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Paper 2024/1825

BrakingBase - a linear prover, poly-logarithmic verifier, field agnostic polynomial commitment scheme

Vineet Nair, Arithmic Labs
Ashish Sharma, Arithmic Labs
Bhargav Thankey, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

We propose a Polynomial Commitment Scheme (PCS), called BrakingBase, which allows a prover to commit to multilinear (or univariate) polynomials with $n$ coefficients in $O(n)$ time. The evaluation protocol of BrakingBase operates with an $O(n)$ time-complexity for the prover, while the verifier time-complexity and proof-complexity are $O(\lambda \log^2 n)$, where $λ$ is the security parameter. Notably, BrakingBase is field-agnostic, meaning it can be instantiated over any field of sufficiently large size. Additionally, BrakingBase can be combined with the Polynomial Interactive Oracle Proof (PIOP) from Spartan (Crypto 2020) to yield a Succinct Non-interactive ARgument of Knowledge (SNARK) with a linear-time prover, as well as poly-logarithmic complexity for both the verifier runtime and the proof size. We obtain our PCS by combining the Brakedown and Basefold PCS. The commitment protocol of BrakingBase is similar to that of Brakedown. The evaluation protocol of BrakingBase improves upon Brakedown’s verifier work by reducing it through multiple instances of the sum-check protocol. Basefold PCS is employed to commit to and later evaluate the multilinear extension (MLE) of the witnesses involved in the sum-check protocol at random points. This includes the MLE corresponding to the parity-check matrix of the linear-time encodable code used in Brakedown. We show that this matrix is sparse and use the Spark compiler from Spartan to evaluate its multilinear extension at a random point. We implement BrakingBase and compare its performance to Brakedown and Basefold over a 128 bit prime field.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
polynomial commitment schemeproof systems
Contact author(s)
vineet @ arithmic com
ashish @ arithmic com
thankeyd @ iisc ac in
2024-11-08: approved
2024-11-07: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Vineet Nair and Ashish Sharma and Bhargav Thankey},
      title = {{BrakingBase} - a linear prover, poly-logarithmic verifier, field agnostic polynomial commitment scheme},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1825},
      year = {2024},
      url = {https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1825}
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