'S ann à Wikimedia Commons a tha am faidhle seo agus faodaidh gu bheil pròiseactan eile 'ga chleachdadh.
Chì thu an tuairisgeul a tha aice air [duilleag tuairisgeul an fhaidhle https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Vuiamor2.jpg] gu h-ìosal.
English: Ruined croft houses on w:Fuaigh Mòr. The remains of houses and sheep fanks on the deserted island. The island was cleared of its inhabitants in 1841, and is now only used for grazing sheep. w:Loch Roag.
Español: Casas de cría en ruinas en Fuaigh Mòr (isla del Reino Unido situada en Escocia). Esta zona de Fuaigh Mòr quedó deshabitada en 1841, y en la actualidad solamente es usada para pastorear ovejas.
Otra foto del mismo lugar pero tomada con otro punto de vista:
This image was taken from the Geograph project collection. See this photograph's page on the Geograph website for the photographer's contact details. The copyright on this image is owned by Sarah Egan and is licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.
a cho-roinneadh – lethbhreac a dhèanamh dhen obair, a sgaoileadh is a tar-chur
ath-mheasgachadh – an obair atharrachadh
Fo bhuaidh nan cumhaichean a leanas:
urram – Feumaidh tu iomradh a thoirt air an ùghdar no an neach aig a bheil cead air, dìreach mar a thoill iad (ach chan ann air dòigh a chuireas an sùilean dhaoine gu bheil iad ag aontachadh riut no ri d’ obair).
co-roinneadh co-ionnann – Ma dh’atharraicheas tu no ma leasaicheas tu an obair seo, ’s urrainn an tionndadh ùr fon cheadachas seo no fo cheadachas coltach ris.
== Summary == {{Information| |Description=Ruined croft houses on w:Fuaigh Mòr. The remains of houses and sheep fanks on the deserted island. The island was cleared of its inhabitants in 1841 and is now only used for grazing sheep. w:Loch Roag. |S
Cleachdadh an fhaidhle
Tha ceangal ris an fhaidhle seo san duilleag a leanas: