Citations in EconPapers for
Claudius Gräbner; Philipp Heimberger; Jakob Kapeller and Florian Springholz,
Measuring Economic Openness, No 157, wiiw Working Papers, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw
2 citing papers found in EconPapers
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Nnyanzi, John Bosco; Susan Kavuma; John Sseruyange and Aisha Nanyiti,
The manufacturing output effects of infrastructure development, liberalization and governance: evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa, Economia e Politica Industriale: Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 49, (2), 369-400
Pereira, Edwina E. and Albert E. Steenge,
Vulnerability and Resilience in the Caribbean Island States; the Role of Connectivity, Networks and Spatial Economics, 22, (3), 515-540
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