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Definitions added

  1. cimmerianize / cimmerianizing / cimmerianized / cimmerianizes
  2. cimmerianism
  3. Master of the Universe / Masters of the Universe
  4. Swatis
  5. trepidatory
  6. endorsation / endorsations
  7. indorsation / indorsations
  8. Tylerism / Tylerize
  9. muscine
  10. joculatrix / joculatrices
  11. actifan / actifans / actifen
  12. trufan
  13. passifan / passifans / passifen
  14. femme fan / femme fans / femme fen
  15. femfan / femfans / femfen
  16. femmefan / femmefans / femmefen
  17. stf
  18. scientifictional
  19. stfnal
  20. stfan / stfans / stfen
  21. stfcon / stfcons
  22. science fictional
  23. sfnal
  24. pressor beam / pressor beams
  25. presser beam / presser beams
  26. repulsor beam / repulsor beams
  27. stfdom / stfdoms
  28. stfandom / stfandoms
  29. stfantasy / stfantasies
  30. stfilm / stfilms
  31. energy weapon / energy weapons
  32. ray guns
  33. gafia
  34. gafiation / gafiations
  35. FAFIA / fafia
  36. fafiate / fafiates / fafiating / fafiated
  37. fafiation / fafiations
  38. fans are slans
  39. stfzine / stfzines
  40. stfnist / stfnists
  41. stfield / stfields
  42. stfanzine / stfanzines
  43. stfsy
  44. SMOF / SMOFs
  45. smof / smofs / smoffed
  46. FIAWOL
  47. FIJAGH
  48. faan / faans / faaan / faaans
  49. faanish / faaanish
  50. faanishness
  51. faan fiction / faan fictions
  52. neofan / neofans / neofen
  53. fakefan / fakefans / fakefen
  54. sercon / sercons
  55. goshwow
  56. Bim, BEM, Bum
  57. Solarians
  58. Selenites
  59. Belter / Belters
  60. egoboo
  61. SF/F/H
  62. live at Her Majesty's pleasure / lives... / living... / lived...
  63. Tellurian / Tellurians
  64. Terrestrian / Terrestrians
  65. Terrestrial / Terrestrials
  66. Earthie / Earthies
  67. Earthgirl / Earthgirls
  68. annish / annishes
  69. thish
  70. nextish
  71. yed / yeds
  72. ishes
  73. fugghead / fuggheads
  74. fuggheaded
  75. fuggheadedness
  76. filksing / filksings
  77. croggle / croggles / croggling / croggled
  78. WKF / WKFs
  79. becroggle / becroggles / becroggling / becroggled
  80. bheer / bheers
  81. ghood
  82. ghod / ghods
  83. Ghu / GhuGhu
  84. letter column / letter columns
  85. lettercol / lettercols
  86. letterhack / letterhacks / letterhacking / letterhacked
  87. -iz-
  88. hizouse / hizouses
  89. dizamn
  90. completism
  91. bacover / bacovers
  92. baquote / baquotes
  93. corflu
  94. skiffy
  95. egoscan / egoscans / egoscanning / egoscanned
  96. goshwowboyoboy
  97. eyetracks
  98. loccer / loccers
  99. LoC
  100. letter of comment / letters of comment
  101. yeg / yegs
  102. crudzine / crudzines
  103. faned / faneds
  104. letterzine / letterzines
  105. graser / grasers
  106. crifanac
  107. fringefan / fringefans / fringefen
  108. mediafan / mediafans / mediafen
  109. confan / confans / confen
  110. zinefan / zinefans / zinefen
  111. litfan / litfans / litfen
  112. faunch / faunches / faunching / faunched
  113. fawnch / fawnches / fawnching / fawnched
  114. fauch / fauches / fauching / fauched
  115. Eofandom
  116. scooby / scoobies
  117. scientibook / scientibooks
  118. scientifilm / scientifilms
  119. relaxacon / relaxacons
  120. fmz
  121. fanmag / fanmags
  122. congoer / congoers
  123. conreport / conreports
  124. conrunner / conrunners
  125. concrud
  126. relaxicon / relaxicons
  127. fanficcer / fanficcers
  128. stovec / stovecs
  129. fannishness
  130. unfannish
  131. mundania
  132. promag / promags
  133. subculturalist / subculturalists
  134. guests of honour
  135. unfannishness
  136. degafiate / degafiates / degafiating / degafiated
  137. ungafiate / ungafiates / ungafiating / ungafiated
  138. tanstaafl
  139. GoH / GoHs
  140. GOH / GOHs
  141. ay up me duck
  142. babber / babbers
  143. macky
  144. gert lush
  145. proper job
  146. stefnist / stefnists
  147. scientifictionist / scientifictionists
  148. amateur press association / amateur press associations
  149. apazine / apazines
  150. on the gripping hand
  151. win one for the Gipper / wins... / winning... / won...
