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Hrvatske poslovice

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Hrvatske poslovice. Mnogo ih je narodnih ili "narodnih", pa je teško navesti izvor, no kad god je to moguće, navedite ga radi usporedbe i provjere.

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Ova se stranica može naći i na Croatian Proverbs

A selection of Croatian proverbs. Many are considered to be traditional so source cannot be determined.

English translation and equivalent are given for the purpose of linking with other WikiQuotes.

This page can be found also on Croatian Proverbs


  • Hrvatska poslovica. (Objašnjenje značenja poslovice.)
    • Translation: Literal translation in English. (Explanation of the meaning of the proverb.)
    • English equivalent: English proverb that is considered to be equivalent to the Croatian proverb


  • Ako hoćeš da pljuneš, pljuni u šaku.
    • Translation: If you want to spit, get spit in your fist.
  • Ako mi ne možeš pomoći, nemoj mi odmagati.
    • Translation: If you can not help me, do not let me down.
  • Ako ti je slaba pamet, moraš imati zdrava leđa.
    • Translation: If you are weak in mind, you must have a healthy back.
  • Alibeg sjaše, Kulibeg uzjaše. (U politici imena na vlasti se mijenjaju, a sve ostaje isto.)
    • Translation: Ali Beg is down from horse, Kuli Beg is stirring up.


  • Batina ima dva kraja. (Računaj na to da se i tebi može vratiti onako kako (loše) činiš drugima.)
    • Translation: A stick has two ends. Beware that you can get it back the same way if you harm another person.)
  • Batina je iz raja izašla.
    • Translation: The beating stick came from heaven. Punishment is sometimes necessary and with purpuse.
  • Besposlen pop i jariće krsti. (Ako netko nema stvarnog i važnog posla, počet će raditi nevažne ili bespotrebne stvari.)
    • Translation: An idle priest will start baptizing goats. (If someone is without real and important tasks, he will undertake unimportant or senseless activities.)
    • English equivalent: The Devil finds work for idle hands.
  • Bez alata nema zanata.
    • Translation: No tool has no craftsman.
  • Bez djece ne raste kuća.
    • Translation: Without children the house will not grow.
  • Bez muke nema nauke. (Treba se potruditi da bi se steklo znanje.)
    • Translation: Without suffering, there is no learning. (You need to put some effort in order to acquire some knowledge.)
    • English equivalent: No pain, no gain.
  • Bilo, pa prošlo.
  • Bog je prvo sebi bradu stvorio. (Onaj tko ima moć, prvo podmiruje svoje potrebe)
    • Translation: God first created a beard for himself. (The one who has power, first takes care for his own needs).
    • English equivalent: Charity begins at home
  • Bog je u srcima onih koji ga traže.
    • Translation: God is in the hearts of those who seek Him.
  • Boj ne bije zlaćano oružje, već srce u junaka. (Uspjeh ne ovisi toliko o sredstvima kojima raspolažemo, koliko o našem umijeću, odlučnosti i trudu koje uložimo.)
    • Translation: The battle isn’t won by golden arms but by hero’s heart. (Our success does not depend so much on resources we have, as on knowledge, skills, decisiveness and effort we put in accomplishment.
  • Bolje grob nego rob. (Parola borbe protiv fašizma. Smatra se da postoje podčinjenosti toliko nepodnošljive da je bolje umrijeti.)
    • Translation: Better the grave than (to be) a slave. (The slogan created during resistance against fascism. It is believed that some subservience is so unbearable that it is better to die.)
  • Bolje ikad nego nikad. (Za neke stvari nikad nije kasno)
    • Translation: Better ever than never. (For some things it is never too late)
    • English equivalent: Better late than never.
  • Bolje je pokliznuti nogom nego jezikom.
    • Translation: It's better to slide with a leg than a tongue.
  • Bolje rat nego pakt. (Parola borbe protiv fašizma. Smatra se da postoje toliko zle sile da je bolje s njima ratovati nego uspostaviti savez.)
    • Translation: Better war than pact. (The slogan created during resistance against fascism. It is believed that some forces are so evil that it is better go in war against them than to cooperate with them.)
  • Bolje spriječiti nego liječiti. (Skuplje je popravljati greške nego ih spriječiti.)
    • Translation: Better to prevent than to cure. (It is more expensive to correct mistakes than to prevent them.)
    • English equivalent: Better safe than sorry.
  • Bolje vjerovati svojim očima nego tuđim riječima.
    • Translation: Better to believe with your eyes than other words.
  • Bolje vrabac u ruci, nego golub na grani.
    • Translation: Better (to have) a sparrow in the hand then a pigeon on the branch.
    • English equivalent: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


