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Create the page "Dallas Peak" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- Pirate of Jasper Peak (1918) by Cornelia Meigs 2429369The Pirate of Jasper Peak1918Cornelia Meigs Layout 2 THE PIRATE OF JASPER PEAK Close to...2 KB (189 words) - 07:18, 26 September 2021
- Inc., its wholly owned subsidiary, for the sale of China Peak's assets. See In re China Peak Resort, 847 F.2d 570, 571 (CA9 1988). The sale was consummated...7 KB (1,133 words) - 20:36, 22 December 2017
- with samp les and blanks (steps 10 and 11). c. Prepare calibration graph (peak area vs. µg p-CBT F). 9. Dete rm ine the desorption efficiency (DE) at least...482 bytes (1,383 words) - 14:36, 23 June 2016
- name and in the opinion of the writer is not the correct one. DALLAS, Polk County. Dallas is said to have been called Cynthia Ann originally. It was settled...282 bytes (17,747 words) - 23:12, 7 June 2022
- Rock, 132 Cub (Palmer) Peak, 470 Currey (Hershal), 298 Currey, Camp, 90 Cuttingsville (Union Mills), 617 Cynthia Ann (Dallas), 171 Cableville (Cable...246 bytes (4,430 words) - 21:09, 7 June 2022
- spreading old trees at the corner where the road turns away from Salem into Dallas. Few know that belated passersby have been cheered by lights in those tall...288 bytes (6,787 words) - 19:06, 17 December 2019
- Peak (14,342); in Pitkin county, Grizzly Peak (13,956, Hayden); in Lake county, Elbert Peak (14,421), and Massive mountain (14,424), the highest peak...551 bytes (9,579 words) - 12:32, 24 May 2022
- Klamath Indian name , Yonna Valley . See under that name . DALLAS , Polk County . Dallas is said to have been originally called Cynthia Ann . It was...114 KB (19,739 words) - 19:29, 1 February 2023
- insurance. By Earl Golz. (In Ihe Dallas morning news, Jan. 8, 1977, p- 1A) Appl. au; Ihe Dallas Horning News. 6 The Dallas Horning News; 8Jan77; BB53202...425 bytes (50,496 words) - 15:23, 21 February 2024
- Peak 8,938 feet Siskiyou Peak 7,662 feet Sterling Peak 7,377 feet Sugar Loaf 8,415 feet Thielsen, Mt 9,250 feet Three Sisters 10,250 feet Union Peak 7...349 bytes (3,893 words) - 04:07, 30 January 2023
- The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero)/Poetry/Volume 2/Childe Harold's Pilgrimage/Canto Ivein, were suppressed at the instance of Dallas, or Murray, or Gifford. From a passage in a letter to Dallas (August 21, 1811), it appears that Byron...460 bytes (21,653 words) - 23:00, 13 May 2013
- by Charles Henry Dallas 4388048Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, Volume 3—Part 2 — Notes collected in the Okitama KenCharles Henry Dallas NOTES COLLECTED...645 bytes (6,034 words) - 19:31, 31 December 2023
- (04/06/84) INDIANA, Vanderburgh County, Evansville, Conner’s Bookstore (Dallas Music) (Downtown Evansville MRA), 611—613 Main St. (04/06/84) INDIANA, Vanderburgh...672 bytes (1,438 words) - 14:41, 21 February 2024
- literary friends.' Byron so resented the refusal that when making R. C. Dallas [q. v.] a present of 'Childe Harold.' he stipulated that it should not be...310 bytes (1,985 words) - 06:47, 28 December 2020
- Palmer Peak, elevation about 4700 feet. The creek was named for one Palmer, an early-day miner who was the first to discover gold on the stream. The peak was...282 bytes (20,374 words) - 04:59, 4 June 2022
- and Bob Stacey[?], and Mr. Alexander, the Assistant District Attorney at Dallas. We asked them to all come up, and they did on Friday. At that time they...114 KB (20,859 words) - 08:31, 23 January 2022
- barren ridges inclosing broad and arid valleys. The highest point is Baldy Peak, with an altitude of 8382 feet. AREA AND POPULATION OF TEXAS BY COUNTIES...538 bytes (8,262 words) - 04:28, 12 January 2022
- its present location. It was established about 1878. Macduff Peak, Lane County. This peak lies in the Cascade Range about four miles airline south of...282 bytes (34,260 words) - 23:45, 26 May 2022
- Characterization," presented at the American Industrial Hygiene Conference, Dallas, TX (May 20, 1986). Carson, K. A. "Isocyanate Monitoring Using...482 bytes (2,238 words) - 14:42, 23 June 2016
- not to Edleston, as Dallas might have guessed, and as Wright (see Poetical Works, 1891, p. 17) believed. Again, in a letter to Dallas, dated October 31...376 bytes (32,320 words) - 17:49, 31 January 2014