Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World
Hong Kong
Top 25% authors and institutions in this region.Publications listed on RePEc from this region.
See also: China, Macao, Taiwan,
- Economics Associations and Societies
- Bank for International Settlements, Central
- Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin
- Chu Hai College, Tsuen Wan
- City University, Kowloon
- Government of Hong Kong, Central
- Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, Shatin
- Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon
- Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Central
- Hong Kong Policy Research Institute, Wanchai
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon
- Hong Kong Shue Yan University, North Point
- Hong Kong Trade and Development Council, Wanchai
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Kowloon
- Lingnan University, Tuen Mun
- Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK), Kowloon
- Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC), Central
- University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam