These are labels used by all WHATWG standards:
- accessibility: Affects accessibility
- addition/proposal: New features or enhancements
- agenda+: To be discussed at a triage meeting
- anchor permanence: Identifies issues opened by other standards organizations, as per WHATWG's anchor permanence policy
- clarification: Standard could be clearer
- compat: Standard is not web compatible or proprietary feature needs standardizing
- do not merge yet: Pull request must not be merged per rationale in comment
- editorial: Changes that do not affect how the standard is understood
- good first issue: Ideal for someone new to a WHATWG standard or software project
- i18n-afrlreq: Notifies African languages experts of relevant issues
- i18n-alreq: Notifies Arabic script experts of relevant issues
- i18n-amlreq: Notifies experts in languages of the Americas of relevant issues
- i18n-clreq: Notifies Chinese script experts of relevant issues
- i18n-hlreq: Notifies Hebrew script experts of relevant issues
- i18n-ilreq: Notifies Indic script experts of relevant issues
- i18n-jlreq: Notifies Japanese script experts of relevant issues
- i18n-klreq: Notifies Korean script experts of relevant issues
- i18n-mlreq: Notifies traditional Mongolian script experts of relevant issues
- impacts documentation: Used by documentation communities, such as MDN, to track changes that impact documentation
- integration: Better coordination across standards needed
- interop: Implementations are not interoperable with each other
- invalid: Used to mark off-topic or spam issues or PRs
- meta: Changes to the ecosystem around the standard, not its contents
- needs concrete proposal: Moving the issue forward requires someone to figure out a detailed plan
- needs implementer interest: Moving the issue forward requires implementers to express interest
- needs incubation: Reach out to WHATWG Chat or WICG for help
- needs tests: Moving the issue forward requires someone to write tests
- removal/deprecation: Removing or deprecating a feature
- security/privacy: There are security or privacy implications
- stage: 0: Proposal
- stage: 1: Incubation
- stage: 2: Iteration
- stage: 3: Committed
- stage: 4: Standard
- topic: custom elements: Relates to custom elements (as defined in DOM and HTML)
- topic: shadow: Relates to shadow trees (as defined in DOM)
The following W3C horizontal labels can also be used:
- a11y-needs-resolution: Issue the Accessibility Group has raised and looks for a response on.
- a11y-tracker: Group bringing to attention of a11y, or tracked by the a11y Group but not needing response.
- i18n-needs-resolution: Issue the Internationalization Group has raised and looks for a response on.
- i18n-tracker: Group bringing to attention of Internationalization, or tracked by i18n but not needing response.
- privacy-needs-resolution: Issue the Privacy Group has raised and looks for a response on.
- privacy-tracker: Group bringing to attention of Privacy, or tracked by the Privacy Group but not needing response.
- security-needs-resolution: Issue the security Group has raised and looks for a response on.
- security-tracker: Group bringing to attention of security, or tracked by the security Group but not needing response.
- tag-needs-resolution: Issue the Technical Architecture Group has raised and looks for a response on.
- tag-tracker: Group bringing to attention of the TAG, or tracked by the TAG but not needing response.