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All reports by Author Paul Beame:

TR24-011 | 24th January 2024
Paul Beame, Niels Kornerup

Quantum Time-Space Tradeoffs for Matrix Problems

Revisions: 1

We consider the time and space required for quantum computers to solve a wide variety of problems involving matrices, many of which have only been analyzed classically in prior work. Our main results show that for a range of linear algebra problems---including matrix-vector product, matrix inversion, matrix multiplication and powering---existing ... more >>>

TR23-005 | 13th January 2023
Paul Beame, Niels Kornerup

Cumulative Memory Lower Bounds for Randomized and Quantum Computation

Revisions: 2

Cumulative memory---the sum of space used over the steps of a computation---is a fine-grained measure of time-space complexity that is a more accurate measure of cost for algorithms with infrequent spikes in memory usage in the context of technologies such as cloud computing that allow dynamic allocation and de-allocation of ... more >>>

TR22-173 | 3rd December 2022
Paul Beame, Sajin Koroth

On Disperser/Lifting Properties of the Index and Inner-Product Functions

Revisions: 1

Query-to-communication lifting theorems, which connect the query complexity of a Boolean function to the communication complexity of an associated `lifted' function obtained by composing the function with many copies of another function known as a gadget, have been instrumental in resolving many open questions in computational complexity. Several important complexity ... more >>>

TR18-114 | 6th June 2018
Paul Beame, Shayan Oveis Gharan, Xin Yang

Time-Space Tradeoffs for Learning Finite Functions from Random Evaluations, with Applications to Polynomials

We develop an extension of recent analytic methods for obtaining time-space tradeoff lower bounds for problems of learning from uniformly random labelled examples. With our methods we can obtain bounds for learning concept classes of finite functions from random evaluations even when the sample space of random inputs can be ... more >>>

TR17-151 | 8th October 2017
Paul Beame, Noah Fleming, Russell Impagliazzo, Antonina Kolokolova, Denis Pankratov, Toniann Pitassi, Robert Robere

Stabbing Planes

Revisions: 3

We introduce and develop a new semi-algebraic proof system, called Stabbing Planes that is in the style of DPLL-based modern SAT solvers. As with DPLL, there is only one rule: the current polytope can be subdivided by
branching on an inequality and its "integer negation.'' That is, we can (nondeterministically ... more >>>

TR17-120 | 31st July 2017
Paul Beame, Shayan Oveis Gharan, Xin Yang

Time-Space Tradeoffs for Learning from Small Test Spaces: Learning Low Degree Polynomial Functions

Revisions: 1

We develop an extension of recently developed methods for obtaining time-space tradeoff lower bounds for problems of learning from random test samples to handle the situation where the space of tests is signficantly smaller than the space of inputs, a class of learning problems that is not handled by prior ... more >>>

TR13-127 | 15th September 2013
Paul Beame, Raphael Clifford, Widad Machmouchi

Element Distinctness, Frequency Moments, and Sliding Windows

We derive new time-space tradeoff lower bounds and algorithms for exactly computing statistics of input data, including frequency moments, element distinctness, and order statistics, that are simple to calculate for sorted data. In particular, we develop a randomized algorithm for the element distinctness problem whose time $T$ and space $S$ ... more >>>

TR12-178 | 18th December 2012
Paul Beame, Raphael Clifford, Widad Machmouchi

Sliding Windows With Limited Storage

Revisions: 1

We consider time-space tradeoffs for exactly computing frequency
moments and order statistics over sliding windows.
Given an input of length $2n-1$, the task is to output the function of
each window of length $n$, giving $n$ outputs in total.
Computations over sliding windows are related to direct sum problems
except ... more >>>

TR11-149 | 4th November 2011
Paul Beame, Chris Beck, Russell Impagliazzo

Time-Space Tradeoffs in Resolution: Superpolynomial Lower Bounds for Superlinear Space

We give the first time-space tradeoff lower bounds for Resolution proofs that apply to superlinear space. In particular, we show that there are formulas of size $N$ that have Resolution refutations of space and size each roughly $N^{\log_2 N}$ (and like all formulas have Resolution refutations of space $N$) for ... more >>>

TR10-104 | 29th June 2010
Paul Beame, Widad Machmouchi

Making RAMs Oblivious Requires Superlogarithmic Overhead

Revisions: 3 , Comments: 1

We prove a time-space tradeoff lower bound of $T =
\Omega\left(n\log(\frac{n}{S}) \log \log(\frac{n}{S})\right) $ for
randomized oblivious branching programs to compute $1GAP$, also
known as the pointer jumping problem, a problem for which there is a
simple deterministic time $n$ and space $O(\log n)$ RAM (random
access machine) algorithm.

