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Citations in EconPapers for

Uwe Schneider and Bruce McCarl, (2003), IMPLICATIONS OF A CARBON BASED ENERGY TAX FOR U.S. AGRICULTURE, No FNU-17, Working Papers, Research unit Sustainability and Global Change, Hamburg University

5 citing papers found in EconPapers

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Link, Peter, (2003), Auswirkungen populationsdynamischer Veränderungen in Fischbeständen auf die Fischereiwirtschaft in der Barentssee, No FNU-29, Working Papers, Research unit Sustainability and Global Change, Hamburg University

Osmani, Dritan, , A note on optimal transfer schemes, stable coalition for environmental protection and joint maximization assumption, No FNU-176, Working Papers, Research unit Sustainability and Global Change, Hamburg University

Roson, Roberto and Richard Tol, (2003), AN INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT MODEL OF ECONOMY-ENERGY-CLIMATE – THE MODEL WIAGEM: A COMMENT, No FNU-26, Working Papers, Research unit Sustainability and Global Change, Hamburg University

Yetkiner, Ibrahim, (2003), IS THERE AN INDISPENSABLE ROLE FOR GOVERNMENT DURING RECOVERY FROM AN EARTHQUAKE? A THEORETICAL ELABORATION, No FNU-25, Working Papers, Research unit Sustainability and Global Change, Hamburg University

Yetkiner, Ibrahim; Albert de Vaal and Adriaan van Zon, (2003), The Cyclical Advancement of Drastic Technologies, No FNU-21, Working Papers, Research unit Sustainability and Global Change, Hamburg University

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The citation and reference data is supplied by Citations in Economics. The data is obtained through machine analysis of the full text files for papers available in EconPapers. Currently only freely available full text files are analysed and results are only included for files which could be parsed without errors.

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