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Ave Alavainu

Iwde to Wikipedia
Baylital ngal 02:47, 27 Bowte 2023 mo Apdoull (yewtare | ballitte) (Created by translating the page "Ave Alavainu")
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Ave Alavainu (4 oktoobar 1942 - 3 abriil 2022) wonnoo ko mawɗo e winndiyanke Estonia. O jibinaa e Tartu e 4 Oktoobar 1942 o maayi e 3 abriil 2022 e duuɓi 79. O yahi to Tallinn Pedagogical Institute (1962-64), o janngini anndal ɗemngal ngal Estoniya, e Tartu State University (1964-67).