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94 lines (84 loc) · 2.77 KB


File metadata and controls

94 lines (84 loc) · 2.77 KB

xlsx2json document

Let excel express complex JSON format and export excel to json. Can be used on windows & *nix.

Quick Start

  • config nodejs environment.
  • setup config files config.json
    "xlsx": {
       "head": 1,	// head of the excel(set "head":2 if first line is commnet and second line is real head).
        "src": "./excel/**/[^~$]*.xlsx", 	// .xlsx files that going to be exported. glob style.
        "dest": "./json",    // directory of exported .json files.
        "arraySeparator":"," // separtor of array.
  • Exceute export.bat then ./excel/*.xlsx files will be exported to ./json directory.

Example (excel .xlsx file)

id weapon flag nums#[] words#[] bools#[] objs#{} obj_arr#[{}]
123 shield true 1,2 hello,world true,true a:123;b:45 a:1;b:"hi",a:2;b:"hei"
456 sword false 3,5,8 oh god false,true a:11;b:22 a:1;b:"hello"


    "id": 123,
    "weapon": "shield",
    "flag": true,
    "nums": [1, 2],
    "words": ["hello", "world"],
    "bools": [true, true],
    "objs": {
        "a": 123,
        "b": 45
    "obj_arr": [
      {"a": 1,"b": "hi"},
      {"a": 2,"b": "hei"}
}, {
    "id": 456,
    "weapon": "sword",
    "flag": false,
    "nums": [3, 5, 8],
    "words": ["oh god"],
    "bools": [false, true],
    "objs": {
        "a": 11,
        "b": 22
    "obj_arr": [
      {"a": 1,"b": "hello"}

Supported Type

  • number
  • boolean
  • string
  • date
  • object
  • number-array
  • boolean-array
  • string-array
  • object-array

Excel Head Line Rule(use # to separate column name and column data type)

  • string:column_name#string
  • number:column_name#number
  • bool:column_name#bool
  • date:column_name#date.formate:YYYY/M/D H:m:s or YYYY/M/D or YYYY-M-D H:m:s or YYYY-M-D.(attention:xlsx column type must be text,if date type will cause some error for now).
  • basic type (string,number,bool):we can also leave it blank(automake type aware).
  • number/boolean/string array:column_name#[]
  • object:column_name#{}
  • object array:`column_name#[{}]
  • Date type formate:2008-12-05 16:03:00 or 2008-18-15


Inspiring by a clojure project excel-to-json

The Last

  • Type node index.js -h int cmd window to show help;
  • Use , to separate array values by default(we can set it in config file).
  • Use ; to separate object properties。
  • Only support for .xlsx format for now(do not support .xls format).
  • In order to make it portable, I put .\bin\node.exe(used by export.bat) into project.