Invitation to apply for 2022 Geo for Good Summit

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Google Earth Outreach

May 17, 2022, 12:47:54 AM5/17/22
to Google Earth Outreach Announcements
Hello everyone,

We are excited to share that the application for the 11th annual Geo for Good Summit is now open! The Summit is intended for nonprofits, scientists and other change-makers who want to leverage technology and use mapping tools (such as Google Earth, Earth Engine, Environmental Insights Explorer, and My Maps) for positive impact in the world.

This year, we are planning to return to an in-person format, but with plenty of online, livestream and virtual elements to allow people not there in-person to connect and learn.
  • For in-person attendance: Because space is limited at the event venue, interested candidates will need to apply by June 13 (and be accepted) to attend the in-person summit.
  • For virtual attendance: If you plan to participate virtually, please do not submit an application at this time. Virtual registration will open in August after the in-person application process has completed. We'll notify this announcements list when virtual registration begins.
What: Geo for Good Summit
: October 4-6, 2022
Where: Mountain View, CA, USA (with virtual events too!)
Cost: Free to in-person and virtual attendees. If accepted, in-person participants are expected to cover their own travel expenses.

  • June 13: Deadline for submitting an application.
  • July 20: Applicants will receive email notification of their application decision.
  • August: Virtual registration opens
To find out more about the event and to apply to attend in person, visit

We hope you will join us! If you have any questions, please reach out to

Raleigh Seamster, on behalf of the Google Earth Outreach Team

Google Earth Outreach

Aug 22, 2022, 7:37:54 PM8/22/22
to Google Earth Outreach Announcements
Hello everyone,

I'm pleased to share that virtual registration is now open for the Geo for Good Summit! To register, click the “Register for virtual event” button on our website.

When you complete the form, you’ll be automatically registered to watch livestream and on demand sessions from the Geo for Good Summit (more details here). We hope to see you online!

Best wishes,
Raleigh Seamster, on behalf of the Google Earth Outreach team
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