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Borrowed from Latin -ītēs, from Ancient Greek -ῑ́της (-ī́tēs).






  1. -ite forms nouns denoting followers or adherents of a specified person, idea, doctrine, movement, etc.
    islam (Islam) + ‎-ita → ‎islamita (Muslim)
  2. -ite forms demonyms
    Vietnam (Vietnam) + ‎-ita → ‎vietnamita (Vietnamese)
  3. -ite forms rocks, minerals, or fossils
    quars (quartz) + ‎-ita → ‎quarsita (quartzite)

Derived terms


Further reading







  1. See -it-



Etymology 1


From Proto-Finnic *-it'ak, from Proto-Uralic *-ńće-, *-nśe- (probably akin to the diminutive ending -ise-). The original stem before preceding endings other than original *-et-, is *-icc- (e.g. *valic'en, *valiccepi, but *valit'ak). However, potential forms were replaced with ones in -nn- by semi-regular sound changes, intensified by degemination of -cc- to -c- and later assimilation to -n- (cf. *saictak → potential *sainni).



-ita (front vowel harmony variant -itä, stem -itse-, linguistic notation -itse- or -itA)

  1. Forms instrumental verbs from nouns.
    naula (nail) + ‎-ita → ‎naulita (to nail down)
    lääke (medicine) + ‎-ita → ‎lääkitä (to medicate)
  2. Forms some verbs indicating acting in a capacity or a profession.
    tulkki (interpreter) + ‎-ita → ‎tulkita (to interpret)
  3. Forms various other verbs from nouns or adjectives.
    tarve (need) + ‎-ita → ‎tarvita (to need)
    villi (wild) + ‎-ita → ‎villitä (to drive wild)
Usage notes
  • Verbs with this suffix show the weak grade of consonant gradation in the stem, where applicable.
  • In many cases, derived verbs exist alongside verbs ending in -ia or -(o)ta, e.g. himoita (to lust) beside himota from himo (lust), archaic leikitä (to play) beside leikkiä from leikki (play). It is unclear if these instances are derived directly from the base nouns or as pleonastic derivatives from the shorter verbs.[1]
Inflection of -ita (Kotus type 69/valita, no gradation)
indicative mood
present tense perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -itsen en -itse 1st sing. olen -innut en ole -innut
2nd sing. -itset et -itse 2nd sing. olet -innut et ole -innut
3rd sing. -itsee ei -itse 3rd sing. on -innut ei ole -innut
1st plur. -itsemme emme -itse 1st plur. olemme -inneet emme ole -inneet
2nd plur. -itsette ette -itse 2nd plur. olette -inneet ette ole -inneet
3rd plur. -itsevat eivät -itse 3rd plur. ovat -inneet eivät ole -inneet
passive -itaan ei -ita passive on -ittu ei ole -ittu
past tense pluperfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -itsin en -innut 1st sing. olin -innut en ollut -innut
2nd sing. -itsit et -innut 2nd sing. olit -innut et ollut -innut
3rd sing. -itsi ei -innut 3rd sing. oli -innut ei ollut -innut
1st plur. -itsimme emme -inneet 1st plur. olimme -inneet emme olleet -inneet
2nd plur. -itsitte ette -inneet 2nd plur. olitte -inneet ette olleet -inneet
3rd plur. -itsivat eivät -inneet 3rd plur. olivat -inneet eivät olleet -inneet
passive -ittiin ei -ittu passive oli -ittu ei ollut -ittu
conditional mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -itsisin en -itsisi 1st sing. olisin -innut en olisi -innut
2nd sing. -itsisit et -itsisi 2nd sing. olisit -innut et olisi -innut
3rd sing. -itsisi ei -itsisi 3rd sing. olisi -innut ei olisi -innut
1st plur. -itsisimme emme -itsisi 1st plur. olisimme -inneet emme olisi -inneet
2nd plur. -itsisitte ette -itsisi 2nd plur. olisitte -inneet ette olisi -inneet
3rd plur. -itsisivat eivät -itsisi 3rd plur. olisivat -inneet eivät olisi -inneet
passive -ittaisiin ei -ittaisi passive olisi -ittu ei olisi -ittu
imperative mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. 1st sing.
2nd sing. -itse älä -itse 2nd sing.
3rd sing. -itkoon älköön -itko 3rd sing. olkoon -innut älköön olko -innut
1st plur. -itkaamme älkäämme -itko 1st plur.
2nd plur. -itkaa älkää -itko 2nd plur.
3rd plur. -itkoot älkööt -itko 3rd plur. olkoot -inneet älkööt olko -inneet
passive -ittakoon älköön -ittako passive olkoon -ittu älköön olko -ittu
potential mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -innen en -inne 1st sing. lienen -innut en liene -innut
2nd sing. -innet et -inne 2nd sing. lienet -innut et liene -innut
3rd sing. -innee ei -inne 3rd sing. lienee -innut ei liene -innut
1st plur. -innemme emme -inne 1st plur. lienemme -inneet emme liene -inneet
2nd plur. -innette ette -inne 2nd plur. lienette -inneet ette liene -inneet
3rd plur. -innevat eivät -inne 3rd plur. lienevät -inneet eivät liene -inneet
passive -ittaneen ei -ittane passive lienee -ittu ei liene -ittu
Nominal forms
infinitives participles
active passive active passive
1st -ita present -itseva -ittava
long 1st1
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st -itakseni -itaksemme
2nd -itaksesi -itaksenne
3rd -itakseen
past -innut -ittu
2nd inessive2 -itessa -ittaessa agent4 -itsema
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st -itessani -itessamme
2nd -itessasi -itessanne
3rd -itessaan
negative -itsematon
instructive -iten 1) Used only with a possessive suffix.