In ... more >>>

TR09-072 | 3rd September 2009
Paul Beame, Trinh Huynh

Hardness Amplification in Proof Complexity

Revisions: 2 , Comments: 2

We present a generic method for converting any family of unsatisfiable CNF formulas that require large resolution rank into CNF formulas whose refutation requires large rank for proof systems that manipulate polynomials or polynomial threshold functions of degree at most $k$ (known as ${\rm Th}(k)$ proofs). Such systems include: Lovasz-Schrijver ... more >>>

TR08-082 | 11th September 2008
Paul Beame, Trinh Huynh

Multiparty Communication Complexity and Threshold Circuit Size of AC^0

Revisions: 2

We prove an n^{Omega(1)}/2^{O(k)} lower bound on the randomized k-party communication complexity of read-once depth 4 AC^0 functions in the number-on-forehead (NOF) model for O(log n) players. These are the first non-trivial lower bounds for general NOF multiparty communication complexity for any AC^0 function for omega(log log n) players. For ... more >>>

TR08-061 | 11th June 2008
Paul Beame, Trinh Huynh

Multiparty Communication Complexity of AC^0

Revisions: 1

We prove n^Omega(1) lower bounds on the multiparty communication complexity of AC^0 functions in the number-on-forehead (NOF) model for up to Theta(log n) players. These are the first lower bounds for any AC^0 function for omega(loglog n) players. In particular we show that there are families of depth 3 read-once ... more >>>

TR08-024 | 26th February 2008
Paul Beame, Trinh Huynh

On the Value of Multiple Read/Write Streams for Approximating Frequency Moments

Revisions: 2

Recently, an extension of the standard data stream model has been introduced in which an algorithm can create and manipulate multiple read/write streams in addition to its input data stream. Like the data stream model, the most important parameter for this model is the amount of internal memory used by ... more >>>

TR06-140 | 8th November 2006
Paul Beame, Russell Impagliazzo, Nathan Segerlind

Formula Caching in DPLL

We consider extensions of the DPLL approach to satisfiability testing that add a version of memoization, in which formulas that the algorithm has previously shown to be unsatisfiable are remembered for later use. Such formula caching algorithms have been suggested for satisfiability and stochastic satisfiability. We formalize these methods by ... more >>>

TR05-053 | 4th May 2005
Paul Beame, Nathan Segerlind

Lower bounds for Lovasz-Schrijver systems and beyond follow from multiparty communication complexity

We prove that an \omega(log^3 n) lower bound for the three-party number-on-the-forehead (NOF) communication complexity of the set-disjointness function implies an n^\omega(1) size lower bound for tree-like Lovasz-Schrijver systems that refute unsatisfiable CNFs. More generally, we prove that an n^\Omega(1) lower bound for the (k+1)-party NOF communication complexity of set-disjointness ... more >>>

TR04-012 | 19th December 2003
Paul Beame, Joseph Culberson, David Mitchell, Cristopher Moore

The Resolution Complexity of Random Graph $k$-Colorability

We consider the resolution proof complexity of propositional formulas which encode random instances of graph $k$-colorability. We obtain a tradeoff between the graph density and the resolution proof complexity.
For random graphs with linearly many edges we obtain linear-exponential lower bounds on the length of resolution refutations. For any $\epsilon>0$, ... more >>>

TR02-023 | 16th April 2002
Josh Buresh-Oppenheim, Paul Beame, Ran Raz, Ashish Sabharwal

Bounded-depth Frege lower bounds for weaker pigeonhole principles

Revisions: 1

We prove a quasi-polynomial lower bound on the size of bounded-depth
Frege proofs of the pigeonhole principle $PHP^{m}_n$ where
$m= (1+1/{\polylog n})n$.
This lower bound qualitatively matches the known quasi-polynomial-size
bounded-depth Frege proofs for these principles.
Our technique, which uses a switching lemma argument like other lower bounds
for ... more >>>

TR00-025 | 20th May 2000
Paul Beame, Michael Saks, Xiaodong Sun, Erik Vee

Super-linear time-space tradeoff lower bounds for randomized computation

We prove the first time-space lower bound tradeoffs for randomized
computation of decision problems. The bounds hold even in the
case that the computation is allowed to have arbitrary probability
of error on a small fraction of inputs. Our techniques are an
extension of those used by Ajtai in his ... more >>>

TR98-067 | 12th November 1998
Paul Beame

Propositional Proof Complexity: Past, Present and Future

Proof complexity, the study of the lengths of proofs in
propositional logic, is an area of study that is fundamentally connected
both to major open questions of computational complexity theory and
to practical properties of automated theorem provers. In the last
decade, there have been a number of significant advances ... more >>>

TR98-053 | 30th August 1998
Paul Beame, Michael Saks, Jayram S. Thathachar

Time-Space Tradeoffs for Branching Programs

Comments: 1

We obtain the first non-trivial time-space tradeoff lower bound for
functions f:{0,1}^n ->{0,1} on general branching programs by exhibiting a
Boolean function f that requires exponential size to be computed by any
branching program of length cn, for some constant c>1. We also give the first
separation result between the ... more >>>

TR98-028 | 28th May 1998
Paul Beame, Faith Fich

On Searching Sorted Lists: A Near-Optimal Lower Bound

We obtain improved lower bounds for a class of static and dynamic
data structure problems that includes several problems of searching
sorted lists as special cases.

These lower bounds nearly match the upper bounds given by recent
striking improvements in searching algorithms given by Fredman and
Willard's ... more >>>

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