is amount of articles that are "read" for each language.
are languages that you provide to brain (language that brain needs to learn). Provide them as brain.Language
is minimum size of single article (minimum amount of letters of article) to read it.
Here's quick guide of usage:
- Clone repository to selcted directory;
- Import repository by adding
import brain
to start of your file; - Now create new brain via
brain.Brain(precision, languages, data_size (optional))
(Please note languages are in brain.Lanugages format!); - Now you can guess the language by
Project (probably) works only on latin based languages.
Project uses wiki API and numpy.
brain.Languages is module for getting correct languages. It also has default languages stored in src\languages.txt
(which you can modify. Format is language name-ISO-639-1). To create new languages set simply make new brain.Languages via brain.Languages(languages)
, where languages that you pass (in ISO-639-1
format or by full name) doesn't need to exist - they can be incorrect, module will detect languages that only exists in src\languages.txt
Feel free to collaborate, or to use that project!