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TASK BANK: A Unified Bank of 25 Visual Estimators

This repository shares a unified bank of pretrained models for 25 vision tasks spanning a wide range of 2D, 3D, and semantic problems. Given a query image, the produced 25 estimations give a broad visual understanding useful for different purposes. The networks can be used individually as well. We share pretrained networks, easy to use code for running them on arbitrary images, and code for visualizing results similar to the ones shown below. The following figure shows the outputs for a sample query (top left). You can watch a video of the networks applied frame-by-frame on a YouTube video here.

UPDATE (2019): Pretrained models now also available in PyTorch HERE.

See sample results here. Live demo: here. Project website: https://taskonomy.vision

Reference Paper: "Taskonomy: Disentangling Task Transfer Learning", CVPR 2018. [Best Paper award]

Amir R. Zamir, Alexander Sax*, William B. Shen*, Leonidas Guibas, Jitendra Malik, Silvio Savarese.

Table of contents


These models are based on task specific networks of the Taskonomy project. For more extensive discussions about Taskonomy and transfer learning, please see the CVPR 2018 paper. This repository focuses on providing an easy to use unified bank for the pretrained vision tasks. There are 21 tasks accepting one image as input (e.g. surface normal estimation) and 4 tasks accepting multiple image (e.g. relative camera pose estimation). See detailed definition of each task here.

The single-image tasks:

Autoencoder             Curvatures          Colorization             Denoising-Autoencoder 
Depth                   Edge-2D             Edge-3D                  Euclidean-Distance 
Inpainting              Jigsaw-Puzzle       Keypoint-2D              Keypoint-3D 
Object-Classification   Reshading           Room-Layout              Scene-Classification 
Segmentation-2D         Segmentation-3D     Segmentation-Semantic    Surface-Normal       

The multi-image tasks:

Pairwise-Nonfixated-Camera-Pose Pairwise-Fixated-Camera-Pose
Triplet-Fixated-Camera-Pose     Point-Matching

Network Architecture

As shown in the figure above, each task shares the same encoder architecture. The encoder maps the input image (256x256) into a representation of size 2048 (16x16x8). Hence the encoder architecture and representation size of all tasks are identical. The encoder is modified based on ResNet-50 by: 1. replacing conv5_1's stride 2 convolution with stride 1 convolution. 2. No global average pooling.

Also, we trained all of the networks on the same exact set of input images, i.e. the pixels seen in the input by all networks are identical and the only difference is in the output space.

Since the tasks in our dictionary can have different dimensionalities in their output, we have a varying decoder architecture accordingly. We tried to keep the decoder structure compact and varying as little as possible. Also, slighlty different kind of loss could be employed for different tasks accordingly. See the table below for the complete information.


UPDATE (2019): Pretrained models now also available in PyTorch HERE.

Keep reading below for instructions on how to use TensorFlow to get the taskbank networks up and running.

Step 1: Clone the Code from Github

git clone https://github.com/StanfordVL/taskonomy.git
cd taskonomy/taskbank

Step 2: Install Requirements

Python: see requirement.txt for complete list of used packages. We recommend doing a clean installation of requirements using virtualenv:

conda create -n testenv python=3.4
source activate testenv
pip install -r requirement.txt 

If you dont want to do the above clean installation via virtualenv, you could also directly install the requirements through:

pip install -r requirement.txt --no-index

Tensorflow: Note that you need Tensorflow. We used Version 1.5. If you use the above virtualenv, Tensorflow will be automatically installed therein.

Running Single-Image Tasks

While in taskonomy/taskbank folder:

Step 1: Download Pretrained Networks

sh tools/download_model.sh

Step 2: Run Demo Script

To run the pretrained model of a task on a specific image, do:

python tools/run_img_task.py --task $TASK --img $PATH_TO_INPUT --store $WHERE_TO_STORE

For the --task flag which specifies the task being run on the query image, find the task name in Task Name Dictionary. For example, according to the dictionary:

Surface-Normal : rgb2sfnorm

Then, we can run the script on our example image as such:

python tools/run_img_task.py --task rgb2sfnorm --img assets/test.png --store assets/test_sf.png

Example Test Image

Which will give us image test_sf.png:

Surface Normal Estimation on the Test Image

Similarly, non pixel-to-pixel tasks which produce lower dimensional (e.g. vanishing points) or classification (e.g. scene classification) outputs uses the same script. For example:

Scene-Classification : class_places

Again, we can run the script on our example image using:

python tools/run_img_task.py --task class_places --img assets/test.png --store assets/test_scene_class.png

Which will give us image test_scene_class.png:

Scene Classification on Test Image

Similarly, running vanishing_point, curvature, reshade, rgb2mist, segment25d on test.pngreturns the following results:

Storing Representations

The flag --store-rep enables saving the representation of the image prduced by task's encoder. Add --store-rep to the command and the representation will be stored at ${WHERE_TO_STORE}.npy. For example, running:

python tools/run_img_task.py --task class_places --img assets/test.png --store assets/test_scene_class.png --store-rep

will store the representation of test.png by the scene classification task encoder at assets/test_scene_class.npy.

