinin İnovasyon Performans Kapasitesi Üzerine Bir Uygulama
by Zeynep KARAÇOR, Erhan DUMAN - 170205 Ticaret Savaşları ve Dünya Ekonomisine Etkileri
by Nuran ERTÜRK - 170205 Ticaret Savaşları ve Dünya Ekonomisine Etkileri
by Nuran ERTÜRK - 170206 Küreselleşmeyle Birlikte İş Kazalarının Değişen Yüzü: İş Cinayetleri
by Tuğçe SAYİS - 170206 Küreselleşmeyle Birlikte İş Kazalarının Değişen Yüzü: İş Cinayetleri
by Tuğçe SAYİS - 170207 Kitap Tanıtımı: Rod Hill ve Tony Myatt, İktisat: Eleştirel Ders Kitabı: Eleştirel Düşünürün Mikroiktisat Klavuzu
by Serdar DUMLUPINAR - 170207 Kitap Tanıtımı: Rod Hill ve Tony Myatt, İktisat: Eleştirel Ders Kitabı: Eleştirel Düşünürün Mikroiktisat Klavuzu
2017, Issue 1
- 170101 Sosyal Hakların Ekonomik Açıdan İrdelenmesi
by İzzettin ÖNDER - 170101 Sosyal Hakların Ekonomik Açıdan İrdelenmesi
by İzzettin ÖNDER - 170102 Kalkınma Performanslarına Göre Hükümetler: Türkiye 1923-2002
by Önder BALCI - 170102 Kalkınma Performanslarına Göre Hükümetler: Türkiye 1923-2002
by Önder BALCI - 170103 The Properties Of The Shadow Banking In China
by Zafer ADALI - 170103 The Properties Of The Shadow Banking In China
by Zafer ADALI - 170104 Çin Yatırım Şirketi (CIC) Özelinde Finansal Küreselleşmede Devlet Sermayesi: Ulusal Varlık Fonları
by Orhan ŞİMŞEK - 170104 Çin Yatırım Şirketi (CIC) Özelinde Finansal Küreselleşmede Devlet Sermayesi: Ulusal Varlık Fonları
by Orhan ŞİMŞEK - 170105 Neoliberal Sağlık Politikalarının Etkinlik Analizi
by Fatoş ÖCAL - 170105 Neoliberal Sağlık Politikalarının Etkinlik Analizi
by Fatoş ÖCAL - 170106 Küresel Zincirlere Eklemlenme: Türkiye'de Kapitalizmin Gelişme Dinamikleri ve KOBİ'ler
by Cihan ÖZTÜRK - 170106 Küresel Zincirlere Eklemlenme: Türkiye'de Kapitalizmin Gelişme Dinamikleri ve KOBİ'ler
by Cihan ÖZTÜRK - 170107 John Maynard Keynes (1925): Bir liberal miyim?
by Yavuz YAYLA - 170107 John Maynard Keynes (1925): Bir liberal miyim?
by Yavuz YAYLA