  • Cvijet je najljepši dok je neubran.
    • Translation: The flower is the most beautiful while nobody touch it.
  • Čisti račun, duga ljubav.
    • Translation: A clean account, long love.
  • Čovjek i magarac znaju više od jednog čovjeka.
    • Translation: A man and a donkey know more than one man.
  • Čovjek je čovjeku vuk.
    • English equivalent: Man is man's wolf.
    • Latin equivalent: Homo homini lupus est.
  • Čovjek se veže za riječ, a vol za rogove.
    • Translation: The man binds up for the word, and the ox for horns.
  • Čovjek snuje, Bog određuje.
    • Translation: A man plans, but God decides.


  • Daj mu vlast u ruke, pa da vidiš tko je i što je.
    • Translation: Give him his power to see who he is and what he is.
  • Daj prst – ode ruka.
    • Translation: Give your finger - the arm will gone.
  • Daleko od očiju, daleko od srca.
    • Translation: Far away from eyes, far away from heart.
    • English equivalent: Out of sight, out of mind.
  • Dobro se dobrim vraća.
    • Translation: Good things will return with good things.
  • Dok mudraci proučavaju život, pametni ga prožive.
    • Translation: While sages are studying life, smart people experience it.
  • Drvo bez grane i čovjek bez mane – ne mogu biti.
    • Translation: A tree without brances and a man without fault - can't be.
  • Dug je zao drug.
    • Translation: Debt is bad company.


  • Gdje ima dima ima i vatre.
    • Translation: Where there is smoke, there is a fire, too.
  • Gdje ima smijeha bude i plača.
    • Translation: Where there is laugh, there will be crying too.
  • Gdje velika zvona zvone, tu se mala ne čuju.
    • Translation: Where great bells ring, little are not heard.
  • Gluposti, za kojima najviše žalimo, su one koje nikad nismo učinili.
    • Translation: The nonsense we most regret is the ones we have never done.
  • Gradiš kule u oblacima.
    • Translation: You're building a tower in the clouds.


  • I ćorava koka zrno nađe.
    • Translation: And the blind chicken finds the grain.
  • I nad popom ima popadija. (Rijetko tko je apsolutni gospodar, uvijek se nađe netko «jači».)
    • Translation: Above the minister is the minister's wife. (It is rare that someone has the ultimate power. There will always be someone higher in hierarchy or “stronger” in some sense.)
  • Imati veće oči od želudca.
    • Translation: Have bigger eyes from the stomach.
  • Ispeci pa reci.
    • Translation: First bake it, than say it.
  • Iver ne pada daleko od klade.
    • Translation: A splinter doesn't land far from the trunk.
    • English equivalent: Like father, like son.


  • Jabuka ne pada daleko od stabla.
    • Translation: The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
    • English equivalent: Like father, like son.
  • Jabuka koja kasno sazri dugo stoji.
    • Translation: The apple that grows late is standing for a long time.
  • Jedna lasta ne čini proljeće.
    • Translation: One swallow does not make a spring.
    • English equivalent: One bird does not make a summer.
    • Latin equivalent: Una hirundo non facit ver.
  • Jezik ti je brži od pameti.
    • Translation: Your tongue is faster than mind.
  • Jutro je pametnije od večeri.
    • Translation: Morning is smarter than evening.