Storing Predictions

To save the numerical prediction of the network, e.g. coordiantes of the predicted vanishing points besides its png visualization, use the flag --store-pred. Add --store-pred to the command and the prediction will be stored at ${WHERE_TO_STORE}_pred.npy. For example, running:

python tools/run_img_task.py --task class_places --img assets/test.png --store assets/test_scene_class.png --store-pred

will store predicted scene classes at assets/test_scene_class.npy.

Running Multi-Image Tasks

Running tasks with multiple images in their input is pretty similar to the same process for single image tasks.

Step 1: Download Pretrained Networks

sh tools/download_model_multi.sh

Step 2: Run Demo Script

To run a pretrained multi-image model on specific images (in case of Triplet-Fixated-Camera-Pose, --img should be $IMG1,$IMG2,$IMG3 since the task requires 3 images in input. See task definitions), do:

python tools/run_multi_img_task.py --task $TASK --img $IMG1,$IMG2 --store $WHERE_TO_STORE

Similarly for the --task flag, find the task name in Task Name Dictionary. For example, according to the dictionary:

Pairwise-Nonfixated-Camera-Pose : non_fixated_pose

Then, we can run the script on our example image 1 and example image 2 as such:

python tools/run_multi_img_task.py --task non_fixated_pose --img assets/test_1.png,assets/test.png --store assets/test_pose.png

Camera Pose Estimation - Input Images (left: test_1.png, right:test.png)

The script will give us assets/web_assets/test_pose.png:

Camera Pose Estimation (green represents `test.png` 's camera. Red represents `test_1.png` 's.)

Note: camera pose is calculate with reference to the second image (here that is test.png).

The --store-rep and --store-pred flags work the same way as in singe-image tasks (described above).

Point-Matching: note that the task point matching returns if the center pixels of input images correspond to the same physical point or not (i.e. if they make a "point correspondence") as either 0 (non-matching) or 1 (matching). No visualization is generated for this task and --store is used with flags --store-rep and --store-pred to determine where to save the representation and predicction. See an example below:

python tools/run_multi_img_task.py --task point_match --img assets/test_1.png,assets/test.png --store assets/point_match_results --store-rep --store-pred

Evaluation: How good are these networks?

For a complete discussion on the evaluation of the networks, please see the paper. Overall, the shared networks are often on par or better than per-task customized state-of-the-art. For instnace, we compared our depth estimator network vs. the released models of Laina2016 (as of now state-of-the-art on NYU dataset) resulting in 88% win-rate for task bank's network on a hold-out test set (after all proper normalizations and whitenings to count for dataset distribution changes across datasets; supported by qualitative results).

To give an overall idea about the quality of the bank, the table below shows the proportion (%) of a hold-out test set on which the networks in the task bank were able to beat average estimator (avg), i.e. the best statistically informed guess, and a network trained on random nonlinear projections (Gaussian representation - rand). The numbers denote the good quality of the networks, statistically. Qualititave results run frame-by-frame on a YouTube video can be examined here.

Training Data Statistics

The dataset consists of 3.99 million images from 2265 different buildings. The images are from indoor scenes. Images with people visible were exluded and we didn't include camera roll (pitch and yaw included). Below are some statistics about the images which comprise the training dataset. If your query images severly deviate from these statistics, the performance is expected to degrade. You can see a sample subset of the training dataset here.

Property Mean Distribution
Camera Pitch -0.77° Distribution of camera pitches
Camera Roll 0.0° Distribution of camera roll
Camera Field of view 75° Constant
Distance (from camera to scene content) 5.5m Distribution of distances from camera to point
3D Obliqueness of Scene Content (wrt camera) 52.5° Distribution of point obliquenesses
Points in view (for point correspondences) (median) 15 Distribution of points in camera view


If you find the code or the models useful, please cite this paper:

  title={Taskonomy: Disentangling Task Transfer Learning},
  author={Zamir, Amir R and Sax, Alexander and and Shen, William B and Guibas, Leonidas and Malik, Jitendra and Savarese, Silvio},
  booktitle={2018 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},


The code and models are released under the MIT License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).