Upcoming events for August 2022 with Google Earth Outreach

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Google Earth Outreach

Jul 29, 2022, 4:20:53 AM7/29/22
to Google Earth Outreach Announcements
Hello everyone,

We’d like to invite you to register for our upcoming event in August. We hope to see you there!

August 17: Geo for Good Lighting Talk Series #12: GEO-GEE Programme People & Society

Two years ago, the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and Google Earth Engine (GEE) announced that 32 projects from 22 countries were awarded production licenses and technical support to tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges using open geospatial data. As the GEO-GEE Programme draws to a close, we’ve been excited to hear the project teams to share their results and outcomes over the last two Lightning Talk episodes (#10 and #11).

This month, we’ll hear from project teams on how they used Google Earth Engine to support people & society. Register here.

Raleigh Seamster, on behalf of the Google Earth Outreach team
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