  • Kad čeljad nije bijesna, ni kuća nije tijesna.
    • Translation: When children are not furious, the house isn’t too small either.
  • Kad mačka ode, miševi kolo vode.
    • Translation: When cat is absent, mice dance.
    • English equivalent: When the cat's away the mice will play.
  • Kad na vrbi rodi grožđe.
    • Translation: When a willow bears grapes. (That will never happen)
    • Latin equivalent: Ad calendas graecas.
  • Kad stari pas laje, valja vidjeti šta je.
    • Translation: When an old dog barks, you have to see what it is.
  • Kakav otac, takav sin. (Mnoga karakterna svojstva čovjeka su nasljedna.)
    • English equivalent: Like father, like son.
  • Kak pri jelu, tak pri djelu.
    • Translation: The way one behaves at meal is the way one behaves at work.
  • Kako došlo, tako prošlo.
    • Translation: The way it came is the way it will go.
    • English equivalent: Easy come, easy go.
  • Kako siješ, tako ćeš žeti.
    • Translation: As you sow, so you will reap.
  • Kapa glavu pokriva, cipela je čuva!
    • Translation: Cap head covers, shoe keeps!
  • Klin se klinom izbija.
    • Translation: Wedge is removed by wedge.
  • Krv nije voda.
    • Translation: The blood is not water.
    • English equivalent: Blood is thicker than water.
  • Kud svi Turci tu i ćoravi Mujo (Ako ne znaš sam donijeti odluku u nekoj situaciji, slijedi druge.)
    • Translation: Where everybody goes, blind Mujo follows. (If you can’t make your own decision in a situation, follow the others.)
    • English equivalent: When in Rome, do as Romans do.


  • Lako je tuđim mudima gloginje mlatiti.
  • Lijepa riječ i željezna vrata otvara.
    • Translation: The beautiful word can an iron gate opens.
  • Lonac ide na vodu dok se ne razbije.
    • Translation: A pot goes to water until it breaks.
  • Ljutu travu na ljutu ranu.
    • Translation: Strong herb on a bad wound.
  • Ljubav srama ne poznaje.
    • Translation: The love does not know shame.


  • Mi o vuku, a vuk na vrata.
    • Translation: we (talk) about the wolf and the wolf (comes) at the door.
    • English equivalent: Talk of the devil - and the devil appears. OR Speaking of a devil.
    • Latin equivalent: Lupus in fabula.
  • Mnogo znao, mnogo i patio.
    • Translation: He knew so much, and he suffered a lot.
  • Motati se kao mačka oko vruće kaše.
    • Translation: To circle like a cat around a hot porridge.
    • English equivalent: Beating around bush.


  • Na kurjaka vika, a lisica živad kolje.
  • Na mladima svijet ostaje.
    • Translation: On young people the world remains.
  • Naći iglu u plastu sijena.
    • English equivalent: Needle in a haystack.
  • Na muci se poznaju junaci.
    • Translation: In trouble you know a hero.
    • English equivalent: When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
  • Napad je najbolja obrana.
    • Translation: The attack is the best defense.
  • Na prosjaka i psi laju.
    • Translation: To the beggar the dogs bark too.
  • Na sirotu i žaba diže noge.
    • Translation: The poor people and the frog raise their legs.
  • Ne gledaj poklonjenom konju u zube.
    • Translation: Don't look a gift horse in the teeth.
    • English equivalent: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
  • Ne laje pas zbog sela.
    • Translation: The dog doesn’t bark because of the village.
  • Ne maljaj vraga na zid.
    • Translation: Do not paint the devil on the wall.
  • Ne meću se dukati na cvijeće, već na curu koju niko neće.
    • Latin equivalent: Margaritas ante porcos.
  • Ne može se glavom kroz zid.
    • Translation: You can not with head through the wall.
  • Ne možeš imati i ovce i novce.
    • Translation: You can’t have both money and sheep.
    • English equivalent: You can’t have a cake and eat it, too.
  • Ne kupuj mačka u vreći.
    • Translation: Don't buy a cat in a bag.
    • English equivalent: Don't buy a pig in a poke.
  • Ne stavljaj sva jaja u jednu košaru.
    • Translation: Don't put all eggs in one basket.
  • Ne trči pred rudo.
    • Translation: Don't run in front of a carriage.
    • English equivalent: Don't jump a gun.
  • Neće grom u koprive.
    • Translation: A lightning won’t strike into stinging nettle.
  • Nema dlake na jeziku.
    • Translation: No hair in the tongue.
  • Nema kruha bez motike.
    • Translation: There is no bread without shovel.
  • Nema ruže bez trnja.
    • Translation: No roses without thorns.
  • Nema velikog i značajnog djela bez opasnosti.
    • Translation: There is no major and significant work without danger.
  • Ne možeš se s rogatim bosti.
  • Nesreća nikad ne dolazi sama.
    • Translation: A disaster never comes alone.
    • English equivalent: It never rains but it pours.
    • English equivalent: Bad luck comes in threes.
  • Nesta blaga, nesta prijatelja.
    • Translation: Treasure dissapeared, friends dissapeared.
  • Ne stoji kuća na zemlji nego na ženi.
    • Translation: There is no house on earth but a wife.
  • Ne traži kruh nad pogačom.
    • Translation: Do not ask for bread if you have tortilla.
  • Ni luk jeo, ni luk mirisao. (Uopće nisam sudjelovao u tome. Nisam u tome imao prste.)
    • Translation: I haven't eaten the onion nor smelled it. (I haven't been involved in this at all.)
  • Nije siromah tko malo ima, već tko mnogo želi.
    • English equivalent: It is not poor who has a little, but who wants much.
  • Nije zlato sve što sja.
    • English equivalent: Not all that glitters is gold.
  • Nikad ne reci nikad.
    • Translation: Never say never.
  • Ni prsti jedne ruke nisu isti.
    • Translation: The fingers of one hand are not the same.
  • Novac kvari ljude.
    • Translation: Money spoils people.
  • Novac se na novac lijepi.
    • Translation: Money sticks to money.
  • Novci kad odlaze imaju sto nogu, a kad dolaze samo dvije.
    • Translation: The money when they go have hundred legs and only two when come back.


