Seeking guest speakers on Google Earth for environmental work

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Google Earth Outreach

Jun 1, 2022, 12:55:39 AM6/1/22
to Google Earth Outreach Announcements
Hello everyone,

Are you interested in giving a talk directly to the Google Earth team on how you use Google Earth for environmental work?

We’re looking for guest speakers who use Google Earth for environmental work, for an internal event series hosted by the Google Earth Outreach team. Each guest speaker would give an informal 1-hour virtual presentation on how you use Google Earth, including questions and discussion. This format allows for the exchange of ideas and follow-up questions between you and the team that builds and maintains the Google Earth suite of products. This talk would not be shared outside of Google, but we would ask permission to record your talk for team members who might not be able to join us live.

If you are interested in submitting an idea for a talk, please fill out this form. We’ll be reviewing ideas on an ongoing basis and will select one idea per month to be invited to present to the team. We can’t promise that we’ll be able to invite every submission to participate due to scheduling limitations, but submissions that showcase a range of ways that Google Earth can be used for environmental work will be prioritized.

We’re excited to hear more about your environmental work that uses Google Earth!

Thank you,
Raleigh Seamster, on behalf of the Google Earth Outreach team
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