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Vietnamese Wikipedia has an article on:
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Etymology 1




(classifier con) muỗm

  1. katydid, bush-cricket
    Synonyms: muồm muỗm, bọ muỗm, giọt sành, vạc sành
    • 2017, H.T., "Thềm nhà có nắng (The Veranda's Floor with Sunshine)", Báo Giao Thông (Transportation and Traffic Newspaper)
      Cánh đồng cả tuổi thơ cô in hằn biết bao kỷ niệm, từ những ngày mùa gặt theo chân mẹ ra đồng bắt những con muỗm béo ngậy nướng ăn, chờ những đống lúa tuốt xong là nhảy lên đống rơm mới thơm nức lăn lộn cùng lũ trẻ.
      The fields of her whole childhood were deeply imprinted with, who knows, how many memories: from those days in harvest times when she followed her mother's footsteps out into those fields to catch, roast, and eat plump, fatty bush-crickets; when she waited for the exact moment when the freshly-threshed rice-stalks had just been turned into heaps of fragrant straws for her to jump on and roll in along with other children.

Etymology 2




(classifier cây, trái, quả) muỗm ()

  1. Mangifera foetida, a species of flowering plants in the Mangifera (mango genus).
    Synonym: xoài hôi
    • “Cây Muỗm (The Horse Mango Tree)”, sung to the tune of ស្វាយចន្ទី (ʼaô svaay cantii), 1997 performance by Trúc Linh
      Trông lên trên cây muỗm xanh um tùm quả sai trên đó.
      Ngày mai vui tươi tôi rủ bạn tôi tới cây nô đùa.
      Tôi lên trên cây hái nhanh cho nhiều quả tặng người đây.
      Bạn ăn mê say riêng loại quả ngon muỗm sai nơi này.
      I look up at the lush green horse mango tree abounding with fruits.
      On the joyful morrow, I'll invite my friends to come and play underneath it.
      I'll climb up that tree to quickly pluck its many fruits as gifts for them.
      My friends will enjoy eating plenty of tasty horse mangoes only here.

Etymology 3


Most likely from muỗng, with progressive nasal assimilation /m-ŋ/ > /m-m/.



(classifier cái) muỗm

  1. (certain dialects of Northern Vietnam) spoon