  152. crogglement
  153. alright me babber (alright my babber)
  154. Brizzle
  155. alright me lover (alright my lover)
  1. ark at ee
  2. how bist
  3. gonking / gonked
  4. apahack / apahacks / apahacking / apahacked
  5. concom / concoms
  6. fake fan / fake fans / fake fen
  7. fake-fan / fake-fans / fake-fen
  8. genzine / genzines
  9. spanwanned
  10. oo arr / oh ar
  11. eofan / eofans / eofen
  12. scienticomic / scienticomics
  13. scientificomic / scientificomics
  14. grotch / grotches / grotching / grotched
  15. bosts / bosting / bosted
  16. personalzine / personalzines
  17. minac / minacs / minacking / minacked
  18. surry
  19. surrie
  20. crottled greep / crottled greeps
  21. zero-gee
  22. jacks in / jacking in / jacked in
  23. blastor / blastors
  24. coencentric
  25. conks out / conking out / conked out
  26. konks out / konking out / konked out
  27. Foo / FooFoo
  28. gugel / gugels
  29. shabash
  30. pillionwise
  31. galactography / galactographies
  32. galactographer / galactographers
  33. science-fictioneer / science-fictioneers
  34. non-mimetic fiction
  35. non-mimetic
  36. low fantasy / low fantasies
  37. high fantasies
  38. secondary world / secondary worlds
  39. primary world / primary worlds
  40. Doylist
  41. hypodiegetic
  42. metadiegetic
  43. jack-in-office / jacks-in-office
  44. faceless bureaucrat / faceless bureaucrats
  45. keeps one's pecker up / keeping... / kept...
  46. geeks out / geeking out
  47. politically corrects / politically correcting / politically corrected
  48. Homo superior / Homo superiors
  49. Homo Superior / Homo Superiors
  50. Homo superioris
  51. cock on / cock-on
  52. imaginative fiction
  53. scampsman / scampsmen
  54. hired guns
  55. swack up / swacks up / swacking up / swacked up
  56. swack-up / swack-ups
  57. swacks / swacker / swackest
  58. goes the distance / going... / went... / gone...
  59. takes a dive / taking a dive / took a dive / taken a dive
  60. take the count / takes... / taking... / took... / taken...
  61. babs / babbing / babbed
  62. keep cave / keeps cave / keeping cave / kept cave
  63. heretoch / heretochs
  64. trithing-reeve / trithing-reeves
  65. neife / neifes
  66. skettle
  67. pan-yard / pan-yards
  68. top piece / top pieces
  69. abandannaad / abandannaads
  70. abandannad / abandannads
  71. croziered abbot / croziered abbots
  72. abbot on the cross / abbots on the cross
  73. befangs / befanging / befanged
  74. arvil / arvils
  75. arfal / arfals
  76. arvill / arvills
  77. arvall / arvalls
  78. arvell / arvells
  79. averill / averills
  80. froad / froads / froading / froadin / froadt
  81. froods / froodin / froodt
  82. froeds / froedin / froedt
  83. frommarding
  84. buzgut / buzguts
  85. Abbot's Priory
  86. abandoned habits
  87. abacter / abacters
  88. Covent Garden abbess / Covent Garden abbesses
  89. Covent Garden ague / Covent Garden agues
  90. Covent Garden nun / Covent Garden nuns
  91. Covent Gardens
  92. abelwhackets
  93. ablewhackets
  94. ablewackets
  95. about east
  96. Aberdeen cutlet / Aberdeen cutlets
  97. abishag / abishags
  98. pick-purse / pick-purses
  99. abscotchalater / abscotchalaters
  100. abraham grains
  101. Abraham Newland / Abraham Newlands
  102. Abram coves
  103. Abraham-cove / Abraham-coves
  104. Abraham cove / Abraham coves
  105. Abram-cove / Abram-coves
  106. do Abram / does Abram / doing Abram / done Abram
  107. shams Abraham / shamming Abraham / shammed Abraham
  108. shams Abram / shamming Abram / shammed Abram
  109. pull a sickie / pulls a sickie / pulling a sickie / pulled a sickie
  110. Abraham sham / Abraham shams
  111. Abram sham / Abram shams
  112. Abraham suit
  113. Abraham work / Abraham works
  114. Abram work / Abram works
  115. go on the Abraham suit / goes... / going... / went... / gone...
  116. Abraham's balsam
  117. Abraham's willing / Abraham's willings
  118. autems
  119. autem cove / autem coves
  120. autem morts
  121. autom / automs
  122. autums
  123. autum cove / autum coves
  124. autom cove / autom coves
  125. autum mort / autum morts
  126. autom mort / autom morts
  127. autem bawlers
  128. bousing ken / bousing kens
  129. do gooseberry / does... / doing... / did... / done...
  130. plays gooseberry / playing gooseberry / played gooseberry
  131. Old Gooseberry
  132. play Old Gooseberry / plays... / playing... / played...
