Ruby binding to jmcnamara's libxlswriter.
The following code snippet creates file test.xlsx
in current directory with a header and one thousand row with random data.
require 'xlsxwriter''test.xlsx') do |wb|
wb.add_format(:numf, num_format_index: 4) # Excel standard fixed point format (two numbers after point)
wb.add_format(:header, bg_color: 0XCCCCCC, bold: true, bottom: XlsxWriter::Format::BORDER_THIN)
wb.add_worksheet('Worksheet 1') do |ws|
ws.add_row(['Number', 'String'], style: :header)
1_000.times do |i|
ws.add_row([rand * 10_000, 'test string %0d' % (rand * 1000)], style: [:numf])
This gem has been written for generating large xlsx files (millions of rows). Pure ruby xlsx libraries do not perform very well in such use cases, consuming lots of memory for intermediate ruby objects and being generally slower (see the benchmark result below, benchmark code is located under bench/simple_100k_rows.rb
Rehearsal ----------------------------------------------
xlsxwriter 0.601120 0.015773 0.616893 ( 0.573616)
axlsx 18.731412 2.845668 21.577080 ( 17.039327)
------------------------------------ total: 22.193973sec
user system total real
xlsxwriter 0.613193 0.000000 0.613193 ( 0.557582)
axlsx 19.055665 2.771983 21.827648 ( 17.259542)
Comparing this gem functionality to axlsx xlsxwriter lacks ability to read data from the current workbook state and does not have any integration with rails.