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2022/1433 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-12
BG: A Modular Treatment of BFT Consensus
Xiao Sui, Sisi Duan, Haibin Zhang

We provide an expressive framework that allows analyzing and generating provably secure, state-of-the-art Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) protocols. Our framework is hierarchical, including three layers. The top layer is used to model the message pattern and abstract key functions on which BFT algorithms can be built. The intermediate layer provides the core functions with high-level properties sufficient to prove the security of the top-layer algorithms. The bottom layer carefully defines...

2018/821 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-09-16
Side-channel Assisted Existential Forgery Attack on Dilithium - A NIST PQC candidate
Prasanna Ravi, Mahabir Prasad Jhanwar, James Howe, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Shivam Bhasin

The recent lattice-based signature scheme Dilithium, submitted as part of the CRYSTALS (Cryptographic Suite for Algebraic Lattices) package, is one of a number of strong candidates submitted for the NIST standardisation process of post-quantum cryptography. The Dilithium signature scheme is based on the Fiat-Shamir paradigm and can be seen as a variant of the Bai-Galbraith scheme (BG) combined with several improvements from previous ancestor lattice-based schemes like GLP and BLISS signature...

2014/277 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-04-21
New Treatment of the BSW Sampling and Its Applications to Stream Ciphers
Lin Ding, Chenhui Jin, Jie Guan, Chuanda Qi
Secret-key cryptography

By combining the time-memory-data tradeoff (TMDTO) attack independently proposed by Babbage and Golić (BG) with the BSW sampling technique, this paper explores to mount a new TMDTO attack on stream ciphers. The new attack gives a wider variety of trade-offs, compared with original BG-TMDTO attack. It is efficient when multiple data is allowed for the attacker from the same key with different IVs, even though the internal state size is twice the key size. We apply the new attack to MICKEY and...

2005/214 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2005-07-05
TMTO With Multiple Data: Analysis and New Single Table Trade-offs
Sourav Mukhopadhyay, Palash Sarkar
Secret-key cryptography

Time/memory trade-off (TMTO) was introduced by Hellman and later studied by many other authors. The effect of multiple data in Hellman TMTO was studied by Biryukov and Shamir (BS). We continue the analysis of the general multiple data TMTO started in BS. The trade-offs of Babbage and Golic (BG) and Biryukov-Shamir are obtained as special cases. Further, the general analysis is carried out under different conditions including that of Hellman optimality (online time equal to memory). Our main...

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