2) Usually with a possessive suffix (active only).
3) Some uses of the verbal noun are called the 'fourth infinitive' by certain sources (more details).
4) Usually with a possessive suffix. Not used with intransitive verbs. Distinct from nouns with the -ma suffix and third infinitive forms.

3rd inessive -itsemassa
elative -itsemasta
illative -itsemaan
adessive -itsemalla
abessive -itsematta
instructive -itseman -ittaman
4th3 verbal noun -itseminen
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st -itsemaisillani -itsemaisillamme
2nd -itsemaisillasi -itsemaisillanne
3rd -itsemaisillaan
  • (act in a profession): -oida
Derived terms

Etymology 2


From Proto-Finnic *-it'ak. Roughly equivalent to -i- + -ta; compare -ittaa.



-ita (front vowel harmony variant -itä, stem -ia-, linguistic notation -iA- or -itA)

  1. Alternative form of -ta (translative/reflexive verb suffix)
Inflection of -ita (Kotus type 75/selvitä, no gradation)
indicative mood
present tense perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -ian en -ia 1st sing. olen -innut en ole -innut
2nd sing. -iat et -ia 2nd sing. olet -innut et ole -innut
3rd sing. -iaa ei -ia 3rd sing. on -innut ei ole -innut
1st plur. -iamme emme -ia 1st plur. olemme -inneet emme ole -inneet
2nd plur. -iatte ette -ia 2nd plur. olette -inneet ette ole -inneet
3rd plur. -iavat eivät -ia 3rd plur. ovat -inneet eivät ole -inneet
passive -itaan ei -ita passive on -ittu ei ole -ittu
past tense pluperfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -isin en -innut 1st sing. olin -innut en ollut -innut
2nd sing. -isit et -innut 2nd sing. olit -innut et ollut -innut
3rd sing. -isi ei -innut 3rd sing. oli -innut ei ollut -innut
1st plur. -isimme emme -inneet 1st plur. olimme -inneet emme olleet -inneet
2nd plur. -isitte ette -inneet 2nd plur. olitte -inneet ette olleet -inneet
3rd plur. -isivat eivät -inneet 3rd plur. olivat -inneet eivät olleet -inneet
passive -ittiin ei -ittu passive oli -ittu ei ollut -ittu
conditional mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -iaisin en -iaisi 1st sing. olisin -innut en olisi -innut
2nd sing. -iaisit et -iaisi 2nd sing. olisit -innut et olisi -innut
3rd sing. -iaisi ei -iaisi 3rd sing. olisi -innut ei olisi -innut
1st plur. -iaisimme emme -iaisi 1st plur. olisimme -inneet emme olisi -inneet
2nd plur. -iaisitte ette -iaisi 2nd plur. olisitte -inneet ette olisi -inneet
3rd plur. -iaisivat eivät -iaisi 3rd plur. olisivat -inneet eivät olisi -inneet
passive -ittaisiin ei -ittaisi passive olisi -ittu ei olisi -ittu
imperative mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. 1st sing.
2nd sing. -ia älä -ia 2nd sing.
3rd sing. -itkoon älköön -itko 3rd sing. olkoon -innut älköön olko -innut
1st plur. -itkaamme älkäämme -itko 1st plur.
2nd plur. -itkaa älkää -itko 2nd plur.
3rd plur. -itkoot älkööt -itko 3rd plur. olkoot -inneet älkööt olko -inneet
passive -ittakoon älköön -ittako passive olkoon -ittu älköön olko -ittu
potential mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -innen en -inne 1st sing. lienen -innut en liene -innut
2nd sing. -innet et -inne 2nd sing. lienet -innut et liene -innut
3rd sing. -innee ei -inne 3rd sing. lienee -innut ei liene -innut
1st plur. -innemme emme -inne 1st plur. lienemme -inneet emme liene -inneet
2nd plur. -innette ette -inne 2nd plur. lienette -inneet ette liene -inneet
3rd plur. -innevat eivät -inne 3rd plur. lienevät -inneet eivät liene -inneet
passive -ittaneen ei -ittane passive lienee -ittu ei liene -ittu
Nominal forms
infinitives participles
active passive active passive
1st -ita present -iava -ittava
long 1st1
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st -itakseni -itaksemme
2nd -itaksesi -itaksenne
3rd -itakseen
past -innut -ittu
2nd inessive2 -itessa -ittaessa agent4 -iama
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st -itessani -itessamme
2nd -itessasi -itessanne
3rd -itessaan
negative -iamaton
instructive -iten 1) Used only with a possessive suffix.

