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See also: rits


Rīta debesis



From the same stem as the verb ritēt (to roll; to flow; to go by): Proto-Baltic *rīt-, from Proto-Indo-European *h₃reyH- (to flow) with an extra -t (from the same stem, with an extra -s instead, Old English risan, English rise; from the meaning “to flow,” Latin rīvus “river”). The meaning probably went from “to flow, to pass” to “morning” via the idea of the time when the day starts to flow, to pass (or maybe the idea of the sun beginning to pass, to go by, to “flow”, on the sky). Cognates include Lithuanian rýtas.[1]


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rīts m (1st declension)

  1. morning (time of day, roughly around sunrise; also, the time period from sunrise to noon)
    rīta debesismorning sky
    tumšs rītsdark morning
    agrs rītsearly morning
    rīta krēslamorning twilight
    rīta rasamorning dew
    rīta cēliensmorning period, time
    rīta zvaigznemorning star (= Venus)
    no rīta līdz vakaramfrom morning till night
    uz rīta pusi(going) toward morning
    rīta putnsmorning bird (= a person who wakes up early)
    rīta tualetemorning washing (i.e., the act washing and brushing one's teeth in the morning)
    silts, mīlīgs rīts ausa augusta sākumā... saule vēl nebija lēkusi, jo gaismiņa tikko sāka svīsta warm, gentle morning dawned in early August... the sun had not yet risen, because the (early) light had just begun to appear
    tonakt man slikti nāca miegs... aizmigu tikai pret rīta pusithat night I had trouble sleeping... I fell asleep only (when it was going) towards morning
  2. (in the genitive, used adjectivally) morning
    rīta kurpes, rītakurpesslippers (lit. morning shoes)
    rīta svārki, rītasvārkigown, bathrobe (lit. morning coat)
    Edīte izraušas no gultas un apvilka rīta svārkusEdīte scrambled out of bed and put on her dressing gown
  3. (figuratively) morning, dawn (the beginning or early phase of something)
    dzīves rītsthe morning (= first phase) of life
    jaunība ir dzīves rīts; tas ir laiks, kad cilvēks veidojas kā personībayouth is the morning of life; that is the time when someone forms him/herself as a person

Usage notes


Rīt is an adverb, meaning “tomorrow,” whereas rītdiena is a noun, meaning “(the day of) tomorrow.” Rīts, on the other hand, is a noun, meaning “morning.” The corresponding locative rītā can mean both “in the morning” (more frequently: no rīta) and “tomorrow” (more frequently: rīt).



Derived terms


See also



  1. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “rīts”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca[1] (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN