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Trainz/Trainz Simulator 2010: Engineers Edition

Fundamentals for Trainz Trainees

Version: Trainz Simulator 2010: Engineers Edition
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TS10, TS2010, or TS2010:EE


The formally named Trainz Simulator 2010: Engineers Edition by any of its more commonly seen shorthand 'use notations' was a 'continuation' building upon changes made in the transitional release TS2009, and going one step further using the Windows 32 bit computing technology of multi-core CPUs and further supporting advances in graphics cards while maintaining backwards data model compatibility (Compatibility mode) on the route and sessions data types on the one hand or the initial implementations of next generation technologies later seen better exploited in TS2012 such as Trainz Multiplayer, Speedtrees, and the Native mode data model changes that thereafter prevent backwards compatibility to older-earlier Trainz releases. In most respects, TS2010 is best considered the belated final release of advanced and user community requested features promised in TS2009: World Builder Edition, and it should be noted that the TS10 releases, for the most part, share the same 'technology tracking level'—the Trainz-build (TB) or version numbers.



Layers are a new feature, one good example of the incremental improvements put into the game engine between major Trainz retail versions, by the programmers as they evolve the software. Layers started in this case, in Trainz TS2009 SP4 (Service Pack 4, so build=44653, post-TRS2009, Service Pack 3=build 40040)— where build 40040 was considered a stable product and all languages build paths converged to that state with SP3 installed. Initial Trainz retail releases (and build 'tracks') lag in time and feature somewhat because of the translation needs to support global languages of the user base. English is virtually always first as a de facto International, if not Universal language. Trainz 2009 SP4 is barely different than Trainz 2010's initial releases, but the installed content varies, and TS2010 continued with the never ending succession of new improvements. There's a good introduction to the new concept of layers on Auran's forum at Layers Quickstart Guide. It starts out sensibly enough:

... long time users of Trainz are aware that in the past when you saved in surveyor certain items were saved with the route file and certain other items were saved with the session file. For example the track, groundtextures, trees and other scenery objects were saved with the route as were triggers and trackmarks. Rolling stock, edit session parameters, driver commands and interactive industry settings were saved with the session file. This knowledge was often the hardest for new users to understand and grasp.

The trick to understanding that, is the Surveyor module serves as a world building tool plus as the session editor, for the simple reason the Session Creator needs to see where things are on the layout—and sometimes add GPS-like 'Waypoints' for users and AI Drivers both called trackmarks.

Service Packs

  • Detailed blow by blow evolution of TS10's changing software features organized versus Service Pack updates is available in the main article dedicated to such details at Trainz/Versions/TS2010-versions.
  • Detailed release dates and trainz code build version numbers are listed in the TS2010 sub-section of Trainz/Version And Build Numbers.


SP1 for TS2010


See the announcement on Auran's forum at "TS2010:EE SP1"

SP1 includes a fix for ATI video boards and a fix for the auto-update routine for future service packs. However SP1 must be downloaded and installed manually.

Native Mode and Compatibility Mode


TS2009,SP4/TS2010 introduce a new graphical engine progression harnessing the power of more CPU processors in-the-box to offload calculations to the CPUs of newer generations of Graphics Cards to process and display certain 3D graphical elements more quickly and off load the tasks on the main motherboard CPU. The enhanced G-card mode added to the graphics engine is called Native Mode, for that is the way newer computer systems default into. Compatibility mode, uses less on-board G-card calculations, keeping back compatibility with computers with older G-card systems; such backward compatible capability is a company hallmark and mission, refusing to abandon it's older loyal user base so unlike all too many video games developers.

Native Mode runs faster. Compatibility Mode copes with older assets better. You can switch back and forth between the two modes as you desire, as follows: Main menu > Options > Graphics - there is a small tick box to select Compatibility Mode. If this box is unticked then Native Mode will be used. Close and restart TS2010 for the change to become effective. (Note to editors: these instructions are for TS2009 - is TS2010 the same?)

Getting started in CM


By default very few assets are listed when entering the Content Manager the first time. To fix this click the gold star to switch favorites off, and also switch to compatibility mode. These two operations might be needed to make the tutorials visible.

Region tags in config.txt files


Region tags, implemented as part of Trainz are no longer acceptable tags in TS2009 and later Trainz versions. category-region tag, specified by two-letter codes, are still used to aid sorting in CM and Surveyor modules. The region keyword is now limited to a legal presence in only kind map config files, where they are specified as a kuid to a predefined 'cookbook' region setting various geographic and era specific criteria such as lists of Trainz Carz automatically generated on the roads, the carrate value-dictating the density and frequency of said Trainz Carz generated, the base altitude, latitude, longitude co-ordinates and such regional variables that could be bundled rationally together now (In the recast TS2009-TS2012 data model).

Faulty DVDs


Some users are experiencing problems with TS2010 DVD's which prevents the program being installed. It isn't clear whether this is a manufacturing fault on some discs or a software problem which only affects some systems.



Try both OpenGL and DirectX modes. Users are reporting significant differences in performance between the two but with no consistency as to which is better. It might depend on whether you have an ATI or nVidia video board.