2) Usually with a possessive suffix (active only).
3) Some uses of the verbal noun are called the 'fourth infinitive' by certain sources (more details).
4) Usually with a possessive suffix. Not used with intransitive verbs. Distinct from nouns with the -ma suffix and third infinitive forms.

3rd inessive -iamassa
elative -iamasta
illative -iamaan
adessive -iamalla
abessive -iamatta
instructive -iaman -ittaman
4th3 verbal noun -iaminen
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st -iamaisillani -iamaisillamme
2nd -iamaisillasi -iamaisillanne
3rd -iamaisillaan
Derived terms

Etymology 3




-ita (front vowel harmony variant -itä, stem -i-, linguistic notation -i- or -itA) (dialectal)

  1. (Eastern Finnish) Alternative form of -ida
Usage notes

See Appendix:Eastern Finnish reflexive verbs.


See Appendix:Eastern Finnish reflexive verbs.


  1. ^ Hakulinen, Lauri. 1941–2000. Suomen kielen rakenne ja kehitys ('The Structure and Development of the Finnish Language'). Helsinki: Otava/Helsingin yliopisto.







Borrowed from Spanish -ita, influenced by wanita (woman).






  1. used to form some female names
    puspa (flower) + ‎-ita → ‎Puspita





Borrowed from English -ite, French -ite, Italian -ita, Portuguese -ita/Spanish -ita, all ultimately from Latin -īta, , from Ancient Greek -ίτης (-ítēs).




The template Template:ia-suffix does not use the parameter(s):
Please see Module:checkparams for help with this warning.


  1. forms nouns from nouns, denoting a native, citizen or inhabitant; -ite
    Synonyms: -ana, -ano, -ese
    Neapole (Naples) + ‎-ita → ‎neapolita (neaplitan)
    Israel (Israel) + ‎-ita → ‎israelita (Israelite, Israeli)
    Moscova (Moscow) + ‎-ita → ‎moscovita (Muscovite)
  2. forms nouns from nouns, denoting an member or adherent; -ite
    Synonyms: -ana, -ano, -ista
    Jacobo (James) + ‎-ita → ‎jacobita (Jacobite)
    Thatcher (Thatcher) + ‎-ita → ‎thatcherita (thatcherite)

Usage notes

  • Despite ending in a, this suffix is used for both females and males.
  • This suffix is not to be confused with -ite (rock, mineral).

Derived terms

Category Interlingua terms suffixed with -ita not found





Etymology 1



  • IPA(key): /ˈi.ta/
  • Rhymes: -ita
  • Hyphenation: -ì‧ta



-ita f (non-lemma form of past participle-forming suffix)

  1. feminine singular of -ito; forms the feminine singular past participle of regular -ire verbs
    colpire (to hit, to strike) + ‎-ita → ‎colpita (hit, struck)

Etymology 2


Nominalization of the past participle form of Etymology 1.


