Fredrik Kahl
I am a professor at Chalmers University of Technology leading the Computer Vision Group.
I am an applied mathematician interested in geometry, optimization, computer vision and machine learning, in particular, geometric deep learning.
I was previously a professor at the department of mathematics, Lund University (2006-2018) and before that, a post-doctoral fellow at the department of Computer Science, University of California San Diego (2005-2006) and
at the Australian National University (2004-2005). I did my PhD at Lund University under the supervision of Profs. Anders Heyden and Gunnar Sparr (1997-2001).
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10 selected publications
- Steerers: A framework for rotation equivariant keypoint descriptors, G Bökman, J Edstedt, M Felsberg, F Kahl
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2024.
- Investigating how ReLU-networks encode symmetries, G Bökman, F Kahl
Neural Information Processing Systems, 2023.
- Long-Term Visual Localization Revisited
C Toft, W Maddern, A Torii, L Hammarstrand,
E Stenborg, M Okutomi, M Pollefeys, J Sivic, T Pajdla, F Kahl, T Sattler
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2021
- Rotation Averaging with the Chordal Distance:
Global Minimizers and Strong Duality
A Eriksson, C Olsson, F Kahl, T-J Chin
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2021
Tractable algorithms for robust model estimation
O Enqvist, E Ask, F Kahl, K Åström
International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 2015
Real-time camera tracking and 3D reconstruction using signed distance functions
E Bylow, J Sturm, C Kerl, F Kahl, D Cremers
Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), 2013
Generalized roof duality
F Kahl, P Strandmark
Discrete applied mathematics, 2012
Global optimization through rotation space search
R Hartley, F Kahl
International Journal of Computer Vision, 2009
Multiple-view geometry under the L∞-norm
F Kahl, R Hartley
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2008
Critical configurations for projective reconstruction from multiple views
R Hartley, F Kahl
International Journal of Computer Vision, 2007
For an up-to-date list of all my publications, please see my Google Scholar profile.
Meet my PhD students
- David Nordström, Computer Vision Group, Chalmers University of Technology (co-supervised with Lennart Svensson and Georg Bökman)
- Kunal Chelani, Computer Vision Group, Chalmers University of Technology (co-supervised with Torsten Sattler)
- Josef Bengtsson, Computer Vision Group, Chalmers University of Technology
- Roman Naeem, Computer Vision Group, Chalmers University of Technology (co-supervised with Lennart Svensson)
- Erik Wallin, Signal Processing Group, Chalmers University of Technology (co-supervised with Lars Hammarstrand, Lennart Svensson)
- David Hagerman Olzon, Signal Processing Group, Chalmers University of Technology (co-supervised with Lennart Svensson)
Former PhD students:
- Georg Bökman, PhD 2024, Computer Vision Group, Chalmers University of Technology
- Pavlo Melnyk, PhD 2024 from Linköping University.
- Lucas Brynte, PhD 2024, Lucid Insights AB.
- José Pedro Lopes Iglesias, PhD 2023, Apple INC.
- Fredrik Hellström, PhD 2023, postdoc at University College London.
- Carl Toft, PhD 2021, Eigenvision AB.
- Måns Larsson, PhD 2020, Eigenvision AB.
- Jennifer Alvén, PhD 2020, assistant professor at Chalmers.
- Viktor Larsson, PhD 2018, assistant professor at Lund University.
- Erik Bylow, PhD 2018, Qualcomm Inc.
- Johan Fredriksson, PhD 2016, Apple Inc.
- Matilda Landgren, PhD 2016, Cross Technology Solutions AB.
- Fangyuan Jiang, PhD 2015, self-driving car company AutoX Inc in San Jose, California.
- Linus Svärm, PhD 2015, Vårdinnovation AB.
- Johannes Ulén, PhD 2014, Eigenvision AB.
- Yubin Kuang, PhD 2014, co-founder of Mapillary, acquired by Facebook/Meta.
- Petter Strandmark, PhD 2013, Apple Inc.
- Olof Enqvist, PhD 2011, CEO and co-founder of Eigenvision AB.
