Upcoming events for March 2021 with Google Earth Outreach

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Google Earth Outreach

Feb 23, 2021, 11:43:31 PM2/23/21
to Google Earth Outreach Announcements
Hello everyone,

We’d like to invite you to register for the following events in March. We hope to see you there!

March 2nd: Analyzing a Landsat 8 image in Google Earth Engine: Cooking Class with Michael & Karin
Which Landsat 8 image band is best for mapping vegetation? What about soil moisture or bare ground? Learn how to explore, compare and leverage Landsat 8 image bands in Earth Engine with Michael and Karin. Register here.

March 17th: Hey Earth Engine, How Do I…?
Do you have a question for the Earth Engine team, or need some help debugging a script? Join us for a live streamed Q&A with experts from the Earth Engine team. Register here.

March 22nd: Bringing climate change reality to students using Cloud to Classroom
Learn about Cloud to Classroom, a project developed by our guest speaker Liza Goldberg using Earth Engine Apps to help students understand global environmental changes. Register here.

Raleigh Seamster, on behalf of the Google Earth Outreach team
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