Ember + Leaflet = Fun with maps!
This is a work in progress. More tests and functionality coming soon. See docs and examples at the github page.
A simple map in Ember - only one line of code!
App.MapView = EmberLeaflet.MapView.extend({});
Specify center, zoom and options:
App.MapView = EmberLeaflet.MapView.extend({
center: L.latLng(40.713282, -74.006978),
zoom: 18,
options: {maxZoom: 19, minZoom: 0}
Customize tiles:
App.TileLayer = EmberLeaflet.TileLayer.extend({
tileUrl: 'http://{s}.tile.cloudmade.com/{key}/{styleId}/256/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
options: {key: 'API-key', styleId: 997}
App.MapView = EmberLeaflet.MapView.extend({
childLayers: [App.TileLayer]
Add some markers:
App.MarkerCollectionLayer = EmberLeaflet.MarkerCollectionLayer.extend({
content: [
{location: L.latLng(40.713282, -74.006978)},
{location: L.latLng(40.713465, -74.006753)},
{location: L.latLng(40.713873, -74.006404)}]
App.MapWithMarkersView = EmberLeaflet.MapView.extend({
childLayers: [
Bind to a controller, and markers are added, removed, and moved based on their content binding.
App.MarkerCollectionLayer = EmberLeaflet.MarkerCollectionLayer.extend({
contentBinding: 'controller'
App.MapWithBoundMarkersView = EmberLeaflet.MapView.extend({
childLayers: [
App.MapWithBoundMarkersController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
content: [
{location: L.latLng(40.713282, -74.006978)},
{location: L.latLng(40.713465, -74.006753)},
{location: L.latLng(40.713873, -74.006404)}]
Add functionality to marker class with mixins.
App.DraggableMarker = EmberLeaflet.MarkerLayer.extend(
EmberLeaflet.DraggableMixin, {});
App.MarkerWithPopup = EmberLeaflet.MarkerLayer.extend(
EmberLeaflet.PopupMixin, {
popupContent: Ember.computed.alias('content.title'),
popupOptions: {offset: L.point(0, -36)}
Customizing marker class:
App.MarkerLayer = EmberLeaflet.MarkerLayer.extend({
icon: L.DivIcon.extend({
iconSize: [40, 40]
options: function() {
return {
html: this.get('content.title'),
icon: this.get('icon')
App.TitledMarkerCollectionLayer = EmberLeaflet.MarkerCollectionLayer.extend({
content: [
{location: L.latLng(40.713282, -74.006978), title: 'Gas'},
{location: L.latLng(40.713465, -74.006753), title: 'Café'},
{location: L.latLng(40.713873, -74.006404), title: 'ATM'}],
itemLayerClass: App.MarkerLayer
Create your own tile layers:
App.TileLayer = EmberLeaflet.Layer.extend({
_newLayer: function() {
return L.TileJSON.createTileLayer(myTileJson);
Incorporate other leaflet layer classes:
App.MarkerClusterLayer = EmberLeaflet.Layer.extend({
options: {disableClusteringAtZoom: 16, showCoverageOnHover: false},
childLayers: [App.MarkerCollectionLayer],
_newLayer: function() {
return new L.MarkerClusterGroup(this.get('options'));
App.MapWithClusteredMarkersView = EmberLeaflet.MapView.extend({
childLayers: [
git clone https://github.com/gabesmed/ember-leaflet.git
bundle exec rake dist
cp dist/modules/ember-leaflet.js myapp/
Run bundle exec rackup
and open http://localhost:9292 in a browser.
- Thanks to the contributors to emberjs/list-view, from whom I cribbed this project skeleton.
- Thanks to everyone who makes Ember a joy to work with!
- Thanks to the makers of Leaflet, hooray for maps!
- Thanks to
, whose ember-leaflet library was the inspiration to polish and publish this one.