  133. play up Old Gooseberry / plays... / playing... / played...
  134. gooseberry-eyed
  135. gooseberry-grinder / gooseberry-grinders
  136. gooseberry lay / gooseberry lays
  137. gooseberry season / gooseberry seasons
  138. gooseberry tart / gooseberry tarts
  139. gooseberry-picker / gooseberry-pickers
  140. gooseberry pudding / gooseberry puddings
  141. gooseberry wig / gooseberry wigs
  142. pick gooseberry / picks... / picking... / picked...
  143. autem cackle tub / autem cackle tubs
  144. autem gogler / autem goglers
  145. autem-gogler / autem-goglers
  146. autem jet / autem jets
  147. autem prickear / autem prickears
  148. autem quaver / autem quavers
  149. autem quaver tub / autem quaver tubs
  150. autem divers
  151. bowsing ken / bowsing kens
  152. bouzing-ken
  153. bowsing-ken / bowsing-kens
  154. bousing-ken / bousing-kens
  155. bouzing ken / bouzing kens
  1. abier
  2. agogare
  3. boozing ken / boozing kens
  4. boozing-ken / boozing-kens
  5. covess / covesses
  6. bene bowse
  7. dimber
  8. dimber damber / dimber dambers
  9. dimber cove / dimber coves
  10. dimber mort
  11. damber
  12. upright man / upright men
  13. fewterer / fewterers
  14. cat-stick / cat-sticks
  15. mistress-ship / mistress-ships
  16. neat-house / neat-houses
  17. -mans
  18. ruffmans
  19. ruffemans
  20. lightmans
  21. wapping dell / wapping dells
  22. wapping moll / wapping molls
  23. wapping mort / wapping morts
  24. mort wap-apace
  25. wappened
  26. wapping cove / wapping coves
  27. wapping ken / wapping kens
  28. Master John Goodfellow
  29. go on the account / goes... / going... / went... / gome...
  30. gentry mort / gentry morts
  31. larp / larps / larped
  32. my Lady / my Ladies
  33. blue lighting / blue lighted
  34. new bug / new bugs
  35. slannish
  36. slanhood
  37. big shop / big shops
  38. wisker / wiskers
  39. headfit / headfits
  40. waxes wode / waxing wode / waxed wode / wex wode / waxen wode
  41. snickelway / snickelways
  42. fantabulosa
  43. gomble / gombles
  44. degomble / degombles / degombling / degombled
  45. (sheep-biter) / sheep-biters
  46. sheep-biting
  47. hulks out / hulking out / hulked out
  48. Fulham virgin / Fulham virgins
  49. queer ken
  50. youren
  51. ȝourn
  52. ȝouren
  53. gilling
  54. nut-hook / nut-hooks
  55. Brigstow
  56. Bristole
  57. Bristou
  58. egall
  59. eye-string / eye-strings
  60. bousen
  61. gorbellied
  62. gorbelly / gorbellies
  63. gorrel-bellied
  64. bally-warche
  65. belly-wahk
  66. bally-wartch
  67. bellywarks
  68. quarroms
  69. quarromes
  70. fibbings
  71. fanling / fanlings
  72. tear-cat / tear-cats
  73. tears a cat / tearing a cat / tore a cat / torn a cat
  74. gorbuson
  75. gawvison
  76. gauvison
  77. govison
  78. gawf / gawfs
  79. occabot
  80. yennep / yenneps
  81. ooftish
  82. oof-bird / oof-birds
  83. feathered oof-bird / feathered oof-birds
  84. vadaing
  85. vada'd
  86. degan / degans
  87. gygers
  88. teep / teeps / teeping / teeped
  89. teeks / teeking / teeked
  90. bodyjack / bodyjacks / bodyjacking / bodyjacked
  91. queer kens
  92. quire ken / quire kens
  93. bona omi / bona omis
  94. cosfamous
  95. butt-load / butt-loads
  96. butt load / butt loads
  97. back slang
  98. flatch
  99. quarron
  100. raughty
  101. eslop / eslops
  102. rortiness
  103. rortyness
  104. yenom
  105. kinchin mort / kinchin morts
  106. ben mort / ben morts
  107. namous / namouses / namousing / namoused
  108. nammus / nommuses / nommusing / nommused
  109. nommus / nammuses / nammusing / nammused
  110. trosseno
  111. doogheno
  112. reeb / reebs
  113. bluers
  114. ekker
  115. ecker
  116. eccer
  117. ekkers
  118. elrig / elrigs
  119. big eye
  120. April shower / April showers
  121. gentry cove / gentry coves
  122. Jemmy-Jessamy
  123. candlewasting
  124. Saint Nicholas' clerk / Saint Nicholas' clerks
  125. chived / chiving
  126. thinking man's crumpets
  127. rides a horse foaled by an acorn / riding... / rode... / rid... / ridden...
  128. go equipped / goes... / going... / went... / gone...
  129. swag bag
  130. green army

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