Sample trading domain model using Scala 3
Spins up PostgreSQL in docker
docker compose up
docker ps
Use the container id returned fom docker ps
docker exec -it 2a70a427bec5 bash
Invoke psql
psql -U postgres
Connect to database
\c trading;
Use database to fetch data
select * from accounts;
$ sbt clean
$ sbt compile
$ sbt testOnly
$ sbt it:testOnly
Note running integration tests needs the docker-compose
to run
The trading application runs with the front office order and execution files as present in modules/core/src/main/resources
sbt "project core; runMain tradex.domain.TradeApp"
Service integration with tapir is available for selective end-points. Try the instrument query service once the server is started as follows:
sbt "project core; runMain tradex.domain.Main"
Invoke http://localhost:8080/api/instrument/US0378331005 for a sample instrument query
curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/api/instrument -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @./equity.json
with equity.json having the following:
"equityData": {
"isin": "US30303M1027",
"name": {"value" : "Meta"},
"lotSize": 1,
"issueDate": "2019-08-25T19:10:25",
"unitPrice": 180.00
* Running `TradeApp` will generate trades and insert into trade repository. Run `Main` and invoke http://localhost:8080/api/trade/ibm-123?tradedate=2023-05-28 for a sample trade query
* Invoke http://localhost:8080/docs to use Swagger UI