Releases: Chooloo/koler
Releases · Chooloo/koler
- Added a dedicated choice fragment (for example in the default page fragment in settings)
- Added a call manager fragment for conference calls in call screen (You can manage all the child calls while in conference)
- Fixed default page preference isn't working
- Added search text highlighting
- Centered call screen text
- And some more small stuff...
Hot fix
New version very cool yes yes (Please install v1.3.1, not this :) )
Single search bar for both recents and contacts
More animations
Better code architecture
Cleaner code and better usage of di and mvp
Better settings fragment
Bottom fragments can now be closed automatically
Better code and logic separation and inheritance (for example dialer fragment now inherits from dialpad fragment)
Better icons
Added call buttons for each number
And more stuff that I just don't remember
Oh also added a way cooler fast scroller
UI Improvements
Cool stuff, I like
Hope you like
We all like
UI improvements and bug fixes
Improved UI:
- Better list items (contacts and recents)
- Better search bar and icons
- Improved spacings and sizes
Fixed bugs and improved performance
- Improved call observation architecture
- Added bluetooth audio route handling
- Contacts and Recents performance and observation method improved
- Improved UI and added scroll animation
- Some other small bug fixes I honestly don't remember
Feature, UI and bug fixes
Bug fixes such as contact crashing on open, lock screen interrupting and call ui sometimes messed up.
Added the option to show slide indicator.
Added cool animations and overall improved the ui.