[edit]From šo (“this[acc.]”) + rudeni (“autumn[acc.]”).
- this autumn, this fall (during the current autumn, fall)
- šoruden laba raža ― this fall the harvest (is) good
- šoruden sākšu mācīties institūtā ― this fall I will begin studying at the institute
- šoruden viņš ceļā uz skolu ņems līdzi arī mazo māsu ― this fall he will take also (his) little sister along to school
- naktis soruden tumšas un slapjas ― the nights this fall (are) dark and wet
- viņš dzīvo rūpnīcas trīsstāvu ēkā, kuru šoruden uzbūvēja ― he lives in a three-storey factory building that had been built this fall