https://scrape.it was a web crawling/scraping framework that I worked on for the past 11 years. It utilizes something called Web Scraping Language which allows you to define complex web crawlers/scrapers with just a few simple English like syntax.
GOTO website.com
EXTRACT {'price': '.price'}
There are many examples available in the WSL documentation.
I've made the decision to release the code under AGPL v3 license. You may use it for your business or personal use, however, you cannot start a Software-as-a-Service using this code.
My goal is to be able to continue working on this project like I have in the past 11 years using Github sponsorship. With your monthly contributions I will be able to work on Web Scraping Language, WSL Server full time.
Featured work
Implementation of Pluribus by Noam Brown & Tuomas Sandholm, a Superhuman AI for 6-MAX No-Limit Holdem Poker Bot.
Python 216
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