  • O mrtvima sve najbolje.
    • Translation: About dead speak only the best.
    • Latin equivalent: De mortuis nil nisi bonum.
  • Odijelo ne čini čovjeka.
    • Translation: Clothes do not make a man.
    • English equivalent: You can't tell a book by its cover.
  • Odijelo ne čini čovjeka, ali zato čini gospodina. (Iako odijelo ne čini čovjeka, na prvi pogled je izgled ono što dijeli običnog čovjeka od gospodina.)
    • Translation: Clothes do not make a man, but do make a gentleman.
  • Osmijehni se svakom jutru.
    • Translation: Smile to every morning.
  • Oteto – prokleto.
    • Translation: Taken - damned.
  • Ovca bleji, zalogaj gubi.


  • Papir trpi sve.
    • Translation: Paper can withstand anything.
  • Para na paru, uš na uš.
    • Translation: Money on money, louse on louse.
  • Pas koji laje, ne grize.
    • Translation: Barking dogs don't bite.
    • English equivalent: His bark is worse than his bite.
  • Po jutru se dan poznaje.
    • Translation: The morning shows how the day will be.
  • Počisti prvo pred svojim vratima.
    • Translation: First sweep the ground in front of your own door.
  • Pomozi si sam pa će ti i Bog pomoći.
    • Translation: First help yourself and then even the God will help you.
  • Pomozi sirotu na svoju sramotu.
    • Translation: Help the poor one for your own shame.
  • Pored takvih prijatelja što će mi neprijatelji.
    • Translation: With such friends, one doesn't need enemies anymore.
    • English equivalent: With friends like these, who needs enemies?
  • Poslije kiše dolazi sunce.
    • Translation: After rain comes sun.
    • Latin equivalent: Post nubila phoebus.
  • Pošalji lopova da uhvati lopova. (Samo slični ljudi se dobro poznaju.)
    • Translation: Send a thief to catch a thief. (Only similar people know each other well enough.)
    • English equivalent: Takes one to know one.
  • Pošto se napiješ vode, ne muti izvor za sobom.
    • Translation: As you drink water, do not blur the well.
  • Pravda može biti gažena, ali samo privremeno.
    • Translation: Justice can be tired, but only temporary.
  • Prevede nas žedne preko vode.
    • Translation: He threw us thirsty over the water.
  • Prodati rog pod svijeću.
    • Translation: To sell a horn as a candle.
  • Prvo skoči pa reci: “hop”!
    • Translation: First leap, then say: "jump"!
    • English equivalent: Look before you leap.
  • Pune se puške boji jedan, prazne dvojica.
  • Puno baba, kilavo dijete.
    • Translation: Many midwives, child will be lazy.
    • English equivalent: Too many cooks spoil the broth.


