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A word coined by A. Kronvalds in 1870, from Lua error in Module:affix/templates at line 38: The |lang= parameter is not used by this template. Place the language code in parameter 1 instead., originally to mean simply “place, location,” but later on with wider meanings, including, in the late 1870s, “point of view” (a meaning now ascribed to (deprecated template usage) viedoklis). The use of this word stabilized around the present range of meanings by the end of the 19th century.[1]


(deprecated use of |lang= parameter)
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stāvoklis m (2nd declension)

  1. position, location (spacial configuration that exists for some time)
    sēdus, guļus stāvoklis — sitting, standing position
    roku, ķermeņa stāvoklis — hand, body position
    auga lapu stāvoklis — plant leaf position
    sākuma stāvoklis — initial position (of a moving body)
    debess spīdekļu stāvokļi — the positions of celestibal bodies
    ģeogrāfisks stāvoklis — geographic location
  2. state, condition (present situation, present set of properties of a living being or object)
    nervu sistēmas stāvoklis — the state of the nervous system
    veselības stāvoklis — health state
    slimīgs, patoloģisks stāvoklis — sick, pathological condition
    bezsamaņas stāvoklis — unconscious, comatose state
    reibuma stāvoklis — drunken state, drunkenness
    psihisks, emocionāls 'stāvoklis — mental, emotional state
    automobiļa tehniskais stāvoklis — the car's (technical) condition
  3. (deprecated template usage) (physics) state, condition (set of properties (position, speed, interaction forces, etc.) at a given time that determine the situation of a physical system)
    kristālisks stāvoklis — crystalline state
    termodinamisks stāvoklis — thermodynamic state
    kritiskais stāvoklis — critical state
    bezsvara stāvoklis — weightless state (in space)
    miera stāvoklisstate of rest (i.e., motionless)
    stabils stāvoklis — stable state
    parasti mēs apzināmies trīs vielas agregātstāvokļus: gāzveidīgo, šķidro un cieto — we are usually aware of three states of matter (lit. aggregation): gaseous, liquid, and solid
  4. state, condition, position (social circumstances and relations that define or influence human behavior and action)
    cilvēka materiālais stāvoklis — a person's material situation, condition
    neapskaužams stāvoklis — unenviable condition, situation
    Evelīnas jautājumi bieži nostādīja Ako neērtā stāvoklī — Evelīna's questions often placed Ako in an uncomfortable position
  5. state, position, standing, status (place in society, in an organization, in a business sector)
    sociālais stāvoklis — social status, position
    apspiestajās tautas masās auga neapmierinātība ar savu stāvokli — the dissatisfaction with their (social) standing grew among (lit. in) the oppressed popular masses
    bet tev, mans mīļais dēls, manas draudzīgās un bagātās kaimiņu valsts mantinieks, tev es dodu savu sevišķu svētību un sevišķas priekšrocības, kādas piemērotas tavam augstajam stāvoklim — but to you, my dear son, the heir of my friendly and rich neighboring country, to you I give my special blessing and privileges that are suitable to your high status
  6. state, situation, condition (set of legal, social, political norms and customs which determine or influence the behavior and actions (of a group, country, etc.)
    starptautiskais stāvoklis — international situation
    politiskais stāvoklis — political situation
    politiska saspilējuma stāvoklissituation of political tension
    kara stāvoklisstate of war
    valsts ekonomiskais stāvoklis — a country's economic situation
    pilsētas sanitārais stāvoklis — the city's sanitary situation
    tiesisks stāvoklis — legal status
    ģimenes stāvoklis — marital status (lit. family situation)
  7. (deprecated template usage) (in the locative; a shorter version of grūtniecības) (deprecated template usage) stavoklī pregnant
    viņa sieva palika stavoklī — his wife became pregnant
    “tu zini?” “ko tad?” “viņai būs bērns! viņa ir stavoklī!” — “do you know?” “what?” “she is having a baby! she is pregnant!” (lit. in the state)




  1. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns. 1992, 2001. Latviešu etimoloģijas vārdnīca. Rīga: AVOTS. ISBN 9984700127.