  • IPA(key): /ˈi.ta/
  • Rhymes: -ita
  • Hyphenation: -ì‧ta



-ita f (noun-forming suffix, plural -ite)

  1. used to form verbal nouns, derived from regular -ire verbs, expressing an instance of the action expressed by the verb; -th, -ness, -hood
    dormire (to sleep) + ‎-ita → ‎dormita (nap, sleep, noun)
    uscire (to go out, exit) + ‎-ita → ‎uscita (exit, noun)

Etymology 3


Learned variant of the suffix in Etymology 2, added especially to -ere verbs, with antepenultimate stress in imitation of Latin past participles such as habĭtus from habēre (to have).


  • IPA(key): /i.ta/ (stress falls on the preceding syllable)
  • Hyphenation: -i‧ta



-ita f (noun-forming suffix, plural -ite)

  1. used to form verbal nouns, especially from -ere verbs; -th, -ness, -hood
    crescere (to grow) + ‎-ita → ‎crescita (growth)
    nascere (to be born) + ‎-ita → ‎nascita (birth)

Etymology 4


Borrowed from Latin -īta, from Ancient Greek -ίτης (-ítēs).[1]


  • IPA(key): /ˈi.ta/
  • Rhymes: -ita
  • Hyphenation: -ì‧ta



-ita (adjective-forming suffix, masculine plural -iti, feminine plural -ite)
-ita m or f by sense (noun-forming suffix, masculine plural -iti, feminine plural -ite)

  1. used to create adjectives and nouns that indicate "belonging to"; -ite
    Gesù (Jesus) + ‎-ita → ‎gesuita (Jesuit)
    Vietnam + ‎-ita → ‎vietnamita (Vietnamese)

Derived terms



  1. ^ “-ita” in: Alberto Nocentini, Alessandro Parenti, “l'Etimologico — Vocabolario della lingua italiana”, Le Monnier, 2010, →ISBN








  1. nominative/accusative/vocative plural of -ītus





Learned borrowing from Latin -īta.


  • IPA(key): /ˈi.ta/
  • Rhymes: -ita
  • Syllabification: [please specify syllabification manually]



-ita m pers

  1. used to form nouns denoting followers or adherents of a specified person, idea, doctrine, movement, etc.; -ite
    Abraham + ‎-ita → ‎Abrahamita
  2. -ite used to form demonyms; -ite
    Lech + ‎-ita → ‎Lechita



Derived terms






Etymology 1


Borrowed from Latin -īta, from Ancient Greek -ίτης (-ítēs).



-ita m or f by sense (noun-forming suffix, plural -itas)
-ita m or f (adjective-forming suffix, plural -itas)

  1. -ite (a follower or adherent of a given person or thing)
  2. -ite (a descendant of a given historical person)
  3. -ite (forms the names of natives of a given place, and adjectives referring to the place)
    Synonyms: -ês, -ense, -eiro, -ota

Etymology 2




-ita f (noun-forming suffix, plural -itas)

  1. (geology) -ite (forms the names of rocks and minerals)
    Synonyms: -ite, -ito

Derived terms


Etymology 3




-ita f

  1. feminine of -ito



Etymology 1




-ita f (noun-forming suffix, plural -itas, masculine -ito, masculine plural -itos)

  1. a suffix indicating a diminutive; female equivalent of -ito
Usage notes
  • The diminutive -ita may be used on masculine nouns ending in -a, and -ito may be used on feminine nouns ending in -o. If the noun ends in -e, -n, or -r, add -cita. If the last consonant is t, add -ica.

Etymology 2




-ita m or f (adjective-forming suffix, masculine and feminine plural -itas)
-ita m or f by sense (noun-forming suffix, plural -itas)

  1. -ite (forms demonyms)
    Vietnam (Vietnam) + ‎-ita → ‎vietnamita (Vietnamese)
Usage notes
  • The suffix corresponding to -ite denotes persons of both genders: un israelita.

Etymology 3




-ita f (noun-forming suffix, plural -itas)

  1. -ite (suffix for a rock, mineral, or fossil)
    cuarzo (quartz) + ‎-ita → ‎cuarcita (quartzite)

Derived terms


Further reading






Borrowed from Spanish -ita.





-ita (noun-forming suffix, proper noun-forming suffix, Baybayin spelling ᜒᜆ)

  1. female equivalent of -ito: used to form diminutives of feminine nouns and female names (in specific words)

Derived terms


See also
