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[(Tibet) 22-karat gold leaf, egg tempera on Belgian linen (69 x 104 in.) 2005]
=== <big>Baghdad:</big> City of Peace, Truly===
TheThis foundation explains that this piecework is inspired by Baghdad’s rich history:, “TheThe painting features layers of the mapmaps that chase moretrace thanover five thousand years of splendidthe city's history, thenreflecting destroyedits grandeurperiod of whatgrandeur wasand once the greatest city on earthdevastation.” <ref name="" /> Frank's website goes on to say that this work includes twoTwo large-scale figures bowing into deference tohonor the people of Iraq as well as traditional cuneiform, an aerial photo of 1925 Baghdad and itsthe border patterndesign isdraws said to be inspired byfrom Al-Kadhimain Mosque. Apparently, Baghdad is in theThe painting's centercenters andaround isBaghdad, meantsurrounded to encloseby mirrored [[muqarnas]], whichinspired are meant to reference the medievalby Zumurrud Khatan tomb.
[(Iraq) 22-karat gold leaf, 23-karat red gold, palladium leaf, mica, egg tempera on Belgian linen (69 x 104 in.) 2005 Leaf, gift of an anonymous donor]