[edit | edit source]III | This is a Category III Language. |
Front Matter
[edit | edit source]Alphabet and Pronunciation (ﺍﻟﻬﺠﺎﺋﻴﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﻨﻄﻖ)
[edit | edit source]Lessons الدروس
[edit | edit source]- Parts of speech (أَقسَامُ اَلكَلِمِ)
- The definite article
- Feminine and masculine nouns (اَلأَسمَاءُ اَلمُؤَنَّثَةُ وَاَلمُذَكَّرَةُ)
- Arabic numbers
- Here and there (هنا وهنالك)
- Available (موجود)
- Existence - وجود
- There is هناك
- Describing - وصف
- Pointing
- Relations - علاقات
- Pointing and describing
- Pronouns - ضمائر
- Possessive Pronouns - ضمائر الملكية
- Possession
- Review Exercises - تمارين المراجعة
- Appendix A: Common phrases - ملحق أ:العبارات المشتركة
- Appendix B: Common phrases - ملحق ب:العبارات المشتركة
- Time and place (ظرف المكان و ظرف الزََّمان)
Text-Study Section قسم دراسة النّص
[edit | edit source]Misc. إلخ
[edit | edit source]- Formal Arabic
- Progress report
- Vocabulary and Phrase Appendix
- Archived Lessons!
- Troubleshooting
- External Resources
To Integrate
[edit | edit source]The following pages need to be properly integrated into the book—many are redundant or contain information out of the teaching order above.