Lehigh University established its Protection of Minors Policy and the Protection of Minors Committee to ensure the safety of people under the age of 18 who attend Lehigh or take part in its programs and activities. The policy lays out a formal set of definitions and requirements in accordance with all applicable Pennsylvania laws.
This website provides the resources needed for employees, students and third party organizations involved in programs with minors at Lehigh University to fully comply with the policy.
The protection of minors on Lehigh’s campus is the responsibility of everyone:
- All Lehigh employees - faculty, staff and student workers - are required to undergo criminal background checks and complete training on a periodic basis.
- All Lehigh employees who have direct contact with minors are considered mandated reporters.
- Every member of the Lehigh University community – including all faculty, staff, students and volunteers - has the duty and obligation to immediately report suspected instances of the abuse of minors.
Please carefully review all of the information in each section.