  • Saka hiža ima križa, a negdo celu cirkvu.
    • Translation: Each house has a cross and one has whole church.
  • Sit gladnom ne vjeruje.
    • Translation: The well fed one does not believe to the hungry one.
  • S kim si takav si.
    • Translation: With who you are - you are like this.
  • Slika govori više nego tisuću riječi.
    • Translation: A picture speaks more than thousands words do.
  • Svakog gosta tri dana dosta.
    • Translation: Every guest is welcome for three days.
  • Sve je dobro što se dobro svrši.
    • Translation: All's well that ends well.

  • Sve se vraća, sve se plaća.
    • Translation: What goes around, comes around
  • Sve što je dobro kratko traje.
    • Translation: All that's well lasts short.
    • English equivalent: All good things come to an end.
  • Sve u svoje vrijeme.
    • Translation: All in own time.
  • Svi putovi vode u Rim.
    • Translation: All roads lead to Rome.
    • English equivalent: All things come to he who waits.
  • Svjetlo je uvijek na kraju tunela.
    • Translation: The light is always at the end of the tunnel.
  • Strpljen – spašen.
    • English equivalent: Patient - saved.
  • Strpljenje je gorko al’ mu je plod sladak.
    • Translation: Patience is bitter but his fruit is sweet.
  • Svuda pođi, svojoj kući dođi.
    • Translation: Go everywhere, but come back to your home.
  • Što bi gori sad je doli, a što bi doli sad je gori.
    • Translation: What was up now is down and what was down now is up.
    • English equivalent: What goes around comes around.
  • Što je svačije, to je ničije.
    • Translation: What is from everyone, it is from nobody.
  • Što možeš danas, ne ostavljaj za sutra.
    • Translation: What you can do today do not leave for tomorrow.
  • Što se babi htilo, to se babi snilo.
    • Translation: What grandmother wanted, grandmother dreamed about.
  • Što više, to bolje.
    • English equivalent: The more the merrier.
  • Šuma ne strahuje od sjekire, već od držalja.
    • Translation: The forest is not afraid of ax, but of the handle.