- Martin Byröd, PhD 2010, Apple Inc.
- Klas Josephson, PhD 2010, Spiideo AB in Lund.
- Carl Olsson, PhD 2009, Professor, Lund University.
- Jan-Erik Solem, PhD 2006, CEO and co-founder of Mapillary, which was acquired by Facebook/Meta.
- Nicolas Guilbert, CEO and founder of Ange Optimization Aps.
Awards and recognition
- Several of my PhD students have received the bi-annual Best Nordic Thesis Award
which I consider to be my top achievement!
- Jennifer Alvén, Best Swedish Thesis Award 2019-2020: Combining Shape and Learning for Medical Image Analysis. Footnote: Nordic version canceled due to Covid-19 pandemic.
- Petter Strandmark, Best Nordic Thesis Award 2013-2014: Discrete Optimization in Early Vision.
- Carl Olsson, Best Nordic Thesis Award 2009-2010: Global Optimization in Computer Vision: Convexity, Cuts and Approximation Algorithms.
- Jan-Erik Solem, Best Nordic Thesis Award 2005-2006: Variational Problems and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision - Theory and Applications.
- Fredrik Kahl, Best Nordic Thesis Award 2001-2002: Geometry and Critical Configurations of Multiple Views.
- We won the Best Paper Award at ICPRAI 2024 in Jeju Island, Korea! Read the paper.
- We won the Best Industry Paper at the Swedish Symposium on Image Analysis, Göteborg, 2019 for our work on 3D Object Detection by Eskil Jörgensen, Christopher Zach and Fredrik Kahl.
We get state-of-the-art results on monocular 3D object detection on Kitti! Read the paper. More videos here.
- We won the Best Industry Paper at the Swedish Symposium on Image Analysis, Stockholm, 2018 for our work on Visual Localization by Carl Toft et al.
- The Best Student Paper Award is awarded to "Shape-Aware Multi-Atlas Segmentation" at ICPR 2016, Cancun, Mexico! Read the
- I received the Marr Prize in 2005, which is considered to be one of the most prestigious prizes in computer vision.
- I am co-founder and on the board of the computer vision consultancy Eigenvision AB.
- I am co-founder and on the board of the AI start-up Taigatech AB.
- I worked in the Management Group of CHAIR - Chalmers AI Research Centre, CHAIR, 2019-2021.
- I was on Program Management Group of WASP-AI, 2018-2020.
- The Computer Vision Group organized the Swedish Symposium on Image Analysis, March 19-20, 2019 in Göteborg.
- Tutorial in Salt Lake City at CVPR 2018 on Optimisation in Multiple View Geometry: The L-infinity Way. Tutors: Tat-Jun Chin, Anders Eriksson and Fredrik Kahl.
- Organiser of the first Swedish Symposium on Deep Learning (SSDL), June 20-21, 2017. Location: KTH, Stockholm.
- I was the main PI for the SSF project Semantic Mapping and Visual Navigation for Smart Robots a collaboration between computer vision, automatic control, machine learning and mathematics. Budget: 31.1 MSEK during 2016-2022. Funded by Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research.
- Summer School in Convex and Discrete Optimization on the island of Als, Denmark. Tutors: Fredrik Kahl and Richard Hartley, August 2015.
- Tutorial in Zurich at ECCV'14 on Robust Optimization Techniques in Computer Vision successfully completed with more than 150 registered participants. Tutors: Olof Enqvist, Fredrik Kahl and Richard Hartley.
- I was on the Editorial Board of Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2014-2018.
- Mathematical Methods in Computer Vision, 2008-2014. A project in the programme Future Research Leaders, funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research. Read the feature article (Swedish only).
- Discrete Optimization. A PhD course in mathematics, given spring 2011.
- Optimization in Computer Vision. A one week PhD School, 19-23 May 2008 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Co-organized with Henrik Aanaes, DTU. Lectures include Prof. Richard Hartley, Phil Torr and Lieven Vanderberge.
- Want to see research in the making? .