Citations in EconPapers for
Liam Graham and Andrew Oswald,
Hedonic Capital, The Warwick Economics Research Paper Series (TWERPS), University of Warwick, Department of Economics
4 citing papers found in EconPapers
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Clark, Andrew; Paul Frijters and Michael Shields,
Income and happiness: Evidence, explanations and economic implications, Working Papers, HAL
Konow, James and Joseph Earley,
The Hedonistic Paradox: Is Homo Economicus Happier?, MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany
Konow, James and Joseph Earley,
The Hedonistic Paradox: Is homo economicus happier, Journal of Public Economics, 92, (1-2), 1-33
Senik, Claudia,
Is man doomed to progress?, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 68, (1), 140-152
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