  • Teško žabu u vodu natjerati.
    • Translation: It is not difficult to force the frog into the water.
  • Tiha voda brege dere.
    • Translation: Quiet water wears down mountains.
    • English equivalent: Still water runs deep.
  • Tko brzo sudi, brzo se i kaje.
    • Translation: Who is quick to judge, he is quick to repentance.
  • Tko ide polako, daleko stigne.
    • Translation: Who goes slow, far reaching.
  • Tko ide u gostionu – tuđu djecu hrani.
    • Translation: Whoever goes in the bar - the other children feed.
  • Tko ima pameti, ne treba mu sreće.
    • Translation: He who has the mind does not need his luck.
  • Tko kupuje što mu ne treba, prodavat će što mu treba.
    • Translation: The one who buys what he does not need, will sell what he needs.
  • Tko mnogo poklanja – sa hrpe poklanja, tko malo poklanja – od srca poklanja.
    • Translation: Whoever gives a lot of presents - gives from pile, whoever gives a few of presents - gives from heart.
  • Tko ne riskira, ne profitira.
    • Translation: The one who does not take risk, does not get any profit.
    • English equivalen: He who dares, wins.
  • Tko nije služio, ne umije ni zapovijedati.
    • Translation: Whoever did not serve, can not a master.
  • Tko pita, ne skita.
    • Translation: The one who asks, does not stray away.
  • Tko pjeva, zlo ne misli.
    • Translation: Who sings means no harm.
  • Tko pod drugim jamu kopa, sam u nju pada.
    • Translation: The one who digs the hole under someone else will fall in it himself.
  • Tko prvi, njegova djevojka.
    • Translation: The first one gets the girl.
    • English equivalent: First come, first served.
  • Tko radi, taj i griješi.
    • Translation: Who works makes mistakes.
  • Tko radi ne boji se gladi.
    • Translation: Whoever works is not afraid of hunger.
  • Tko rano rani, dvije sreće grabi.
    • Translation: The one who wakes up early, catches two fortunes.
    • English equivalent: The early bird catches the worm.
  • Tko se dima ne nadimi, taj se vatre ne nagrije.
    • Translation: Whoever suffers smoke does not hot from fire.
  • Tko se jednom opeče i na hladno puše.
    • Translation: One who get burned he blows on cold too.
  • Tko se mača laća od mača će i poginuti.
    • Translation: Whoever swears by the sword will lie down.
  • Tko se zadnji smije, najslađe se smije.
    • Translation: The one who laughs the last, laughs the sweetest.
    • English equivalent: He who laughs last, laughs the hardest.
  • Tko uči znaće, tko štedi imati će.
    • Translation: Those who teach means who saves will have.
  • Tko umije, njemu dvije.
    • Translation: The one who can, gets the two.
  • Tko u nebo pljuje na obraz mu pada.
    • Translation: Who in the sky spit on his cheek falls.
  • Tko vino večera, vodu doručkuje.
    • Translation: Who's dinner wine, water breakfast.
  • Tko zlo čini nek’ se njemu nada.
    • Translation: He who does evil hopes for him.
  • Tko žali čavao, izgubit će potkovicu; tko žali potkovicu, izgubit će i konja.
    • Translation: Those who complain of a nail will lose the horseshoe; those who complain of a horseshoe will lose the horse.
  • Tresla se brda, rodio se miš. (Mnogo buke ni zbog čega.)
    • Translation: Hills were shaking, a mouse was born. ( A lot of noise for nothing important.)
  • Tri put mjeri, jedanput sijeci.
    • Translation: Three times measure, one time cut.
  • Tuđe je sve lijepo, ali je svoje najljepše.
    • Translation: Strange is all nice, but it's your most beautiful one.


  • U dobrog konja stotinu mana, a u lošeg samo jedna.
    • Translation: "In the good horse a hundred fouls, and in bad one.
  • U laži su kratke noge.
    • Translation: In lies one has short legs.
    • English equivalent: A lie has no legs.
  • Um caruje, snaga klade valja.
  • U nevolji se poznaje prijatelj.
    • Translation: In trouble a friend is recognized.
    • English equivalent: A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  • U postolareve žene poderane su cipele.
    • Translation: The shoemakers wife wears shoes with holes.
  • U punoj kući večera se brzo napravi.
    • Translation: In a full house, dinner is done quickly.
  • U složnu porodicu sreća sama od sebe dolazi.
    • Translation: In harmonious family happiness comes from herself.
  • U strahu su velike oči.
    • Translation: In fear the eyes are big.
  • U svakoj šali pola istine.
    • Translation: In every joke half the truth.
  • Umiljato janje dvije majke siše.
    • Translation: Cute lamb sucks on two mothers.
  • U svakom zlu, ima nešto dobra.
    • Translation: In all evil, there is something good.
  • U svakom žitu ima kukolja.
    • Translation: In every grain there are horns.
  • Uzdaj se u se i u svoje kljuse.
    • Translation: Trust yourself and your horse.
  • U zdravom tijelu zdrav duh.
    • Latin equivalent: Mens sana in corpore sano


  • Vidjela žaba da se konji kuju, pa i ona digla nogu.
  • Voda sve odnese, a sramotu ne može.
    • Translation: The water is taken away, and the shame can not be done.
  • Vrijeme je novac.
    • English equivalent: Time is money.
  • Vuk dlaku mijenja, ali ćud nikada.
    • Translation: The wolf changes its hair, but never its character.


  • Zid ruši vlaga, a čovjeka briga.
    • English equivalent: The wall breaks down the moisture, and the man worries.
  • Željezo se kuje dok je vruće.
    • English equivalent: Beat the iron while it is hot.
  • Željezo reže drvo i kamen, ali i njega hrđa jede.
  • Žuri polako.
    • Translation: Hasten slowly.
    • Latin equivalent: Festina lente.

See also